Old Thread, New DATA.. Post your info for us 4th years!

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Keeping it funky enough
20+ Year Member
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
I was hoping you guys and gals could let us know your Board Scores Steps I and II and then number of interviews offered number taken and if you wish places that rejected you.

Also, if you guys are willing let us know on Thursday or Friday (post hangover) where on your match list you Ranked.

This will only help us next yr.

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I mean no disrespect, but these types of threads are getting really old. How will this information "only help you next year?" By the time you are a fourth year applicant, there is no saving grace in board scores that are already done, grades that are already entered into your record, or extracurricular activities that you did or didn't do. Are you really not going to apply to this field because you made a 210 on step I instead of the average 217? Are you honestly going to throw your hat into the IM ring because you made a C+ in microbiology when everyone else applying seems to have made a B? If you are then please don't apply to this field and go elsewhere. I would hate to work with someone who is so self-concious and unsure of their own stability that they would scrutinize themselves because a couple of numbers made them nervous. Be confident, cut the crap about board scores and grades, and strap on a pair and apply to the field where you know you belong because of who you are. If you don't have the confidence now to apply, you will never have the confidence as an EM doc to put up with the demands that require a confident decision.

PLEASE - No more posting of board scores, places applied, or any other junk like this again - EVER - on this forum. If you are average - you will get a spot. Using the laws of averages and a bell curve, that means even if you are 2 standard deviations below and above average, you still have a chance of getting in. Enjoy your fourth year of medical school, apply to the field you want to practice in, and to the programs you want to go to. Don't ever - EVER be held back by a few three-digit scores posted on a forum by a small sample size of applicants. Please end this thread now before it perpetuates into the next season and more and more people whine about "not being good enough" for this field. It is the kind of people who are so compulsive and hung up on these types of things that are bringing an anal following into an otherwise fun field. Folow your personality, not your scores.

RANT OVER - Now relax, end this madness, and look forward to the last year of medical school.

P.S. - Ectopic Fetus - whether you know it now or not, you already have everything you need to apply to EM and nothing is going to change your application between now and September. Apply to this field, pay your fees, and wait until next march to find out where you are going. Don't look back and question - look forward and plan for success...
AND ONE MORE THING! If you apply to a program that won't look at your application in its entirety and will reject you for an interview because of a board cutoff TRUST ME - you DON'T WANT TO WORK THERE ANYWAY.
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Step 1: Passed
M1/M2 years: Passed
3rd year clerkships: Passed
EtOH tolerance: I can still talk music & movies after a six pack.
Research experience: I know what a journal is.
# of programs applied to: enough
# of interviews done: too many

Feel free to PM me with any other questions,
Fatty McFattypants
So what your trying to say Ninerniner999 is that you got about 217? :laugh:
hehehe Just out of curiosity though if we set our time machines back a few years how quick would you have opened this thread to try and get a small clue of your competetivness in the competitive field you were apparently born for?
Don't get me wrong I agree with your post (and I am going to be in the match next year) wholeheartedly, just curious if you remember how you were before you got your spot?
The board score thing is overplayed and I think I have a good idea of what the deal is. I just figured there was other useful info that hasnt been covered and you could throw in board scores too.

Anyhow what I really want to know is how many places to apply, how many to interview at, and how many to rank.

Certainly, Ill get this info from my advisor but I figured the good ole people on here might want to help as well.
I completely remember how I was before the match and that is why I'm posting it (begin dramatic music here). I was what I thought to be a non-competitive applicant, having worked the mean streets and fought through harrowing aversity in my life. My Step I score of 205 weighed heavily on my mind as I scraped to get by. I became consumed by my own personal inadequacies, eventually turning to a life of hot booze and cheap women (or is it the other way around - I don't remember). My life began to spiral out of control as I questioned every day if I was good enough to make it in my career, if I would make the cut, if I would catch syphillis. As match day drew near I became worried, restless, and thought "If I could only turn back time to change my grades, study harder for this one test, to realize how my poor medical school performance molded me into the person I am now, destined for a scramble, destined to question my existence, destined to answer questions from drkp." I eventually turned to crack cocaine as my guide, selling both of my super bowl rings to support my habit, asking myself "Why, why WHY did I ever get involved with SDN and that Quinn guy? Why couldn't I just let it ride and see where I end up?"

