favorite way of reducing stress?

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Oct 11, 2002
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I know that everyone here has some way of venting out their woes and stresses as a pre-med.

What's everyone's?

I like to run with music stuck in my head, like an eagles song, for a few hours, take a hot hot shower then sit down reading with a 1.5 liter ki rin milk tea in my hand.

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My 12 steps for reducing stress
:horns: :horns: :horns: :horns:
1. plug guitar into amp
2. set volume to "max"
3. turn amp on
4. strike a chord while screaming
5. slam guitar into amp
6-8. repeat step 5 *substitute floor for amp*
9. slam head into wall
10. fall down
11. get up
12. apologize for waking parents
I like less violent means to reducing stress:

-take a hike
-go for a jog with classical music playing on my radio
-roll up a piece of cloth and weave it around my fingers, ocassionally giving the ball of cloth a good squeeze (it totally works, i swear!)
-watch t.v.

and how could i forget???

-eat chocolate! that brown stuff is what makes the world go round...god bless whomever found chocolate!
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Put my pencil through my book of MCAT practice tests several times... August 17th will be one of the happiest days of my life...
Hitting a golf ball does wonders.
Hitting my head against the wall until I knock myself unconscious! A proven technique that works - you won't remember whatever was causing you stress when you wake up and you will be impervious (at least for a few hours, days if your lucky like me) to other sources of stress b/c of the daze you'll be in afterwards.
1) Kickboxing: after taking the MCAT, I nearly threw out my arm pretending I was punching out the evil Mr. MCAT...

2) Running and working out like a banshee

3) Weight training (each additional weight you can lift = one over the MCAT and this whole process)

4) Listening to peaceful music (not violent headbanging music b/c this just made me more angry)

5) Venting to my patient friend (poor thing)

6) Eating a nice, peaceful dinner/lunch (a GREAT stress reliever in my case--no matter how busy/worked up I am, if I could just sit down for 1/2 an hour forgetting all the tension, it worked wonders.)
Some of my favorites:
1) Long, hot bubble bath with a good movie on a tv on the sink counter (tho I understand that straight men may have a problem with using this method :laugh: ).
2) Running. Lots of it. Until you're ready to drop.
3) Drinking and going dancing. Drinking to loosen up, dancing to have fun and get rid of some of that nervous energy.
4) Cooking something either healthy, chocolate or lemony.
5) Shopping, though med school loans are going to put an end to that method come Aug. 20 :(
I saw this doctor on the news a couple of weeks ago, who's a stress management specialist. He recommends eating a carbohydrate (e.g. bread) with a protein (e.g. meat, fish) when you feel stressed. I figure sushi (nigiri) probably works well.

However, he said that the single best thing to keep on hand in case of stress, is chocolate. He said to purchase the best quality dark chocolate you can find and eat a little bit when you experience stress.
Originally posted by calipremed
He said to purchase the best quality dark chocolate you can find and eat a little bit when you experience stress.

Time to buy pants with elastic waistbands!:)
Listen to heavy metal and break stuff +pissed+
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Halo deathmatches! :hardy:
drive around late at night listening to pink floyd or led zeppelin... or just find someone to vent to. i can't get rid of too much stress, though, or i'd lose the motivation to get up in the morning. ;)
House music all night long, say what, house music all night long.
Read SDN, and find that others are way more stressed and wacked out than I am.

Ah... what is that you say?... That is the sound of my brain going through all the gears without a clutch.

... But seriously, I'm really just as wacked as the rest of you guys.
I go running or watch TV.
Originally posted by premyo2002
My 12 steps for reducing stress
:horns: :horns: :horns: :horns:
1. plug guitar into amp
2. set volume to "max"
3. turn amp on
4. strike a chord while screaming
5. slam guitar into amp
6-8. repeat step 5 *substitute floor for amp*
9. slam head into wall
10. fall down
11. get up
12. apologize for waking parents

Steps 1-11 work for me. 12 doesn't apply, as I have my own pad.
Nick@Nite, listening to jazz, yoga, surfing SDN
Originally posted by PublicHealth
Steps 1-11 work for me. 12 doesn't apply, as I have my own pad.

