Psychology vs neuroscience major

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I love dogs27

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2+ Year Member
Mar 12, 2021
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med schools do not care wich major/ minor you choose. However I am stuck between a psychology major with a mental health concentration and a neuroscience major. I’m interested in both and like both as a back up plan if I can’t get into med school. Both have a similar time frame of 4.5 years to complete. Obviously you guys can’t choose for a stranger on the internet and I’m not expecting you to, but I just want input. Which would you choose and why? Thanks!

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Psychology would probably be easier to maintain a higher GPA - but you would have to make sure you take the necessary prerequisites as they likely wouldn't all be a part of the major.
On the other hand, neuroscience would expose you to the most science classes as an undergrad, but it would be more difficult to maintain a high GPA.

The fields are completely different. I majored in psychology in undergrad and took a few neuroscience courses during my time in grad school. Psychology is much more theory, whereas neuroscience is pretty hardcore science. I personally enjoyed my neuroscience courses much more, but it was nice being able to make easier grades in undergrad. I wish I could give you an answer, but this was my personal experience.
Psychology would probably be easier to maintain a higher GPA - but you would have to make sure you take the necessary prerequisites as they likely wouldn't all be a part of the major.
On the other hand, neuroscience would expose you to the most science classes as an undergrad, but it would be more difficult to maintain a high GPA.

The fields are completely different. I majored in psychology in undergrad and took a few neuroscience courses during my time in grad school. Psychology is much more theory, whereas neuroscience is pretty hardcore science. I personally enjoyed my neuroscience courses much more, but it was nice being able to make easier grades in undergrad. I wish I could give you an answer, but this was my personal experience.
Im more of a black and white thinker and struggle with concepts that are abstract and gray like. Would you say based off that near wild be better for me to understand? or which one would you think based on that.
Who is in charge of the neuroscience major? Many undergraduate programs will have it hosted either under the psychology department, the biology department, or both ("interdisciplinary"). The major may be constructed such that you could probably double-major in neuroscience and psych or biology (or go for all three or a combination of minors).

We don't know how your professors are viewed by your peer students. We don't know which programs require research. You have to query your school resources.