Pharmacy Residency question

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Oct 14, 2011
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I have been a retail pharmacist for a while now and kind of getting over it. I don’t see any personal or profession growth. I loved for its flexibility but want to do something more now. You can call it a 10 year itch. Thinking about residency? Can someone shed some light on how to go about residency. Where do I start

If you graduated from pharmacy school, I'd check your alumni office to help get you connected to others who may be employed in a situation that you might enjoy. What type of residency are you thinking about?

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Yes, it is quite possible to enter a residency, however, you are actually on the hook to explain yourself in preparation for the ASHP match. This reality about retail was made clear to you before you joined, and it is guaranteed to be asked what made you want to transition (and job security cannot be the only reason), but you have to convince a panel that you have the ability to learn and subordinate yourself to the learning process again.

The other problem is that you will be competing against new grads with fresh knowledge, and retail is honestly a place where certain parts of the skillset die. You probably should try to get at least a P/T hospital job to refresh on those skills, or else, a normal RPD is going to trash your application as you are not where a new grad should be in terms of skills, knowledge, and malleability.

You should apply widely and be able to move if needed for this. Depending on the market, you may not be able to stay where you are. You should peruse the Pharmacy Residency board for the cycle.

Retail was a great option for me at that time. I have couple of publications under my belt, and I always saw myself in a clinical space but didn’t apply for residency for some reasons which I can make a really good case for in interviews.
You make some good points, thanks!
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