dating in med school?

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Mar 21, 2003
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Does dating in med school really happen? I broke up with a serious boyfriend about a month ago and am hearing from friends that I should of stuck with him b/c it's impossible to meet anyone in med school! It seems like a lot of people go in with relationships already...what do you guys think?

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Originally posted by mirla
I broke up with a serious boyfriend about a month ago and am hearing from friends that I should of stuck with him b/c it's impossible to meet anyone in med school!

*never* a good reason to stay with someone with whom you would have otherwise broken things off.
There better be dating in med school!
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Originally posted by Bounty
There better be dating in med school!

Yeah, that's right, there better be! I'm havin' trouble findin' a mate as is :D
Originally posted by Bounty
There better be dating in med school!
wait, I thought you like them a bit younger than med school students ;)
I've heard lots about wild sex parties, but very little about actual dating amongst the class.
I wouldn't worry about it.

And I fully second GM: that's a terrible reason to be with somebody.
Originally posted by Street Philosopher
so bounty's a cradle robber eh? :D
damn, this server allows for some fast replies......

and yes, I think she is somewhat notorious for it........ :p
Originally posted by seaworthc
damn, this server allows for some fast replies......

and yes, I think she is somewhat notorious for it........ :p

hahahah now now. I have been known to go for younger men. God knows why since they are even MORE immature than the ones my age. ;) heh heh
Originally posted by Bounty
hahahah now now. I have been known to go for younger men. God knows why since they are even MORE immature than the ones my age. ;) heh heh
which is why you need to go for the older ones. you know, the ones whose balls are already starting to sag. that is a good indication that they may have reached a higher level of maturity. :D
so, mirla, you can see, all of us who replied are apparently horndogs and we'll be in med school next year, so i wouldnt worry. :laugh:
Originally posted by Bounty
hahahah now now. I have been known to go for younger men. God knows why since they are even MORE immature than the ones my age. ;) heh heh

Oh's basically the fact that you have absolutely no game whatsoever, so the only option for you is to hit up those younger dudes cuz they don't know any better...When you finally earn your baller pass, it might be a different story.


Feel free to contact The Chronic MD at:

1-800-LOVEDOC or 1-800-CHRONIC...they are one in the same.
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Originally posted by The Chronic MD
1-800-LOVEDOC or 1-800-CHRONIC...they are one in the same.

umm, dude, you're Lovedoc too? I thought I liked you chronic :laugh:
Originally posted by DW
so, mirla, you can see, all of us who replied are apparently horndogs and we'll be in med school next year, so i wouldnt worry. :laugh:
yeah, but who is looking for a relationship? ;)
Originally posted by DW
umm, dude, you're Lovedoc too? I thought I liked you chronic :laugh:

Oh...he he he. I didn't realize that there was actually some joneser that has the name "Lovedoc" on SDN. That "Lovedoc" can kiss my fat arse! Will the REAL Doctor of Love (although probably not love, cuz i'm all about working it and macking it, and then moving on to so'en new) please stand up?

As for dating in med school...come on yo! The Chronic will assure you that wherever he ends up, he will be an equal opportunity employer: undergrads, grad students, med students, law students, professors, nurses, daughters of professors...whoever! As Slick Rick once said, "I DONT DISCRIMINATE!"
and yes, this server is super fast - i love it!
Originally posted by Street Philosopher
so bounty's a cradle robber eh? :D

hey hey HEY nothing wrong with going for those younger men! ;)
The cast of players (no pun intended) in this thread just cracks me up!
on a side note (thread hijack much?), I am sad that I'm no longer known for anything in the lounge. How quickly we forget!
Originally posted by mirla
Does dating in med school really happen? I broke up with a serious boyfriend about a month ago and am hearing from friends that I should of stuck with him b/c it's impossible to meet anyone in med school! It seems like a lot of people go in with relationships already...what do you guys think?

a) yes, it does really happen - just like anywhere else.

b) why do your friends (or you) see it as necessary to be a part of a couple all the time anyway??

c) so if you had stayed with him, what then? Internship and residency are tougher than med school. So would you have just stayed with him for those too?

There are plenty of people in med school who find time for things other than studying. You will too. If you want to get back with your ex, do so, but only if you actually miss him and want him back.
hotDAMN the responses flew! this is up to 2 pages already! :eek: w000000t new server! :clap:
Originally posted by Street Philosopher
men and women too, chronic? ;)

Fine, SP...I do discriminate: No dudes.

I can't wait for med baller degree will come in handy many a nights, I can already feel it comin' (no pun intended there either)...I need help.
Originally posted by The Chronic MD
Fine, SP...I do discriminate: No dudes.

I can't wait for med baller degree will come in handy many a nights, I can already feel it comin' (no pun intended there either)...I need help.

And to think my mom is probably reading SDN right now...(after all, she knew Lola got into G'Town before I did!)
Originally posted by The Chronic MD
Oh's basically the fact that you have absolutely no game whatsoever, so the only option for you is to hit up those younger dudes cuz they don't know any better...When you finally earn your baller pass, it might be a different story.


Feel free to contact The Chronic MD at:

1-800-LOVEDOC or 1-800-CHRONIC...they are one in the same.

Take it back!!!
If there isn't dating (or just flat out shagging), I'm pretty sure a lot of people would lose their minds. However, I would be hesitant to get involved with anyone in my class. A life outside of med school students would be nice. On the other hand, I would only consider grad students or juniors and senior undergrads at this point. Not a big fan of robbing the craddle. And heck, I'll just be as old as most college seniors when I start ( birthday is Sept. 13). Coming from an undergrad school of 75% guys, i don't think I'll know what to do with myself if I walk around Ann Arbor (when it isn't snowing). I guess we'll just see.
It's really funny cuz when I first saw this thread, I thought to myself, "I wouldn't be surprised if I see some responses from seaworth and bounty in this one." Sure enough...Maybe I should abandon this whole med school idea and become the male version of Miss Cleo or something.
Originally posted by SunnyS81 birthday is Sept. 13
mine too! whee!

once I asked how I got my name (christine)

my mother started with: well, it was christmas and we were in bed looking through this new wine book we got.......I ran after that. I feel like my name is so cheesy now. :(
Originally posted by The Chronic MD
It's really funny cuz when I first saw this thread, I thought to myself, "I wouldn't be surprised if I see some responses from seaworth and bounty in this one." Sure enough...Maybe I should abandon this whole med school idea and become the male version of Miss Cleo or something.
umm, wasnt really that big of a shocker there, chief ;)

must.....stop......posting...........server.......way.......too fast..........mental....overload..........
Originally posted by seaworthc
mine too! whee!

once I asked how I got my name (christine)

my mother started with: well, it was christmas and we were in bed looking through this new wine book we got.......I ran after that. I feel like my name is so cheesy now. :(

You want some cheese with your whine? He he he...

Just call the Chronic, he will console you...Chronic-style.
Originally posted by The Chronic MD
It's really funny cuz when I first saw this thread, I thought to myself, "I wouldn't be surprised if I see some responses from seaworth and bounty in this one." Sure enough...Maybe I should abandon this whole med school idea and become the male version of Miss Cleo or something.
well, it is hard to not take a shot at Bounty when I have the chance :p
Originally posted by The Chronic MD
You want some cheese with your whine? He he he...

Just call the Chronic, he will console you...Chronic-style.
sorry, position taken
Did you know in a group of 40 random people, the odds are that two people share the same birthday? ....another case of random trash I had to calculate back in the day.....I think the probability is like 80%........with 20 people it is a little over 50%.
Originally posted by seaworthc
which is why you need to go for the older ones. you know, the ones whose balls are already starting to sag. that is a good indication that they may have reached a higher level of maturity. :D

Now, now, seabass. As an older gentleman, I can assure you the sag factor has more to do with temperature than age.
Originally posted by Street Philosopher
how does that work? (if it's complex then I don't want to know) :laugh:
When I took statistics, my teacher tried to explain it to us, but she got too confused and quit. Its something about breaking it down into 1/12 chance of being the same month then a 1/30 chance of being the same day. it doesn't make much sense to me, but i'm not very smart.
Originally posted by seaworthc
well, it is hard to not take a shot at Bounty when I have the chance :p

hehe glad i could provide some entertainment!

DW, we're that transparent eh? This new fast server is just out of control!

Chronic - i hate you.

wow, look at what i started :)

don't worry, there's no way i'm getting back with the ex - that breakup happened for a reason - but my med school friends have been not-so-helpful.

i agree, dating people in your class could equal disaster...
Originally posted by Bounty
hehe glad i could provide some entertainment!

DW, we're that transparent eh? This new fast server is just out of control!

Chronic - i hate you.

