PreMed lifestyle = short people

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Dec 14, 2004
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Swifteagle43's concern about getting fat while premed is interesting. but more interesting is that I have noticed a lot of short people who are premed. I'm only 6'1", but have felt like a giant compared to fellow interviewees. Do you think all the studying prevents growth?

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llort said:
Swifteagle43's concern about getting fat while premed is interesting. but more interesting is that I have noticed a lot of short people who are premed. I'm only 6'1", but have felt like a giant compared to fellow interviewees. Do you think all the studying prevents growth?

thats interesting.. i know a lot of tall doctors, but all the surgeons i know are short... i'm 6'5" .. at least i'll be memorable to the adcoms and profs.
I'm a 6'1" woman so I'm very easy to spot, especially in my black pumps! No one's going to forget me! ;)
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A lot of people in my class are relatively short, myself included. Plenty of guys 5'5-5'8" ish.
!dr_nick! said:
A lot of people in my class are relatively short, myself included. Plenty of guys 5'5-5'8" ish.

I'm 5' 4.5" - okay, 5'5" in shoes. And I'm a guy. Perhaps related to my short stature, I've been told I look like I'm 14. But I'm 25.

In my case, I think it's party genetics and party my childhood (was a pretty sick kid, body couldn't afford to grow).

I like being little. It's fun. And I will forever be cute. Oh, and I want to go into peds - so I guess I'll be closer to my patient's size than to my colleague's!

your all tall and your so hot!
except dr. nick who is so hot he doesnt haveto be tall!
Spoken like a true midget! :D

Medikit said:
height is inversely correlated with intelligence :love:
im 6'7", so alot of people, premed or not, look short to me
Termwean said:
Spoken like a true midget! :D

Um, that's little person to you, mac.

I'm used to being the shortest person everywhere (5'2" on a good day) but at my interviews I've been taller than several people...hmm...quite a hypothesis here...hmm...
llort said:
Swifteagle43's concern about getting fat while premed is interesting. but more interesting is that I have noticed a lot of short people who are premed. I'm only 6'1", but have felt like a giant compared to fellow interviewees. Do you think all the studying prevents growth?

A lot of the girls in my class are short, but the guys tend to be tall. There is a largely disproportionate number of guys who are taller than 6'3" or 6'5" in my class -- interesting that there short people predominate at other places!
lots of asian people...

side note: isn't the average male height in america about 5'7"?
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I'm 5'10" *shrug*
llort said:
Swifteagle43's concern about getting fat while premed is interesting. but more interesting is that I have noticed a lot of short people who are premed. I'm only 6'1", but have felt like a giant compared to fellow interviewees. Do you think all the studying prevents growth?
6'1'' is tall. the average white american is 5'10''.

im around 5'11'', which is tallish for an indian and i guess i have noticed that most guys have been shorter than i am.
DianaLynne said:
I'm a 6'1" woman so I'm very easy to spot, especially in my black pumps! No one's going to forget me!


I'm 6'1" with my pumps, and I've been the tallest woman at every single interview (guess we haven't met yet ;) ).
Short people rule!
DianaLynne said:
I'm a 6'1" woman so I'm very easy to spot, especially in my black pumps! No one's going to forget me! ;)

You sound model-licious
Ross434 said:
thats interesting.. i know a lot of tall doctors, but all the surgeons i know are short... i'm 6'5" .. at least i'll be memorable to the adcoms and profs.

6'2, i guess i'm screwed for surgery... :( ...i guess dr. benton was pretty tall, how tall was he, maybe i have hope :)
Ross434 said:
thats interesting.. i know a lot of tall doctors, but all the surgeons i know are short... i'm 6'5" .. at least i'll be memorable to the adcoms and profs.
the last surgeon I shadowed was at least 6'1, but the general surgeon was maybe 5'10, and the orthopedic surgeon was like 5'7
llort said:
Swifteagle43's concern about getting fat while premed is interesting. but more interesting is that I have noticed a lot of short people who are premed. I'm only 6'1", but have felt like a giant compared to fellow interviewees. Do you think all the studying prevents growth?

