Questions about Bio/Chem prereqs from a parent - LONG

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Nov 8, 2012
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Parent here, long time reader, first time poster. D is a freshman who goes to top 10 LAC. Will start taking biology and chemistry sequences starting next semester. She had AP Bio, AP Chem, honors anatomy and physiology at HS plus 8 college credits of physics as of right now. After looking at bio and chem courses offered at her college, I have several questions for people who took or studied for DAT. Any info, opinion or advice is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
1 semester of Chem at her college will cover the following topics (they will be using Brown’s Central Science, 12th ed)
Matter and Measurement
Atoms & Molecules
Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
Electronic Structure of Atoms
Periodic Properties of the Elements
Chemical Bonds & Molecular Geometry
Gases, Liquids, Solids
Chemical Thermodynamics
Chemical & Acid-base Equilibrium
Electrochemistry - NONE
Nuclear Chemistry - NONE

2nd semester of Chem is ‘Equilibrium and Analysis’
Book is ‘Quantitative Chemical Analysis’ 8th ed
Question – would it be ok to study for the DAT with 1 semester background and self-study for Electrochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry?

2 semesters of Bio at her college will cover the following topics (they will be using Raven’s Bio 9th ed)
Molecular Basis of Life
Biology of the Cell
Genetic and Molecular Biology
Diversity of Life
Plant Form and Function
Animal Form and Function – only covering digestive and partially reproductive systems
Ecology and Behavior

Question – does she have to take an additional anatomy and physiology class or try to self-study that part of biology and then review for DAT since she knows basics from her HS course?

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I'd take both General Chemistry courses personally, but your child seems bright and I suppose with the proper DAT prep material one could teach themselves the necessary chemistry. As far as Biology goes, it's really just Biology 1/2 covered on the test, and Raven's should have enough detail.
I would also go with the chemistry class. Biology can easily be self taught since it's mostly memorization. A lot of people, including myself, had to study material that we were unfamiliar with for the DAT in the biology section. When I was studying for chemistry, it was a breeze for me since I was fully exposed to the material several times before.

Electro and nuclear chem may show up on the DAT, but it's not as common as the other topics and they also don't get in depth as a college course would. I am sure your daughter will be fine.