University of Charleston School of Pharmacy

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Again if you would like to address the facts in my post go ahead. Otherwise, personal attacks will be ignored, and won't be any response from me. I am going to continue to bring the info about UCSOP to the public for my own enjoyment. (Am I making so much "impact" which makes them feel comfortable?)
yet you still respond to them?

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Again if RXDOC1986 would like to address the facts in my post go ahead. Otherwise, personal attacks will be ignored. I am going to continue to bring the info about UCSOP to the public for my own enjoyment. (Am I "making so much impact" making faculty feels comfortable?)
Dear Bro:
The pen (in this case, keyboard) is mightier than the sword. Here, you are reaching ones, maybe tens of people. I am sure the faculty are shaking in their boots. Your impact is spectacular.
Keep up the good work. You are doing God's work!
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Members don't see this ad :)
This is now true for a lot of schools in 2023
But this school stands out as the worst among the bad
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So why do you feel the need to badmouth the school? If you did actually graduate, you know this would do nothing but devalue your degree. If it hated it so much, why didn't you just transfer to WVU or Marshall? This was an option for anyone who didn't have a terrible GPA. Like the the other poster said, people who wanted to leave could go to WVU. We also had people who transferred in to UC from other pharmacy schools, so I'm sure you knew this was an option.

EDIT: The most recent NAPLEX pass rate for UC was 77% in 2021. AS expected, they had ONE really bad year that this guy likes to exaggerate.

77%? One year only? Who is exaggerating you or me? are you even living on the same planet earth? everything I say I have evidence to back it up. However, UCSOP is nothing but a bunch of shameless, obnoxious liars.
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77%? Who is exaggerating you or me? are you even living on the same plane earth? everything I say I have evidence to back it up. However, UCSOP is nothing but a bunch of shameless, obnoxious liars.
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Okay, can't help it. jumping back into this Mud Puddle of a thread!
My dear ESL friend/colleague:
As most others have pointed out, this good for nothing school, the lowest of the low, actually graduated YOU! So what does that make you, as a pharmacist? This seriously reflects on your knowledge and expertise, I wouldn't want any graduate from that school anywhere close to my prescriptions.
But, keep the entertainment coming!
Below is the most updated NAPLEX pass rate report. Just look at it you can tell the big differences between UCSOP and other pharmacy programs. UCSOP "standouts" EVERY YEAR like a sore thumb in the report making it a day and night self-explanation. Every year UCSOP always finds itself among the schools with the lowest score in the nation! (Do you think COVID is the cause of UCSOPs' low academic reputation?) Observing this report we obviously have to question the quality of UCSOPs' below-average program and the competency of its faculty. (No we don't even have to question. The answer is already there!) If you have any specific questions about UCSOP let me know. I just bring you the info which is widely available on the Internet. You can always verify it before making your own decision. (But don't bark at the wrong tree though.)
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My dear ESL Bro:

Again, YOUR DEGREE IS FROM THAT SCHOOL! What does that say about your mental acuity?
Don't bite the hand that feeds you!

Also, you might want to work a bit on your use of Proverbial Phrases and idioms! Or, then again, you might want to blow up that bridge when you come to it.
I, personally, avoid proverbs and idioms, like the plague.

Please don't stop your crusade against this school, you are reaching one's to ten's of people here, and the entertainment value is priceless.
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"Don't bite the hand that feeds you!" I agree! Where do the paychecks for the UCSOP faculties come from? isn't it from the tuitions? so who is feeding whom? The UCSOP does not feed any students and the faculty does not give anything free out of their generosity. (which is not a typical characteristic of the entitled karens) The students earn the degree by working their asses off to fulfill all the requirements and UCSOP charges them money every single step of the process. After the graduation, the students have to work their asses off to feed themselves and to pay the student loans they borrowed to feed the UCSOP. The struggle of UCSOP financially today due to the lack of students is showing clearly who is feeding whom.

