Pharmacy Failed a class during P3 year, I am graduating on Mid-august, instead of Early May.

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Going straight to the point, I am pursuing to go Residency program, and I know which programs I am interested in.
However; I am most likely failed a class, our pharmacy school has summer school which means I won't be able to start my APPE rotation on time. my APPE will starts when other people start at their R3 rotation. (August).
I planned out which rotations to do R1~R5 so I will be able to get recommendations and attend Mid-year. However; all my plan is gone since I won't be able to get in since all the program starts on July. as well as when i graduate and take the exam, it will be around September.
my GPA is not bad, I have many different experiences (work, poster presentation, held positions in orgs, etc) but I failed the most important year.

So, I have a few questions.
1) Should I still apply to the residency program even if I won't graduate on time? or should I wait for a year
2) I talked to the preceptor I want to do my R1, R2 with them, they agreed, however; I won't be able to do that rotation because I have to take summer school, What should I do? Should I ask them and change?
3) Is it okay to ask them to write me a recommendation year after I finish school? it seems very late and probably forgets about me the time I ask them about one

my plan is all destroy, and i need to fix in order to get into pharmacy residency...
or should i change my plan, just keep working as tech and apply for any pharmacy jobs after i graduate?
what is your opinions?thoughts?
i am really lost right now, please help me
Before any of this, wait until you actually fail. You don't want to go through these steps until you are certain. It also depends if you get 2 break rotations, if you do, use them for the R1 to R2 and you might still graduate on time.

1. Traditionally no. P1's start on a cycle of July-August. Even if they are willing to wait until you graduate, you are now off-cycle and are not allowed to match as you will not have your PharmD qualification and NAPLEX eligible by July 1st.
2. This is something that you discuss also with the experiential education coordinator. Even if they do agree, experiential education may not in these cases.
3. Yes, that will work, although your standing for a competitive residency is pretty low with a failure on record.

One other matter, I realize that this is a forum, but you ought to clean up your grammar in writing even in these settings. If you write like this in your rotations, you will fail on professional communication grounds.

My heart goes out to you though, it does happen, and it really throws off timing.

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