Fat T Mc Fat T pants
if I would catch syphillis. As match day drew near I became worried said:
:idea: I see your strategy, show you can really relate to your patients and the right program will find you........ i.e. catch syphillis and smoke crack and head to Baltimore. Well I am just tickled pink it worked out for you. :thumbup: I am gonna head out tonight to the block and start shoppin for some T. Pallidum of my own. Allready mastered the crack pipe.
Thanks for answering my questions! :smuggrin:
WilcoWorld said:
EtOH tolerance: I can still talk music & movies after a six pack.
Wait -- are you secretly one of the residents I work with?
NinerNiner999 said:
... (begin dramatic music here). ... I became consumed by my own personal inadequacies, eventually turning to a life of hot booze and cheap women (or is it the other way around - I don't remember). My life began to spiral out of control as I questioned every day if I was good enough to make it in my career, if I would make the cut, if I would catch syphillis.
Wait -- are YOU secretly one of the residents I work with?
NinerNiner999 said:
I mean no disrespect, but these types of threads are getting really old. How will this information "only help you next year?" By the time you are a fourth year applicant, there is no saving grace in board scores that are already done, grades that are already entered into your record, or extracurricular activities that you did or didn't do. Are you really not going to apply to this field because you made a 210 on step I instead of the average 217? Are you honestly going to throw your hat into the IM ring because you made a C+ in microbiology when everyone else applying seems to have made a B? If you are then please don't apply to this field and go elsewhere. I would hate to work with someone who is so self-concious and unsure of their own stability that they would scrutinize themselves because a couple of numbers made them nervous. Be confident, cut the crap about board scores and grades, and strap on a pair and apply to the field where you know you belong because of who you are. If you don't have the confidence now to apply, you will never have the confidence as an EM doc to put up with the demands that require a confident decision.

PLEASE - No more posting of board scores, places applied, or any other junk like this again - EVER - on this forum. If you are average - you will get a spot. Using the laws of averages and a bell curve, that means even if you are 2 standard deviations below and above average, you still have a chance of getting in. Enjoy your fourth year of medical school, apply to the field you want to practice in, and to the programs you want to go to. Don't ever - EVER be held back by a few three-digit scores posted on a forum by a small sample size of applicants. Please end this thread now before it perpetuates into the next season and more and more people whine about "not being good enough" for this field. It is the kind of people who are so compulsive and hung up on these types of things that are bringing an anal following into an otherwise fun field. Folow your personality, not your scores.

RANT OVER - Now relax, end this madness, and look forward to the last year of medical school.

P.S. - Ectopic Fetus - whether you know it now or not, you already have everything you need to apply to EM and nothing is going to change your application between now and September. Apply to this field, pay your fees, and wait until next march to find out where you are going. Don't look back and question - look forward and plan for success...

what a worthless reply. you are the same person that doesn't answer when asked about how you did on a test. what a bunch of nonsense.

i can see the legitimacy of asking.... on an chat forum none-the-less, what were some stats on the people who ended up doing well. you can't get any better feedback than from real people themselves.

i hate how anal medical students are when it comes to telling others how you did. i know ER docs who graduated AOA i know ER docs who graduated bottom third, i know plastic surgeons who graduated middle of their class, etc. Of course there is a wide gamut of statistics regarding placement into programs.

All the dude was asking for is some insight into how the minds of the residency programs work. If you don't feel like posting then don't, not a big deal, BUT this isn't the supreme court where you need to offer up your dissenting opinion.
Totally agree with typeB-md, especially on the supreme court part....sometimes I start to wonder if certain people on this internet forum are showing the sides that they don't dare to show in real life...like making all the self-righteous statement about this and that...telling people what to write and not to write....telling people what's right question to ask in the application process...and burn every single soul for asking what's the best program out there....