Before UCSOP reached this status of low academic reputation they were already being put on probation by ACPE due to under-performing. UCSOP has a long history of troubles and has struggled academically, financially, and structurally for years. They try their best to hide it and don't want anyone to talk about it. Instead of addressing the undeniable facts about UCSOP from the news, or the reports, which are widely available all over the internet, they carry out personal attacks toward anyone who dares to speak the truth to the public, or they just shamelessly lie about everything. However, the day that this school enjoyed over one hundred students per class had long gone. With such a bad reputation, their classes are continuously shrinking down to 75, then 35, then 25. As of today they only have 12 students per class because many applicants have been staying away from this bottom-quality private school. Among those 12 students, no one knows how many of them are drug or heroin addicts like Patrick Schnur AKA a "role model" of UCSOP. The total number of faculty is also shrinking both in number and quality. Most valuable faculties already moved to different universities. All the Deans also left for other jobs. Just looking at the empty lecture hall, empty parking lot, and the "haunted" hallway of the school we can tell how depressively the situation has changed. With the retraction of the job market and the decline of the profession, we can surely predict the situation will only get worse for this private school.
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Update: As of Fall of 2023 their student per class is further down to ONLY 12 students per class! :p(source: picture of white coat ceremony) This must be the lowest number of students per class among all other pharmacy schools. This private school holds so many lowest of the low records such as the lowest NAPLEX pass rate, lowest research prowess, lowest academic reputation, placed on probation, and now the lowest number of students in the nation (12 students). Also this year UCSOP just "won" the saddest and most depressing white coat ceremony of the year 2023. This is definitely a point of no return. This UCSOP Titanic is definitely 100% going under because the tuition is not enough to cover the expenses. These 12 students may have to face the teach-out plan. Interestingly, UCSOP is sinking much faster than everyone's predicted because this private school is undeniably inferior! (academically, morally, financially, structurally ...) The "karma" (the info about this private school) has helped to spread awareness about this rotten hole to everyone especially students and potential applicants faster and wider allowing them to make wise decisions. The persistent efforts started to take effect beautifully in 2023 hammering down 12 students per class as the confirmational nail into the UCSOP coffin. The white coat ceremony for 12 students this year looked very dead and depressing! In fact, it is the most depressing white coat ceremony of the year among all of the other pharmacy schools around the nation. Many years ago, the faculties of UCSOP were "killing" each other behind closed doors to be able to sit on the stage during the ceremonies because it was a symbol of VIP and power used to flex on other faculties. However, today the morale among the staff and faculty is extremely low They all, including the school president which is an unusual sign, avoid being on stage or being in the UCSOPs' video because there is not much of a reputation or pride to fight for or to represent. Instead, they feel ashamed to associate with UCSOP events because, besides the extremely low NAPLEX pass rate, and research prowess, the new low of only 12 students is another slap in the face of UCSOP compared to other pharmacy schools. It is also a loud statement from the applicants about the value of this private school. Many faculty must be wondering if should they follow in all the Deans' footsteps to leave the UCSOP Titanic now before it is too late. The shady individuals such as garnet monk (petty mind monkey), lucas (landwhale karen), acree (junky monk-ey) with her crackhead brother rising to their short live fame of power during the last minutes of Titanic's chaos will only bring UCSOP down quicker than the previous team. The school knows this but it has no other choice because, with only 12 students, lack of money, low performance, bad reputation, multiple serious internal issues, and facing going out of business, no one wants to join this Titanic now. A huge lecture hall built to host a hundred students now there are only 12 new students is the saddest picture just before this private school is shut down for good. A rare piece of good news from this school is you no longer have to fight for the parking space because you literally have the whole parking lot for yourself! :cool:

Insider's joke:
1/ The heroin + UCSOP = The hero in UCSOP
2/ The Titanic did not sink because of the iceberg. It is sinking because of parasitic landwhales.
3/ UCSOP rises in the east (former Dean Dr. Easton) but will NOT set in the west (former Dean Dr. Weston). Instead, it is going under almost instantly because of monk-eys (monk, acree), landwhales
(lucas, bowyer...), and karens. Teach-out is 100% coming! This private school is going out of business. More than ever before, there is much more crucial evidence in 2023 to avoid this private school!

University of Charleston pharmacy school placed on probation
UCSOP Probation.jpg


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I went to school at UC and I feel the need to address some of the false claims being made. The above poster (thuthoi)
feels the need to mislead. I know who he is from his username and he was kicked out for failing pharmacokinetics P2 year. He has only made 2 posts here and both are bashing this school.

"Low NAPLEX pass rate"
The school has an 86% average pass rate over the last 10 years, including one year with a 100% pass rate (few schools ever had a perfect year like UC did). There was also ONE year with a pretty bad pass rate, which was 2020, in the middle of a pandmemic. This was not a normal year for the school. Pass rates also dipped nationwide.

"It is a for-profit school"
Blatant lie. It is a non-profit school.