Step 12 is an important step. This is because it's one of the parents that assist with step 11 and if you don't apologize, they might kick you out. Anyway, make sure you have someone there just in case you get to carried away with step 9.
Originally posted by QuinnNSU
Masturbate. Seriously... it really relieves a lot of tension.


i second that. quinn, i like your style.
1) Yoga
2) Classical music
3) Trauma: ER on tlc....
4) Maternity ward (i had a dream about delivering babies the other night, lol..weird..but anyway)
5) Swimming
6) Taebo , sometimes can relieve stress
7) Basketball...shooting hoops can help
8) Bath of Rosepetals and lavender... (might sound better to the gals than guys)
9) Bowling/Pool w/friends
10) Surfing comp...hanging at SDN..and a few other good sites..

These are not in any order and not the only things to relieve stress or get your mind off things....Just added some that i use.:)
Having two scheduled workouts per day works very well for working out stress. And since my first practice is at 5am every day, by the time night comes I'm too tired to be stressed.

Also, since I burn about 3000 calories a day in the workouts alone (I actually figured it out one time), I can enjoy some comfort food every now and then without suffering the consequences.

All in all, I have kind of a laid-back nature, so I manage to keep stress from getting out of hand.
piano - playing something by a banging russian composer, preferably. (neighbors, not so much love. )
chorale rehearsal.
chai tea.
the brandenburg concertos or brahms piano concertos.
biking along a road out in BFN with the corn and cows and a river.
I go to the gym for 30-40 min, then go swimming in the pool, sometimes catch a 20 min nap in the water. Feels great
6 pack of Guiness with my gf.

then rough sex. for about half hour.

repeat if necessary.
Originally posted by biobossx99
I know that everyone here has some way of venting out their woes and stresses as a pre-med.


talk to people that live in the REAL WORLD

Stress is earning 200 bucks a week and having 5 kids.

Stress is NOT studying for Organic chem and wondering how many hours you should volunteer delivering flowers or pitchers of water, in order to pad your "stressed out" resume
Playing with Hugo, especially getting down on the floor and pounding my hands, then chasing him around the coffee table. It takes the edge off, and he loves it. :D
Originally posted by Woots32
Playing with Hugo, especially getting down on the floor and pounding my hands, then chasing him around the coffee table. It takes the edge off, and he loves it. :D

Woots have you ever heard of a " Happy Ending"

This is how I like to releive stress
Run about 10 miles(training for a marathon),

Sit on the couch and drink a 6 pack of beer.

Try that, and then tell me your stressed.
10. Decide to work on culinary skills (one averted fire alarm)
9. Walk over to Blockbuster, grab all movies I've wanted to watch, but couldn't during school year. ($10 in overdue fines)
8. Read movie reviews on NYTimes (5.30 hours wasted)
7. Suddenly, the reading for past humanities class seem very interesting. (I am now well into Don Quixote)
6. Develop a plan to go running and scoff, yeah right. ( lost 6lbs between starting and submitting AMCAS w/o running)
5. Imagine myself in Medical School already ( 2 hours wasted imagining sitting in lecture and having ADCOM member inform you were admitted by mistake)
4. Go wake up my cat and piss him off. (scratches, ripped clothing)
3. Reading SDN (lost: any peace of mind. oh, doody. someone has 8 secondaries out already?)
2. Clean my already-cleaned-five-minutes-ago room (vaccuum cleaner is now broken)
1. Go online to check Med School website to find secondary is already posted. (bite moi!)
Originally posted by sunchild
10. Decide to work on culinary skills (one averted fire alarm)
9. Walk over to Blockbuster, grab all movies I've wanted to watch, but couldn't during school year. ($10 in overdue fines)
8. Read movie reviews on NYTimes (5.30 hours wasted)
7. Suddenly, the reading for past humanities class seem very interesting. (I am now well into Don Quixote)
6. Develop a plan to go running and scoff, yeah right. ( lost 6lbs between starting and submitting AMCAS w/o running)
5. Imagine myself in Medical School already ( 2 hours wasted imagining sitting in lecture and having ADCOM member inform you were admitted by mistake)
4. Go wake up my cat and piss him off. (scratches, ripped clothing)
3. Reading SDN (lost: any peace of mind. oh, doody. someone has 8 secondaries out already?)
2. Clean my already-cleaned-five-minutes-ago room (vaccuum cleaner is now broken)
1. Go online to check Med School website to find secondary is already posted. (bite moi!)