For god's sake...there are only about 5-10 constant writers in this forum, and there are over 3 thousands EM residents out there.

You guys don't represent at all. Keep that in mind...but of course if this internet forum help maintain the balance of your personality...that's another story.
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typeB-md said:
what a worthless reply. you are the same person that doesn't answer when asked about how you did on a test.

All the dude was asking for is some insight into how the minds of the residency programs work. If you don't feel like posting then don't, not a big deal, BUT this isn't the supreme court where you need to offer up your dissenting opinion.

Yawn. Did ya read my post? Despite being worthless, I posted my USMLE score. Then again, if you read the original post to which you are so frustrated with my reply, you would have answered that one as well with your data. Yawn.
hello23 said:
sometimes I start to wonder if certain people on this internet forum are showing the sides that they don't dare to show in real life

Nope - just keepin it real. I'm not quite the stuffy medicine mold though - shocking as it may be.

hello23 said:
...like making all the self-righteous statement about this and that...telling people what to write and not to write....telling people what's right question to ask in the application process...and burn every single soul for asking what's the best program out there....

hmmm, dissenting opinions run rampant around here. If you don't want to hear both sides of the advice for which you ask, don't ask.

hello23 said:
For god's sake...there are only about 5-10 constant writers in this forum, and there are over 3 thousands EM residents out there.

You guys don't represent at all. Keep that in mind...but of course if this internet forum help maintain the balance of your personality...that's another story.

Then again, if you're willing to hear both sides of the coin from a handful of 5-10 constant writers who don't represent, perhaps you yourself should balance out your personal resources and social network to compensate for your lack of personality. I would think anyone who relied on such a small sample of size of primarily young medical students and doctors for advice on their careers would be setting themselves up for failure but hey - thanks for the reply! :D
One of the posters say that this forum doesn't represent...I beg to differ. There is a very complete cross section of the practice of emergency med.
From the ED tech premed (febrifuge), to the countless M1-4's, EM interns, residents, and attendings. DO's, MD's, PA's....Sounds like pretty darn good representation to me.

People ask questions that there are no answers to, such as what is the best residency (as you stated above), and expect to be recieve an answer that names THE top residency....

There are many regular, and semi regular posters here. Most, if not all of us are glad to answer questions about pretty much anything. Some questions are asked over and over and over again, so these are the ones that we tend to gloss over and recommend to the person to do a search, or look at the FAQ area....

Good luck with your application process next year, and please feel free to ask questions. That is what the forum is for.
Granted niner may have come off a little rough around the edges, but I have to agree...

Look ectopic.... apply to places where you think you want to go for whatever reason you think you want to be there. You shouldn't apply to a program because you think or don't think you'll get an interview based on board scores. I know many people in my class who got interviews at "more competitive" programs, even though they had lower scores than others who did not receive interviews at the same program. And this works conversely too. There is NO rhyme or reason as to how programs decide whom to give an interview too. Further, you should not base your idea of what's a good program on people's board scores. SOMETIMES this works in other more traditional specialties like medicine or surgery, but all rules are thrown out the window in emergency medicine. What you really need to do is figure out other things first, ie. the emphasis of the program (academic vs. superior clinical training), location, significant others interests regarding location, typical schedules of residents at these programs (both shift hours/total number per month), autonomy within institution, your choice of educational style (formal didactic emphasis vs. hands-on emphasis), job or fellowship placement, curriculum suited to your needs, experience with difficult procedures.... I could go on and on... Talk to residents and advisors at your school too.

As you can clearly see, there are many more factors that go into residency program decisions than BOARD SCORES. Incidentally, (and don't take offense... I'm not implying this is your reason for starting this thread), if you're choosing to apply to programs based on who has the higher board scores, you probably don't belong in emergency medicine... :cool:
Niner was kind enough to give me the info I need. I appreciate it.

The real data I was looking for was the # of interviews to take / number of places to rank (although I will probably rank them all).