Standing at almost 6' as a chick, I think not! :)
Medikit said:
height is inversely correlated with intelligence :love:

Bonaparte, Beethoven, Nietzsche, and Mahler come immediately to mind when I think of some of history's greatest short statured geniuses. But assuming that you're not joking about what you've said, there's actually supposed to be a positive correlation (from what I've heard on numerous accounts) between height and intellect in general if there is even any correlation whatsoever (which there probably isn't).

More related to the topic, I stand somewhere around 68 inches and haven't noticed any trend.
I'm 6'3". I interviewed w/ 6 girls so while we were walking around on our tour, I towered over everyone. Probably looked like a giant in a suit because I am also big(broad shoulders).
Dave IPFW said:
Bonaparte, Beethoven, Nietzsche, and Mahler come immediately to mind when I think of some of history's greatest short statured geniuses. But assuming that you're not joking about what you've said, there's actually supposed to be a positive correlation (from what I've heard on numerous accounts) between height and intellect in general if there is even any correlation whatsoever (which there probably isn't).

More related to the topic, I stand somewhere around 68 inches and haven't noticed any trend.

Yeah i definitely agree with the idea of a positive correlation. all the really smart people im friends with are over 6', and, like i said before, a lot of doctors i know are tall too.
Whee! I haven't been on these forums in a while, but I couldn't resist the height thread!

I'm 6'4" and the tallest girl at my med school - Case! There are many guys taller than me here, though. I think there is a benefit to being tall in the application process - studies have shown people view taller people as "more competent" of course, tall ladies despair - tall guys are usually married by now or very taken, and short guys (especially short guy med students with something up their ass about being inferior) want nothing to do with us! The life of an amazonian medical student is a lonely one... :(
Jadeite said:
Whee! I haven't been on these forums in a while, but I couldn't resist the height thread!

I'm 6'4" and the tallest girl at my med school - Case! There are many guys taller than me here, though. I think there is a benefit to being tall in the application process - studies have shown people view taller people as "more competent" of course, tall ladies despair - tall guys are usually married by now or very taken, and short guys (especially short guy med students with something up their ass about being inferior) want nothing to do with us! The life of an amazonian medical student is a lonely one... :(

Dont despair Jadeite! Tall guys need tall girls pretty badly!! Whenever i see a tall girl on campus here im like, whoa! cool! . Its hard to find tall girls, thus, you're a rarity and, therefore, a hotter commodity! Me and my tall friends agree, short girls just dont work out for us. :D
I've only been to a couple interviews, but I've decided that it really is true that we're grown taller in the Midwest, esp WI and MN. All that Scandanavian ancestry. As for me, 5'6" (girl).
I am 6'0 and it has to suck to be a short guy.
Ross434 said:
Dont despair Jadeite! Tall guys need tall girls pretty badly!! Whenever i see a tall girl on campus here im like, whoa! cool! . Its hard to find tall girls, thus, you're a rarity and, therefore, a hotter commodity! Me and my tall friends agree, short girls just dont work out for us. :D

So, Ross, where're you going to med school? ;)

(6'1" Diana here...)
llort said:
Swifteagle43's concern about getting fat while premed is interesting. but more interesting is that I have noticed a lot of short people who are premed. I'm only 6'1", but have felt like a giant compared to fellow interviewees. Do you think all the studying prevents growth?

Has anyone pointed out the obvious, that by the start of college we have completed nearly all of our growing? Even if premed did inhibit growing, it would mean only an inch of height difference.

That being said, I'm 5'3", but I had finished growing by the time I started premed (in my second year of college).
akpete said:
I've only been to a couple interviews, but I've decided that it really is true that we're grown taller in the Midwest, esp WI and MN. All that Scandanavian ancestry. As for me, 5'6" (girl).

Well, I don't know about that. I'm a quarter Swedish (my dad's half-Swedish), and I'm 5'6". My dad's 5'5".

I decided to be pre-med BECAUSE of my height.

well, not really. I wanted to be in the NBA, but dammit, just not fast enough. No Muggsy Bogues/Tyus Edney speed here.
The people in my medical school class are definitely shorter on average than the folks who I went to high school with. Both in Ohio.