I'll just make sure to get a few beers in ya...and then we'll see. He he he...
Originally posted by The Chronic MD
I'll just make sure to get a few beers in ya...and then we'll see. He he he...

see how badly he wants a piece? ;)

Mirla, I'm glad the ex is out of the way. Now you can focus on chillin by yourself and with friends and scoping out the hot boys in the location of your med school. :)
Originally posted by Moskeeto
When I took statistics, my teacher tried to explain it to us, but she got too confused and quit. Its something about breaking it down into 1/12 chance of being the same month then a 1/30 chance of being the same day. it doesn't make much sense to me, but i'm not very smart.

Here's a semi-mathematical explanation which I just thought of, and may be wrong :) :

Basically, let's say that there are 30 people (numbered from 1 to 30). The probability of person 1 having the same birthday as any of the 29 other people is 29/365, or almost 8%.

But you have to consider the probability of person #2 having the same birthday as any of the other 29. You already considered #1 and #2 having the same birthday, so instead of having an additional 8% (29/365) to add to the original 8% (29/365), you have to add 28/365 (or 7.6%).

For person #3, you have possible birthday matches with #4, 5, 6, etc all the way to 30, or 27 possible matches. This is another 7.4%.

So after only 3 people, you already have a semi-decent chance of 2 people having the same birthday. Unfortunately, you can't just add the probabilities here, since it doesn't work that way (for example, if you roll a 6 sided die, the odds of getting a 1 are 1/6th. However, if you roll it 6 times, the odds of getting a 1 at least once is not 6 times 1/6 (or 100%). It's less than that.)

So anyway, theoretically, all those birthday probabilities add up to somewhere around 50%.

Hope that didn't confuse anyone even more...

Originally posted by ttac
Here's a semi-mathematical explanation which I just thought of, and may be wrong :) :

Basically, let's say that there are 30 people (numbered from 1 to 30). The probability of person 1 having the same birthday as any of the 29 other people is 29/365, or almost 8%.

But you have to consider the probability of person #2 having the same birthday as any of the other 29. You already considered #1 and #2 having the same birthday, so instead of having an additional 8% (29/365) to add to the original 8% (29/365), you have to add 28/365 (or 7.6%).

For person #3, you have possible birthday matches with #4, 5, 6, etc all the way to 30, or 27 possible matches. This is another 7.4%.

So after only 3 people, you already have a semi-decent chance of 2 people having the same birthday. Unfortunately, you can't just add the probabilities here, since it doesn't work that way (for example, if you roll a 6 sided die, the odds of getting a 1 are 1/6th. However, if you roll it 6 times, the odds of getting a 1 at least once is not 6 times 1/6 (or 100%). It's less than that.)

So anyway, theoretically, all those birthday probabilities add up to somewhere around 50%.

Hope that didn't confuse anyone even more...


i liked the fluffy hit-da-booty convo hijack better! :laugh:
i'm gonna second DW's comment. we have like 3 or 4 topics going on this thread (see ttac's post). I think we've abused the power that comes with a speedy server.
Originally posted by GoodMonkey
i liked the fluffy hit-da-booty convo hijack better! :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: hit da booty!
Originally posted by ramonmcguire
Now, now, seabass. As an older gentleman, I can assure you the sag factor has more to do with temperature than age.
I know. I actually prefer (and I'm dating) older gentlemen. No spotting of sagging yet! ;)

But really, a guy brought this up to me when they said "why would you want to date a guy whose balls are already sagging?" (ahem, cmz)

Do guys sacks sag like women's breasts? :confused:
Originally posted by seaworthc
I know. I actually prefer (and I'm dating) older gentlemen. No spotting of sagging yet! ;)

But really, a guy brought this up to me when they said "why would you want to date a guy whose balls are already sagging?" (ahem, cmz)

Do guys sacks sag like women's breasts? :confused:

first, it's "sac"

second, yes, but only when it's warm.
Originally posted by Bounty

Alright, alright...since it appears that you have been scarred for life by the Chronic's comment, I will retract my vomit statement because I know you are decent looking, and I am dying to check out your next Brazilian wax. God, this is porno-iferous. Anyway, here is your final chance to impress the Chronic, so that you may get lucky...

You. Me. Spago. Thursday. 8 pm. Look good (so the Chronic looks good). Oh're paying. And you are picking me up. And you are purchasing my Zegna suit for the evening. And you are not allowed to wear French Cutters...He he he...OMFG, Someone shoot me.