5 had me ROTFLOL:D
Speed is soothing. Go to the track, climb in shifter kart, proceed to haul a$$ (0 to 100 mph in 6.2 sec, 3 g lateral loading), dice with other racers.

Stop. Drink beer. Smile big. No need to speed on the highways.
1)Metal Gear Solid
2)Drinking massive quantities of diet coke
3)Listning to music and running (indoor track please!)
4)Playing with my dog
5)Cooking/Baking (watching peope eat everything up faster than i can make it)
6)Painting (art) & painting (home improv....)
7)Drilling holes in things with my ryobi (trashcans...plywood...coins...garage shelving)
8)Looking @ supras...am....5/m series..anything but rice or domestic putter patters...then thinking how that silver vanquish will be so worth all this stress !
Talk ish to some foolio on the internet.
Originally posted by Deuce 007 MD
House music all night long, say what, house music all night long.
1) See above
2) Make appointment with sports med doc because I threw my back (hip, knee, shoulder...) out dancing again

But really...
3) Running
4) Lifting
5) Playing with my puppy
6) Hanging out at the dog run with my puppy
7) Going to see movies (comedies, action)
8) Hanging out with my fiance
9) Going out to eat
10) Sleeping
I relieve stress by cardio kickboxing 3 x a week....
it gets your heart pumping and you probably produce more sweat than engaging in sex (it also relieves sexual frustrations due to a long-distance relationship) ;) You also improve your endurance :laugh: & concentration!
Working out definitely helps. It gets your mind off of the stress, and it certainly gets you tired so you don't think about it afterwards. Also, you are doin something good for yourself (getting in shape) so you're kinda killing two birds with one stone. :)

Originally posted by Dr. Xavier
Talk ish to some foolio on the internet.

I second that...being an internet tough-guy wise-ass in some chatroom is fun, people get soooo damn pissed off sometimes its hilarious
I agree with a lot of you-I try to reduce stress by:

1. Exercising
2. Eating chocolate
3. Studying-sounds weird-but it helps me:laugh:
4. Talking to friends
5. Go out to the beach
6. Reading
7. Sleeping-if you can with exams, tests, etc!
8. Being with my friends
9. Watching tv-Alias, Maternity Ward, Trauma in the ER, and whatever else interests me.
10. Swimming, biking, rollerblading, kayaking, etc.-The great outdoors!

That's most of it. And it's not in any particular order, either.
I like blowing things up or hurting people :cool:

Actually, it depends on how much money I have at the time.

I love riding horses, several great trails out here or I'll head out to the range and shoot provided I have the money for ammunition.
1. Eat chocolate.
2. Go to the gym.
3. Listen to angry music (I like Alanis... whenever I belt out "You Oughta Know," I feel better). :)
4. Address the problem (If I'm stressed about class, I study. If I'm stressed about money, I rewrite my budget, etc).
5. Cry.
6. Put on pajamas, get in bed under my comforter, and watch a funny movie while I eat ice cream.
7. play the piano.
8. Buy myself a magazine and take some time to read the whole thing, putting off stressful activities for a couple hours.
Top ways for me:

1: Sex
2. Going out with friends and getting drunk
3. Going to work and remembering that's not where I wanna be forever
4. Eating unhealthy food (ice cream, fried foods)
5. Watching T.V
6. Going to the mall

I know these aren't the healthiest ways but they help me get by when the going gets tough and that's all that matters...

Remember that everyone is different so find what works best for you and stick to that. Best of luck...
Nobody else here masturbates?!?!?!?!?!

I "play my banjo" atleast twice a day. Sometimes I'll drop my underwear and frig myself to completion in between seeing patients in the ICU.

Try to mimic the facial expression of the woman driving the mini-van next to me as I pass her on my bicycle going 45mph downhill

:confused: teehee
playing grand theft auto gets some stress out too
playing your banjo works wonders as well
1. i talk
2. i eat junk
3. i dance (take classes or go out)
4. i drink
5. i come to sdn. ;)