"IIRC isn't this a horrible school academically? I thought I remember a resident applicant who mentioned there were a couple of UC students who were given the ability to transfer to WVU because of their class standing or something like that?"
In 2015, 4 people transferred from UC to WVU. There was one other person who applied to transfer who was denied because of bad grades. Still, 80% of the people who wanted to transfer to WVU were able to transfer. These students were all able to get in-state tuition at WVU despite being from OH, KY, and MD. You guys also accepted that resident applicant you mentioned (intials JL), didn't you?

Also, last time I checked, your school (WVU) was using a textbook written by a UC professor. We had several professors who used to teach at WVU, and one who left UC to teach at WVU. Funny how we share so much faculty, yet for some reason their teaching apparently sucks when they are at UC but is somehow great at WVU.

"the dean (the founder of this pharmacy school) already left this school for other jobs."
The founding dean of the pharmacy school left in 2009. Why are you talking about ancient history? That is what the founding dean does. He founds another new pharmacy school every 5 years or so.

"The classrooms are getting more and more empty each year."
How will these poor students manage to survive with small class sizes and more individualized instruction? The horror!

"The pharmacy school building is depressively quiet"
Having lots of quiet and comfortable places to study is somehow a bad thing? If you like lots of noise and distraction, that might partially explain why you failed pharmacokinetics.

"$32,000 a year, what a joke"
Students from WV and any neighboring state (there are 8 states on the list) get a $4700/year tuition discount. This is a hell of a lot cheaper than some of the other options.

Before I go, I want to say that you should be really careful who you listen to online. I'm glad I went to UC. It was 4 years of hard work, but it was worth it. I had a good time there and made a lot of lifelong friends. UC had a better overall environment than the public university I attended in undergrad. I was able to get a well-paying hospital job right after graduation in a neighboring state without a residency. UC made this possible for me because they placed me there for an APPE and taught me everything I needed to know beforehand. You can listen to the naysayers online, but they probably don't have as good of a job as me. Isn't Employment the goal in the end? No employer cares where you went to school as long as you have a diploma and prove yourself knowledgeable.
Agree! I’m c/o 2012 and absolutely loved it here. Staff was awesome and some are still teaching. Went back last year with my wife and newborn and showed them where I went to school and even got to see many of my old professors which was great. Wouldn’t change it for the world and have lifelong friends now. Dr. Stull may have left right before I started because Dr. Easton was my Dean. Dr. Lucas, my old professor, is currently the Dean now. I did see the small number of students for class of 2027 but it’s about the same for Marshall now. Too many schools.
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So you say "too many schools" is the problem then to solve the problem which school from the report attached below should be shut down?:cool:In this UCSOP case, "Too many schools" is not the real problem. "Too many schools" is just another lame excuse such as COVID is the cause of UCSOP's low academic reputation. The real problem is "TOO MANY SCHOOL" DOING MULTIPLE TIMES BETTER THAN UCSOP (see attachment below). That is why students have been applying to other schools but UCSOP. Many pharmacy schools are doing excellently in terms of pass rate, performance, research prowess, and number of students. Therefore, they have plenty of money to pay the faculties and to attract the talents. Meanwhile, the out-of-control layoff is going on right now inside UCSOP due to a lack of students and money. Only the inferior schools such as UCSOP are in the hot seat. How will the private school UCSOP handle six-figure salaries with only 12 students? UCSOP is only able to gather 12 students and called it the class of 2027. However, whether will this private school have enough money to pay six-figure salaries to the faculties until 2027 is another different story. The shutdown is coming to this private school. Any applicant to UCSOP after 2023 may have to accept whatever teach-out plan this private school throws at the students when UCSOP suddenly runs out of money and closes the school. Very soon the new students will feel rudeness from the faculty. To them, you, the students, are nothing but the financial hostages.

