Most Overused Words in Medicine

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1. medically necessary-- as if some of what i do is for sh_ts and giggles

2. clinical correlation suggested (on rad reports)-- How else should I correlate it?

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Can't believe it got to page 2 without the following:

"Normal" or "wnl"
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Push, push, push, push, PUUUUUUUSSSSSHHHH!!!! (the cadence appears to be universal throughout all L&D's)

No empuje!!! (sp?)
When was the last time you had your prostate checked?
2. clinical correlation suggested (on rad reports)-- How else should I correlate it?
why, with an mri/mra/mrv of course. think about the typical hedge rads report:
"negative study for obvious acute pathology however mri might be helpful in further delineating causes for this patient's symptomatology"
From a consulting service who doesn't know what's going on/doesn't want to make major decisions/doesn't want to be involved at all

"From our perspective, it's fine"
"Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the care of this patient."
"Mr. So and So is a X year old male with a hx of DM, HTN, CAD presenting with ....."


"Chest pain"

"Rule out ACS"

"EKG and cardiac enzymes q6 hours"

SO sick of hear that crap over and over again.

I know someone already said it, but it is my favorite so I will say it again. "Strong work".
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From outpatient consults: "As you know, ______ is a delightful/charming/pleasant ___ year-old male/female..."

From nursing notes: "Dr. (insert your name) paged, no response"

From the patient's mouth: "IV Dilaudid/fentanyl works best for me"
"Mr. So and So is a X year old male with a hx of DM, HTN, CAD presenting with ....."


"Chest pain"

"Rule out ACS"

"EKG and cardiac enzymes q6 hours"

SO sick of hear that crap over and over again.

I know someone already said it, but it is my favorite so I will say it again. "Strong work".

Hahahahaha, someone else is struggling through a med prelim year as well I see
"Kiddos" when talking about pediatric patients.

Also the requirement to insert an adjective such as, "Timmy is a cute/adorable/lovely/other adjective 8 year old kiddo" when talking about kids.

Lastly, "tell me what you see"
(Dictated ) "after discussion Dr. xyz graciously agreed to admit this patient..."
Meaning Dr. xyz is a major assclown and you had to yell at him/her for 20 min to convince them that a slam dunk admit shouldn't go home just because their shift is over in an hr., AKA THANK YOU FOR DOING YOUR JOB AND NOT KILLING SOMEONE'S GRANDMA

"bolus him"

"no acute cardiopulmonary disease"

"Clear to auscultation bilaterally"



"Thank you for this interesting/fascinating consult."

"Patient is a low/medium cardiac risk for surgery."
AORN as in "no Dr. Xx you can't wear a paper scrub cap, it's against AORN guidelines and you need to wear a hair net over it."
Review of systems is "unremarkable"

Physical exam is "unremarkable"

Orthopedic Surgeon says "patient is otherwise healthy" except for the broken hip... but the patient actually has multi-vessel CAD with EF < 30% and h/o CVA.

"Kiddos" when talking about pediatric patients.

Also the requirement to insert an adjective such as, "Timmy is a cute/adorable/lovely/other adjective 8 year old kiddo" when talking about kids.

:thumbup::laugh: You stole mine! I honestly don't get it. NO adult EVER uses the word "kiddo" until they enter medical school and take part in pediatrics. It's crazy.
All the billing / coding jibber jabber that relies on outdated or unwieldy terms to score us some sweet $$$ --

"Acute blood loss anemia" WTF?!?!

"Acute on chronic diastolic heart failure"
BS radiology dictations: "There is considerable pathology in the left infraorbital region, consistent with the patient's chief complaint of left eye pain. However, the precise nature of this pathology cannot be delineated. Perhaps a second, more invasive study would be of benefit. Conclusion: as above. Period. End. "

It's a dictation, not Masterpiece Theater.
One place I rotated the patients didn't have symptoms, they 'endorsed' symptoms like they were Mr. Ed. It was odd. I'm not sure how widespread that one is though.
By Hospital execs:
"Deep dive" as in "we did a deep dive into the root cause analysis of this issue..."
"I'm just letting you know." -nurse to doctor

"In terms of" and "as such".
Example: "In terms of the lung fields, there is no infiltrate as such."


"Sick as snot" -spoken by pediatricians
The passive voice.

No one actually ever does anything to the patient; the patient has things done to them:

"The patient was transfused 2U of PRBCs."

"The patient was consented for the procedure."

"The patient was instructed to return for worsening symptoms."

"At discharge, the patient was felt to be capable of returning home without a stay in a SNF."
"multiple"... you could just say "many", which is probably what you mean
..."as well"... just stalling for time while trying to think of what to say next
"Pt was in his/her USOH until..."
will follow / will monitor / will trend

and my favorite - atraumatic, acephalic...really, the pt doesn't have a head?

A majority of the medicine residents affiliated with one of my med school's hospitals - not so aware.
and my favorite - atraumatic, acephalic...really, the pt doesn't have a head?


Brint: Or the way Hansel combs his hair?
Meekus: Or like, doesn't, it's like, ex-squeeze me, but have you ever heard of styling gel? Mmmhahaha!
Brint: I'm sure Hansel's heard of styling gel, he's a male model.
Meekus: Uh, earth to Brint, I was making a joke.
Brint: Uh, Earth to Meekus, duh, okay I knew that!
Meekus: Uh earth to Brint, I'm not so sure you did cuz you were all 'well I'm sure he's heard of styling gel' like you *didn't* know it was a joke! Ahaha!
Brint: I knew it was a joke Meekus, I just didn't get it right away!
Meekus: Uh Earth to Brint...

appropriate / inappropriate

patient "endorses" chest pain (said before but worth re-mentioning since it's such an ... inappropriate... way to use that word)