Medical Personal Statement Idea

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Sep 30, 2008
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Hey! Perhaps it's a bit early, but I have begun thinking about potential personal statement ideas for the upcoming cycle. I have a particular one in mind, but I am unsure if it is a good idea, so I would appreciate some outside perspective.

The background is that I consider myself to have grown up in a rural environment and I ultimately desire to eventually practice in a rural area. I am wondering how I can highlight this, and perhaps use it to set my personal statement apart from other applicants? In my mind I would think to use an anecdote such as:

"I grew up raising chickens; one day I asked my mother to make brownies and we didn't have enough eggs to do it. So, under her instruction, I wandered out to our barn where I was to check for freshly laid eggs. There weren't any when I got there, but there was a hen on a nest - really wanting brownies I sat down next to that hen, observing it intently throughout its egg laying process until it produced a slimy, warm, brown egg. I then had the brownies I desired. I received more than just brownies from this experience, however. I'd gained my first real glimpse into the wonders of biology, lighting a burning desire to learn more about the living world around me..."

Using such an anecdote or others (there are plenty that are similar with chickens, sheep, cattle, etc.), I am wondering if I could highlight my passion for learning or something related to that? Perhaps the value of work, the value of human relationships, etc.

My question is, however, whether or not such an anecdote would come-off as too unusual/weird or too unrelated to medicine? Obviously it is very unrefined at this point, and I suspect I work with idea to flow and fit better, but is this even a reasonable idea to further consider?

It's weird, but fine if you want to talk about that in all of your interviews.

two main points for personal statements is don't share anything that presents you in a negative light, and be prepared for all of your interviews to start in the places you talk about in your personal statement. So if you write about chickens, be prepared to talk a lot about chickens.

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Hey! Perhaps it's a bit early, but I have begun thinking about potential personal statement ideas for the upcoming cycle. I have a particular one in mind, but I am unsure if it is a good idea, so I would appreciate some outside perspective.

The background is that I consider myself to have grown up in a rural environment and I ultimately desire to eventually practice in a rural area. I am wondering how I can highlight this, and perhaps use it to set my personal statement apart from other applicants? In my mind, I would think to use an anecdote such as:

"I grew up raising chickens; one day I asked my mother to make brownies and we didn't have enough eggs to do it. So, under her instruction, I wandered out to our barn where I was to check for freshly laid eggs. There weren't any when I got there, but there was a hen on a nest - really wanting brownies I sat down next to that hen, observing it intently throughout its egg-laying process until it produced a slimy, warm, brown egg. I then had the brownies I desired. I received more than just brownies from this experience, however. I'd gained my first real glimpse into the wonders of biology, lighting a burning desire to learn more about the living world around me..."

Using such an anecdote or others (there are plenty that are similar with chickens, sheep, cattle, etc.), I am wondering if I could highlight my passion for learning or something related to that? Perhaps the value of work, the value of human relationships, etc.

My question is, however, whether or not such an anecdote would come off as too unusual/weird or too unrelated to medicine? Obviously, it is very unrefined at this point, and I suspect I work with ideas to flow and fit better but is this even a reasonable idea to further consider?

Do you really want to be known as "the chicken kid"?
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