Bringing Marshall into the comparison with UCSOP does not make this private school look any better because every year UCSOP always finds itself among the schools with the lowest score in the nation. It is hard to find such a negatively "well-rounded" pharmacy school with a history of being on probation. Love or hate a school is your personal opinion. If Patrick Schnur is still alive he would love this school to "death" also. What you do and who you want to associate with is your own business which is not my concern. My focus is to bring evidence-supported facts and the latest most updated news about this private school to the students so they can make their own wise decisions. Even if I love a school I absolutely won't let my family members apply to that school which I know is about going out of business. lucas wrote a promise as a new Dean she would bring back the integrity of USCOP (LOL indirectly she exposed UCSOP and confirmed to everyone that it is in deep sh1t) However, after only two years she and her team have "managed" to bring the number of students from 35 down to 25 and then 12. Talking about the lack of students, UCSOP loves to boast about its so-called advantage of "individualized instruction" due to the small class size. Interestingly, as of the day its classes have shrunk to a "tiny weeny" size and rapidly approaching the "zero size" but the "magic" of the individualized instruction effect is still nowhere to be seen. The NAPLEX pass rates of this private school are still way below the national average every single year. Their performance outcome is just simply awful to watch compared to other pharmacy schools. To cover up their incompetence they just turn into shameless liars. As the current Dean, lucas brings UCSOP to an unstoppable spiraling-down acceleration. I already alarmed everyone in my posts from last year that lucas as a new Dean won't do any good or be able to provide any resolution to UCSOPs' issues because she herself together with her gang is actually the cause of UCSOPs' problems leading to current downfall. More and more they look and act like a bunch of parasites trying to hang on to the weakened body of UCSOP until it completely goes under.

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Enjoy (which I do) the "priceless entertainment value" news from UCSOP while it lasts because soon this private school will be closed then "MY HEART WILL GO ON!" LOL! Just look at the graph of UCSOP enrollments attached below everyone can easily predict where the UCSOP is heading. Avoid this inferior private school with its below-average program, low academic reputation, and incompetent faculty because it is about going out of business!




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Based on the studies, private pharmacy schools are always inferior compared to public pharmacy schools in performance (not even mention the tuition of private schools vs public schools yet). UCSOP is a private pharmacy school but its pass rates are too low to even be fitted into the graph of other private schools in the nation. The graph cut off at 80% (because the national averages are from 80% and up) However, the UCSOP pass rates are "stable" in the range of 60% (see the attachments below). UCSOP just gives the phrase "off the chart" a new meaning! :cool: it is also worth mentioning, that it is much harder for other pharmacy schools with a hundred students to get a 90% pass rate than schools such as UCSOP with only 10 or 20 students per class to get the same outcome showing the solid of other programs and the competency of their faculty. The research prowess, measuring the knowledge of faculty, further unveils the incompetency of UCSOP faculty (55% vs 100% of the national average.) Specifically, UCSOP faculty lack the knowledge, the skill of teaching, and the will to teach. They come to lectures with a reluctant and stuck-up attitude, reading off the PowerPoint material left over by other faculties with a monotone without a deep understanding of the subject. It is funny that the faculty tried to blame the bad outcome on the students, the COVID, the war in Ukraine, the global warming effect ... anything they can think of conveniently LOL! In response to my posts about the pass rates, besides carrying out personal attacks on me, UCSOP also posted on its Facebook "UCSOP is not all about the numbers. The numbers are not everything" in an attempt to save the school's reputation. Alright, so in that case instead of paying 100% full tuition will UCSOP accept only 60% amount of tuition from the students since the numbers are not everything to UCSOP? Here is another story of UCSOP which does not involve the numbers. Its pharmacy student (Patrick Schnur) did heroin right inside the school and died (he also stole controlled medications) but UCSOP acted as if nothing happened and even created a scholarship under his name (Patrick Schnur Memorial Scholarship) making him a "role model" for other pharmacy students to follow. That is rotten "OFF THE CHART!" of a nutty-professor bunch. Now no one knows how many more drug addicts are sitting/hiding in this school and will become "druggists." Yep! "UCSOP is just not about the numbers", it also has other stories that you hardly find at other pharmacy schools in the nation such as being put on probation, treating students differently based on skin color, and being a utopia for drug addicts. But most important, UCSOP is about going out of business due to Darwinian Survival-of-the-Fittest Conditions on US Pharmacy Schools (see the enrollment graph of UCSOP below). So as of 2024 AVOID THIS PRIVATE SCHOOL!

After reading this study Years of Rampant Expansion Have Imposed Darwinian Survival-of-the-Fittest Conditions on US Pharmacy Schools where do you think the UCSOP will be going?
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I want to remind you of the
The number of students per class of UCSOP dropped from 35 students down to 12 students instantly; People have been thinking about what should they do with that pharmacy school building once they do not have enough students. The 3rd Dean ran away just after a few months of taking his position; the guy David Bowyer is no longer holding the department chair. The job market goes from saturated to retracting; the NAPLEX pass rate of this school dropped way below the national average EVERY YEAR and its academic reputation is rated low by the public. The school is about falling apart financially (and structurally). If these are not Karma then I do not know what else should be. The school gave up hope to find the fourth Dean instead UCSOP just appointed some random faculty to be the fourth Dean. The school did not pick her in the first place because they knew she did not qualify for such a position. Similarly, after months of asking the public to help to find a new department chair to replace the guy david "the Gynecomastia" bowyer, UCSOP could not find anyone to join the "Titanic" so they gave it to the guy garnet "the petty mind" monk. Why didn't they give it to him in the first place? They only did it after they have no other choice.