My guess is that it has to do with ethnicity. There are a disproportionatly large number of East Asians, Indians, and Jews in medicine, and people from these groups - I've noticed - tend to be shorter than African Americans and Christian Anglos on average.
Although I am only 6'0, the orthopedic surgeon who operated on me last year stands 6'8 (no kidding), so there are tall surgeons out there, but most of them seem to be 5'6.
Ross434 said:
thats interesting.. i know a lot of tall doctors, but all the surgeons i know are short... i'm 6'5" .. at least i'll be memorable to the adcoms and profs.

Being tall is a bit of an occupational hazard as a surgeon, considering all the bending over you have to do. I have a friend (gen. surgeon) whose entire surgical team has some neck ailment of one kind or another. So short guys are good to go. (Remember everying needs to be able to see the surgical field, even the 4' 11" tech.)

Me, I'm 5' 10" so shouldn't be too bad.
llort said:
Swifteagle43's concern about getting fat while premed is interesting. but more interesting is that I have noticed a lot of short people who are premed. I'm only 6'1", but have felt like a giant compared to fellow interviewees. Do you think all the studying prevents growth?
yes you are the only tall person in medicine.

Short guys can't hack it so they become doctors :thumbup:
Jadeite said:
Whee! I haven't been on these forums in a while, but I couldn't resist the height thread!

I'm 6'4" and the tallest girl at my med school - Case! There are many guys taller than me here, though. I think there is a benefit to being tall in the application process - studies have shown people view taller people as "more competent" of course, tall ladies despair - tall guys are usually married by now or very taken, and short guys (especially short guy med students with something up their ass about being inferior) want nothing to do with us! The life of an amazonian medical student is a lonely one... :(

I agree ... all tall men are taken :thumbdown: (5'9 here) I feel for you girl. :luck:
I've been to a few interviews and haven't noticed that trend. Most guys seem to be near 5'11 (average American male height), and most women seem to be around 5'2 - 5'4 (average American female height). Everyone seems to cluster at their respective heights, leaving poor lil ol' me by myself (5'8"),alternating between looking down or up at others (physically speaking, not figuratively).

That being said, I prefer men under 6'0. Am I an anomaly????
TexasSnow said:
Most guys seem to be near 5'11 (average American male height)

That's the third "average American male height" I've seen in this thread. And it's gotten taller and taller as the thread's gone on... I'm 5'11", and it seems that I'm taller than most, but not as tall as many. So I'd put the average at 5'8"-9". What say the statistics?
DrDrummer said:
That's the third "average American male height" I've seen in this thread. And it's gotten taller and taller as the thread's gone on... I'm 5'11", and it seems that I'm taller than most, but not as tall as many. So I'd put the average at 5'8"-9". What say the statistics?

For some reason that number is stuck in my head. I read it somewhere a few years ago. But I think "average" also depends on geographic location. Men up north seem to be taller than the men I've seen here in Texas (please don't hate me for saying that!!!! :scared: j/k)

I wonder of taller doctors and adult patients alike take shorter doctors (in the range of 5'2"-5'5") seriously?

Sounds like a silly question, I know. However, I've always thought about that..
If you look on those Pediatric height/weight charts, the 50th percentile is at 5'9.8", or almost 5'10". Of course, in the general population it's less than that, because average height has increased about an inch since the 1960's for young guys. Average height for all American males is 5'9". You wouldn't know that if you polled a bunch of people, because most guys exaggerrate their height by an inch or two, including tall guys. :D

My Dad is 5'11". That's the height everyone said I was going to be when I was growing up. But because of my 5'1" Mom, I only reached 5'8" :(
the funny thing about short dudes, is that they always have a chip on their shoulder. like they got something to prove. seriously, if you ever see a short dude with his girlfriend at a bar, they are always super protective, and want to fight if you check his girl out.
llort said:
the funny thing about short dudes, is that they always have a chip on their shoulder. like they got something to prove. seriously, if you ever see a short dude with his girlfriend at a bar, they are always super protective, and want to fight if you check his girl out.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :thumbup: (so true)
mushy, what are you doing out of the lounge and in preallo? :confused:

llort said:
the funny thing about short dudes, is that they always have a chip on their shoulder. like they got something to prove. seriously, if you ever see a short dude with his girlfriend at a bar, they are always super protective, and want to fight if you check his girl out.
Exactly why I've had problems with shorter guys in the past. I'm 4'11, and I have a height preference of 5'10 or over. :thumbup: