Post-bacc Programs?

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Jun 20, 2001
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Hey all, I was thinking about applying to some post-bacc programs as a back up plan. However, I know that most are set up for people who haven't completed their prereqs yet. Are any of you in programs that accept people that already finished their prereqs? Did you find them helpful in gaining admission?

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I too was curious about that question too. I researched it some..and found there are a few schools that offer postbac programs for students that have already completed the prereq. The best school that I found that was very reliable in letting in students into their first year class was Chicago Med. Look into their physiology master's program. I believe MCP has a pretty good program but I don't know the logistics.
Yeah many people have suggested to me to enroll in the post-bacc program at Chicago Med because they take a significant number of people out of their post-bacc program into their first year class. It's like a "shuttle" program into medical school.

Although it would be awesome to go to Chicago med, I just wasn't up to taking the risk of going to a post-bacc program and not getting in, and on top of it not having anything to show for it (ie. advanced degrees).

It's a tough decision to make, but you have to figure out what is best for you because it's not the same for every applicant.
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Boston University School of Medicine has a one-year M.A. in Biomedical Sciences program with one of the highest acceptance rates into their M.D. or M.D./Ph.D programs in the country. Downsides include tuition, costs of living, and the "gunner" nature of students who were rejected the first (or more) time(s) that they applied.

I'll speak from experience in a few months as I am entering the program in the fall.

I know a friend who enrolled in a pre-med post-bac program at UPenn. At that place there are actually two types of programs. One is for the regular non-sci majors who need to take the pre-requisites; the other is for students who needed to improve their GPAs or get more experience. He highly recommended UPenn because it had great support system. Most students took night classes while during the day they either worked and/or volunteered at the nearby HUP or CHOP, both excellent places to do clinical research or volunteering. Another thing I remember is that the med school acceptance rate from that program was about 85%. I think they should have a website so check them out. Good luck~~
VCU/MCV has a program that is graduate oriented. You take graduate classes for one year and receive a certificate. Then you apply and either get an MS or phd during your application years. Check out their website.