duke match list?

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Apr 20, 2002
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does anyone know how i can get a hold of duke's match list (this year's or last, or both)
i keep hearing it's "great" but i need more details! does everyone match down south? by going to duke, will i be signing away an opportunity to come back up north for residency?

if anyone's seen it, but can't post it or send a link, can you give me a vague idea of what it looks like?


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does everyone match down south? by going to duke, will i be signing away an opportunity to come back up north for residency?


I had the same concerns about another southern school (Baylor), but after doing some research, I've decided it's a non-issue. At every school, a lot of people decide to stay in the same area for residency for a lot of different reasons. People from the South tend to want to stay there just like a lot of people from the Northeast can't imagine themselves living anywhere else. Check out the % of Duke grads getting one of their top 3 choices (which I'm sure is very high) - if the matchlist looks kinda "southern", its b/c a lot of the kids like it that way. Also, Duke is very well-known at the national level; I seriously doubt anyone in the NE is going to turn you away because you went to school in NC.
thanks bujji13!

yeah, i was just feeling a bit concerned, because this past week i've been asking a lot of people, including lots of academic physicians, for advice about the schools i'm considering, and while everyone recognizes Duke is good, they usually tack on at the end, "but i know nothing about their program!"

but it's really too late to be splitting hairs over these sorts of details. i know i should just go with my gut . . . but my gut, more than anything is having this nervous, sick feeling. that can't be good!
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hey banannie, you can find Duke's Match List in their bulletin online - it's a .pdf file.

Just made my final decision for Duke!!! Visited my final choice this past weekend and realized how much I love living in North Carolina - you can't beat it.

Def go with your gut on this one - is it between Duke and UNC?

You can find our match list for the Class of 2001 here

go to bulletin

when it loads scroll through the contents for the page that says post graduate appointments (or something like that)

This year's was physically posted on one of our bulletin boards, not sure when it will make it to the web.

Good luck in your decision making!!

thanks for the link to the match list, although the formatting was so bad, it gave me a headache to read it. :p

and it was a little off-putting to see so many derm/optho/rads matches, fields i'm pretty sure i won't want to go into. especially optho. every time i think about cutting open someone's eyes, it makes me shiver!

BUT, it's pretty evident that Duke is one of the best places for people who want a flexible school that will allow them to put together an unconventional medical career. and that's totally me! :D

So Duke it is! :clap: See you in August, lyric_bari! By the way, you get one night out on the town with me as your designated driver.
But banannie, derm/optho/rad are just about the three most competitive, difficult-to-get-into fields in medicine these days, other than orthopedics!!! That should make you feel great, because if that many Dukies match in those tough fields, you'll be able to do just about anything you want, anywhere you want, if you're coming do Duke!!! :-D
I wouldn't put any specialty(perhaps some subspecialties) in the same category of competitiveness as dermatology. Just look at the numbers....it blows even ortho and ent away.
okay, "off-putting" probably wasn't the right expression . . . i'll just go with the more neutral "interesting". while i could never see myself as a radiologist (maybe, maybe a radiation oncologist), i guess it's nice to know that those options are available.

Yay, Duke!