SUNY Buffalo !!

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Feb 5, 2001
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Just got accepted to UBuffalo :D
so far, I have the choice between NYU and UBuffalo.. the later seem to be a better choice : lower tuition cost.

Anyone going there next year? dorm or apartment? car/ no car? I'd appreciate any feedback. thanks


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congratulations on your acceptance! and good luck! i grew up in buffalo and although i'm still an undergrad, i can give you some advice. definately find an apartment off campus. the dorms are filled with loud unruly students. rent is not bad depending on where you live. apartments near the south campus (which is where the med, dental, and nursing schools are located) are affordable. the north campus also offers student apartments (mostly for upperclassmen undergrads, but Flickinger court houses grad students)

about absolutely need a vehicle of your own. it is entirely inconvienent to get anywhere without a car --especially if you want to head out to the clubs and bars in the city.

on a side note...they're still doing construction, painting, and getting rid of what has to be asbestos. they've been working at Farber hall since the fall - and they're still at it. the black box theater at Harriman hall seems to be under eternal construction (they must have been fondling themselves in there because it was under construction last summer...and work there still isn't finished). you'll be familiar with Harriman hall because it also has a place to eat, congregate, and a student id office...the medical school polity is there as well.

well, hope you didn't fall asleep reading this :) and if you have any more questions about the buffalo area, i'd be happy to answer them:p
btw, are you going to be an undergrad or a dental student? i just realized that some of what i posted might not apply if you're an undergrad. especially the bit about the asbestos: most likely if you're an undergrad freshman, you won't be in that building.
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Congratulations. You will be in treat for famous Buffalo Wings and french fries with gravy.
I was also accepted there and I did my undergrad at Buffalo. 187 did give pretty good elaborations about your options. If you aree able, you definitely need a car. And avoid schools dorms, especially Main campus(aka South campus: this is where Med school and Dental school is located) Try to look for off campus housing which is fairly easy to find. And avoid off campus housing near the Main campus. Try to look for apartments near Williamsvile area or towards Niagara falls (I believe the town is called Tonawanda) As long as you look for apartments near North campus you should be ok.

Good luck.

187, I will be a first year dental student next year and thanks for all the tips. They told me when i interviewed that the North campus have a few new dorms that are quite good (according to some student) any thoughts?

Henkel, isn't North campus pretty far from where dental building is ? well, I was thinking maybe to rent a studio or something near dental school. How are the apartments there? poorly managed/bad environmnet?
some student told me that a few of the dorms on Norht campus are good... so if i end up living at North campus, i'll probably look up the dorms... for free and fast internet connection :D


the dental buildings are on the south campus, which is only 5-10 minutes away from the north campus (not far). if you want the very rad T1 internet connection, then Flickinger court might be your best option, or a studio apartment on the North campus (i gave you the link already). there has been talk that they might build some apartment complexes on the south campus for the med/dental students, but that won't happen for another 2 years probably.

apartments near the south campus (dental buildings) are hit and miss. you might get a nice house and great landlord, and then again you might be unfortunate to get a run down place that the landlord would care less about. most of the houses/apartments are pretty run down. the apartments around there are in an area known as the University Heights District: known for it's rivalry between frat houses and non-college residents: avoid those areas (i could talk endlessly about the situation in this area, but i'll spare you :)

there are town houses and apartments near the north campus in tonawanda: near Chestnut Ridge Drive. also, affordable apartments are also located closer to the south campus -- called Princeton apartments on Brant Street: a quieter place than the University Heights District.

so, your decision on where to live would be how important a nice, stable place with a fast internet connection and network (piracy, mp3's, etc.) are. if they are, student apartments are ideal (dorms are a bad idea). if you don't mind the modem and want to spend less money on rent, then the Princeton apartments or Tonawanda apartments would be the best option.

This site is a searchable database for current available apartments. it may or may not help. i work for a component of the organization so i know they might not be entirely reliable :) but, it will give you a place to start.
They told me when i interviewed that the North campus have a few new dorms that are quite good (according to some student) any thoughts?

the student is probably talking about the new apartments which UB has been constructing (no new parking lots, but MANY apartments...$$). anyway, those are very very very nice. clean & new, *somewat* quiet. the recent new ones were built from scratch within one beware that the walls might be thin.

If you are going to live in the dorms, live in North Campus (like 187 has indicated, new apartments are up and they are building more)
The shuttle buses(called Blue Bird) run about every 5 minutes during peak times. (10-15 minutes apart by bus) Try to avoid off-campus near South campus (University Heights district). I met a student who was robbed at gun point. (but he did not use common sense precaution) And he also indicated that he was robbed two more times in that area. Now he is living at Ellicot (a huge dorm complex in North campus that kind of looks like Lego blocks)

Overall, 187 is painting accurate and detailed picture of U Buffalo and I would urge you to stay in North campus or near there.

Good luck.
thanks 187 and Henkel for your help
I will definitely look into university and off campus apartments instead of dorms. At this point, I'm not sure if I'll have a car. Hopefully I'll have "some fun" while studying my butt off :D
How's Buffalo during winter? I live in Chicago... so i guess I'm used to the snow. anyways, thanks again for all of the help.
can't wait for school to start ;)

you're welcome!
the winters can be bad -- we usually get 1 huge storm or 2. one time last winter we got hit *really* badly. i was in the parking lot digging my car out at school. a man helped by pushing my car out of the lot. it usually takes me 5 minutes to drive home, but that night it took 45 minutes because of the traffic. we probably got over 12 inches of snow that time and school was cancelled a couple of times (which *never* happens).

a few times, the mayor announced a state of emergency for buffalo because of the blizzard type conditions. but if you've lived here all your life as i have, then you get used to all this snow crap ;)
so be prepared for lots of snow, especially lake effect snow -- you'll never stop hearing that throughout the winter.
