Texas Permanent License - Form X?

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15+ Year Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Hey Guys,

I was looking to get a permanent license in TX and when filling out the online form, there was a part about expediting your application if you agree to treat medicare/medicaid patients up to 5y after license is granted.

Now, there is a Form X that I have to sign... and I was about to sign it.

However, now I'm thinking - I know we see medicare and medicaid patients in the ER... but should I be signing this form?

What if I end up in Urgent Care for some reason... or another type of practice that does not allow for care/aid patients? I'm all for treating people, but I don't want to pigeonhole myself.

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I did not use the expedited license for my Texas application - it's really not that slow without it, and, presumably, if you're still a resident, you won't need it for another ten months.
Does it say how many patients you are required to see? Does it say you have to see them or agree to see them (two different things)?
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I applied in July of last year and everything was complete by Feburary. I did drag my feet a bit on getting things turned in as I was not certain I was going to Texas, plus I kept putting off the stupid Juris exam.

As far as the Form X.... I originally put I would sign it, I then called and talked to someone about it. They essentially said this is more geared to primary care operating in certain parts of the state. As someone else said, she told me that it makes little difference in getting you application approved and the best thing you can do is get everything turned in and done as soon as its asked for. I ended up not doing the Form X...

Where in TX are you thinking of going? PM me if you want...
If you do your form early enough, there really is no reason to do Form X. It only may be helpful if you are in a time crunch. Just don't wait till May to get your app in for a July start and you will be fine.
I did turn Form X in, don't know if it made a difference. My application was held up because of a Form L from a place I moonlit at 2 shifts during residency.
i turned it in. Not because it would make my application faster but because I figured it couldn't hurt my application for the physician education loan repayment program.