Dental Non-traditional with low gpa - Do I need a postbac?

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Mar 12, 2013
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So, I graduated undergrad with a 3.6 gpa and my degree is on Communications so I have no science background as well. After 4 years I decided in a career change, I really want to be a dentist. I have done research and seen that I would need to get into a post bacc program or a masters program. I really can't afford any of those programs in my situation so I started taking the prereq in my community classes. I'm currently in chem 1, physics 1 and anatomy. I heard that if you go in the diy post bacc route you would need all A's and score really high on the DAT to even get some interviews. Another way I heard some students get in to dental school is by going into a dental hygienist program and getting years of experience and score well on the DAT. So, I'm trying to figure out which way would be doable for a person with a low gpa and a non-science degree. And which dental schools are friendly towards my situation? I know some schools are very strict on cc credit so I know not to apply there.
Your GPA (as is) is around the average for many dental schools. If you do a DIY "post-bac" and take all your prereqs and do well in them, your GPA should increase a little, you will show you can handle science courses, and with a great score on your DAT, I think you have a good shot. You don't NEED a science major to go into dental/medicine.

My advice would be to take 1-2 years and do well in your prereqs, gain EC hours, and rock your DAT. Good luck.

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