Help w/ future path to medicine

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New Member
Mar 5, 2024
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Hi! I wanted some advice on how you all think I should continue with this path as my situation is a bit unique.

So in my sophomore year of high-school I chose to pursue an associates degree in Nursing via an Early College program…. even though i always wanted to give medicine a shot.

I know it may not have been worth it from a medical standpoint, but upon acceptance to the program, the degree would be entirely paid for, and it gave me better opportunities in terms of Extracurricular stuff.

In a few months, I’ll graduate from the program. My question is how to handle moving forward:

(1) should I pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing (this’ll take max 1 year), and afterwards gather the necessary medical school prereqs via a DIY post-bacc?


(2) should I start over and get a bachelors in biology, consequentially, fulfilling my prereqs that way.

P.S. although I’m active in many forums across the internet, this is my first time on this forum so excuse me if I’m breaking any rules by posting this here.

Thank you !

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