Pharmacy How should I advise friend in a tight bind at a Pharmacy school?

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Oct 14, 2011
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I have spoken to my friend the other day, and she told me she would no longer be able to continue her education as a student pharmacist after having completed her first year. She told me she had submitted a scholarship application with a fabricated recommendation letter that included a digitally made signature of a faculty member.

According to her, it was an integrity violation in her pharmacy school. Also, the organization of the scholarship application commanded the school to execute a disciplinary action order.

Now, she must either personally withdraw from the pharmacy program and cease the continuation with her IPPE rotation or complete her rotation and opt-in for the appeal process. She has become utterly devastated.

What should I advise her to do? Could she apply to a different graduate school program at this current time?
That act is a career killer. If her deed is discovered at any other school she gets into after getting kicked out, and she's not honest about it, she could be kicked out too.

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I cannot imagine any appeal process finding in the student's favor. Pharmacy schools are usually pretty lenient but this is actually a pretty big deal.

First, she should be seriously considering what her other alternative career options are. There is no way that the pharmacy school would transfer her credits to another school without the information of why she was removed from the program. She might have the chance to start over, but most schools ask about integrity violations or school actions on the application. I hope that she has a B.S. degree that could lead to a job.
The problem also is that this invokes the moral character and moral turpitude clause in a license if this is NY. It simply will be impossible to license in NY without an OPD process going through if the organization involved reports this to her current Board of practice, and I am actually surprised that this is not done. You should advise this person that a career with an occupational license in the state of NY is going to be very, very difficult from this point as it goes to the Office of Professional Discipline when this incident gets sent up from either the school or the organization. That includes hairdresser and armor car guard.

I'm deeply surprised that she is allowed to continue her IPPE, but if she wants to appeal she should stay. She does risk being dismissed for cause if she stays under the circumstances, so it's risky too.
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