Fixing My To-Do System

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All Glory to Jesus
Apr 21, 2023
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Unrelated to most threads but wondering about any suggestions y'all might have. I've had so much trouble with getting myself a streamlined to do list. I rely on my calendar a lot & I rely on my to-do list a lot. I've tried apps like Todoist, Anydo & Notion. My problem is that they don't allow for integration with my calendar. I want a to-do system that: 1) has a capture list and 2) allows me to move those to-do items to my main calendar, where I have both events & tasks.

The closest I've got to this is with Notion Calendar but it doesn't allow you to put tasks & check mark them, like Google Calendar does. Todoist does have an integration with GCalendar but it doesn't allow me to make edits from GCalendar. Ideally, I want two-way synchronization. Funny enough, I found a solution midway through typing this desperate plea for help (I've been trying to find a solution for months). Apparently, Google Calendar has a tasks view & you can make kanban boards to switch over tasks between different task lists. More importantly, there's an option to use the sidebar on the right-hand side so I can basically make a widget to list tasks if I'm out & on my phone but then place them in appropriate categories & put timings on them once I get home.

I guess my question is now: do y'all have suggestions on how I could improve this workflow? I was highly considering making a Notion workspace to save all my work & ideas because, beyond tracking events & tasks, I wanna have an organized system to write down my project ideas to archive them or write down what tasks I need to do to achieve this idea. So far, I've been just using iPhone Notes - it's organized but not very "organizable" beyond bullet points. Is there some Zapier integration between Notion & Google Calendar that would allow specified entries in Notion to be created as tasks in Google Calendar with properties for timing, if it's recurring, etc?

TL;DR: Is there some Zapier integration between Notion & Google Calendar that would allow specified entries in Notion to be created as tasks in Google Calendar with properties for timing, if it's recurring, etc?

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Oh man, that's a challenge in and of itself! For example, I can't get any Epic/EHR appointments to schedule on my calendars but that's an issue with Epic. :)

Summarize: you have a Google calendar and you want to know of other programs that schedule into it?
Oh man, that's a challenge in and of itself! For example, I can't get any Epic/EHR appointments to schedule on my calendars but that's an issue with Epic. :)

Summarize: you have a Google calendar and you want to know of other programs that schedule into it?
More like I want an expansive note taking platform that allows me to take notes and signal when a piece of my note (e.g., "call Mark at 10am") is a task - so that it can show up on my Google Calendar. It cuts down on a TON of time having to flip back and forth between Google Calendar and my note taking system (which is currently Google docs).

"Zapier" is a tool that allows for cross-platform integration. And it (or something like it) is probably needed if I'm trying to connect Notion & Google Calendar together since Notion & Google Calendar don't offer an integration between them. The thing about Zapier is that it's highly customizable & I honestly find it hard to make an integration with a specific purpose like this work, unless anyone has already done it before - I could then just apply how they mapped the integration in Zapier.

Fully open to using more than just Notion & Google Calendar. At this point, I'm pretty desperate for a to-do system that fits my needs, so I'd be more than happy to switch away from either Notion or Google Calendar if it would mean finding a to-do system that: 1) has a capture list (where I can just enter to-do items as I think of them & organize it later) and 2) allows me to move those to-do items to my main calendar, where I have both events & tasks.
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On a side note, is anyone able to sync Todoist with GCalendar in order for you to check mark Todoist tasks on the calendar, like you would for any other GCalendar task? That's the only step I'm missing in a Todoist integration. It doesn't allow for me to mark things complete on GCalendar, only when I'm on Todoist. I just want full ease of modification with my tasks
My nightmare is now my success. I finally found two routes to go about this entire dilemma & I wanted to share it with any of y'all looking at this in the future (this isn't just about solving my frustration with a Calendar integration; it's honestly about having an understandable, efficient to-do system)

These routes come in combos of either a free or paid option. I choose these combos because they have good integrations between each other. It's a combo of a task management system & some Calendar app
  • Free option: ClickUp (highly recommend desktop app + phone widget for ease of use) & Google Calendar
    • I will say the integration here is limited. You can't make a task in ClickUp & have it automatically show up on GCalendar. But there is some syncing that can go on
  • Paid option: OmniFocus + Fantastical
    • Very fluid integration here. You can literally drag and drop tasks from OmniFocus into your calendar on Fantastical & adjust for date/time + length

I'm going with the free option but just wanted to share with y'all who struggle with this! I HAVE FINALLY ACHIEVED PLASTIC SURG LEVELS OF PRODUCTIVITY

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