I have a unique situation in so far as I might be applying all over the country.

w000t. name-checked. I think that's a positive. (Gosh, should I list my SDN accomplishments on my AMCAS when the time comes?) ;)
I personally enjoy reading from the list as well and find it unfortunate that others feel compelled to trash talk those that wish to get a better understanding of #'s, stats, locations etc. Some use the #'s, some just use the list to match strong/weak apps to strong/weak progs, etc.

I do look at the nubers for myself in that I want to have a good # of programs to apply to, which programs might have cutoffs, and several other facors. I 100% agree that the bottom #'s are not the end-all-be-all, but when trying to r/o multiple programs, it's nice to have this info.

Just my $.02
Gathering more info is always good, but at some point it's worth questioning the value of the info. I don't think any of the experienced ol' salts begrudge us newbies our desire to get a handle on things -- I think they're trying to discourage people from putting too much faith in the reading of tea leaves, which is pretty much what you get when you study the process in this way.

I'm sure I'll be all about "hey, tell me how it went for you, share what you know, help me get a sense of where the heck I'm at," and maybe a lot of that will be in terms of numbers. But I'm not going to pretend I have the psychic powers to glean anything truly insightful about my own chances from such a survey. Heck, I could find someone out there with exactly my Step 1 and 2 scores, hairstyle, and sense of humor, and if even we both apply to the same program, that person's odds might still be completely different from mine. There are just too many variables.

I've got faith in myself, time to learn the things I need to know, and a tarot deck. What more does anyone have to have to end up well?
I really didn't mean to upset anybody, but would you really not apply to a program because a handful of people told you they had a score of "X" and they didn't match there (or get interviews)? On the other hand, would you really apply to a program because someone with a score of "high X" matched at a program? What does that tell you? To me, it tells me absolutely friggin' nuthin'...

I understand your desire to know, but this really shouldn't be a criteria for where you want to apply... you'd be surprised where some people do and don't get interviews at, both bad and good.
i'm 6'2", 185 pounds. i have a lazy eye and i tend to drool on myself. otherwise, i've been told i have impeccable personal hygiene.

...and i matched! coincidence??
daveshnave said:
I really didn't mean to upset anybody, but would you really not apply to a program because a handful of people told you they had a score of "X" and they didn't match there (or get interviews)? On the other hand, would you really apply to a program because someone with a score of "high X" matched at a program? What does that tell you? To me, it tells me absolutely friggin' nuthin'...

I understand your desire to know, but this really shouldn't be a criteria for where you want to apply... you'd be surprised where some people do and don't get interviews at, both bad and good.

You, my friend, have seen the light. Good luck with the match!
daveshnave said:
I really didn't mean to upset anybody, but would you really not apply to a program because a handful of people told you they had a score of "X" and they didn't match there (or get interviews)? On the other hand, would you really apply to a program because someone with a score of "high X" matched at a program? What does that tell you? To me, it tells me absolutely friggin' nuthin'...

I understand your desire to know, but this really shouldn't be a criteria for where you want to apply... you'd be surprised where some people do and don't get interviews at, both bad and good.

case in point:

my PD told me arizona only interviews AOA, but i know of at least one non-AOA'er that did get the call

i also heard that highland only gives interviews to those that rotate there, again, this rumor didn't match with reality as i know people that did interview there but didn't rotate.

just take everything with a kilogram size grain of salt and apply to all the programs that spark even a slight interest. it's so easy to just tick off those extra boxes on eras. aaaaaahhh, the beauty of computers....
Thanks niner. Couldn't agree with you more EMApplicant.

15 hours, 11 minutes...

:scared: :eek: :cool:
drexel: free parking

temple: free parking

SUNY Downstate: NO free parking. What was I thinking?

Maryland: can't remember... perhaps I should have dropped it from my rank list... hmm

:D ;)
daveshnave said:
Thanks niner. Couldn't agree with you more EMApplicant.

15 hours, 11 minutes...

:scared: :eek: :cool:

dude, check your watch. it's only 13 hours and 50 minutes to go. :D
EMApplicant said:
case in point:

my PD told me arizona only interviews AOA, but i know of at least one non-AOA'er that did get the call

There are at least two of us, then.

And you're both wrong: only 13 hours and 5 minutes to go. :D