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The recent message above from UCSOP is so deceitful that is why in my previous posts I called them shameless liars. Now I have to expose them so the high school or new students can see how disingenuous as well as cynical UCSOP school is today. UCSOP is in the pharmacy business for so long that it surely knows with over 10,000+ newly graduating pharmacists each year only the retail settings are big enough to accommodate them. Only very few go to other fields such as:

-- Teaching: how frequently does the USCOP hires a new faculty and how many each time? total number of faculty at UCSOP has been even shrinking tremendously in both quantity and quality due to a lack of students, low on budget, and bad reputation. Several pharmacy schools even have been shut down due to a lack of students and UCSOP is now on that same path.
-- Pharmaceutical: PharmD is not trained for research. The PhD. is. Look at the research done by UCSOP faculties who got the PharmD LOL!. Talking about the research, the research prowess of UCSOP is only about half of the national average combined with very low NAPLEX pass rate has earned this school a title of low academic reputation (see the attached picture below) The research prowess of a school refers to its ability and reputation in producing high-quality and impactful research across various academic disciplines. It indicates the institution's capability to conduct original and innovative research, contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and influence the academic and professional communities. A school with strong research prowess typically has Faculty Expertise!!!: Schools with strong research programs often employ experienced and renowned faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. These experts drive research initiatives, mentor students, and collaborate on significant research projects. Research Facilities: Well-equipped research facilities and laboratories are essential for conducting advanced research. Schools with strong research prowess invest in state-of-the-art facilities to support their research endeavors. Graduate Programs: Schools with strong research prowess usually offer competitive graduate programs that attract students who are interested in pursuing research careers. The quality of these programs can be assessed through graduate-student outcomes!
-- Veterinary pharmacist: how many of you have ever encountered a veterinary pharmacist in daily life?
This shows how irresponsibility of the UCSOP toward the future of its student. They lie/deceive and do not care if the next four years most of its students will be floater pharmacists who will have a hard time finding full-time retail pharmacist jobs. UCSOP just needs you the new student to borrow the hundred thousand dollars in student loans to feed UCSOP school. Because of the pharmacist job market going from saturated to retraction plus UCSOP's low academy reputation but high tuition (private school) many applicants have been staying away from this school causing the number of students for each class has dropped from over 140 per class to now only 25 students. The school is about falling apart financially (the tuitions are not enough to cover the expenses) and structurally (many faculties are leaving this school including all of its DEANs)

Other pharmacy schools are shutting down due to declining of the job market/profession and the lack of interest from applicants. (2 pharmacy schools shut down, which ones next)

Walgreens and CVS Are Closing Pharmacies and Cutting Back on Hours

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As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the job market for pharmacists has taken a hit, leading to a decline in the profession. If you're a student considering UCSOP, it's important to weigh the risks and benefits carefully before making a decision. In this article, we'll explore why students should reconsider applying for UCSOP due to the job market retraction and the decline of the pharmacist profession.

  1. The job market for pharmacists is shrinking According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of pharmacists is projected to decline by 3%. This decline can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing use of technology and automation, the growing trend of mail-order pharmacies, and the closure of small independent pharmacies. As a result, the job market for pharmacists is becoming increasingly competitive, making it difficult for new graduates to secure jobs.
  2. The pharmacist profession is becoming less lucrative As the demand for pharmacists decreases, so too does the earning potential for those in the profession. The average salary for pharmacists has remained relatively stagnant in recent years, with some pharmacists even experiencing salary cuts or reduced hours. Additionally, the cost of obtaining a pharmacy degree has risen significantly in recent years, with the average debt for pharmacy school graduates reaching over $160,000.
  3. Pharmacists are becoming less involved in patient care As the role of pharmacists in the healthcare industry shifts, many pharmacists are finding themselves with less patient interaction and less involvement in the overall care of patients. This can be attributed to the increasing use of technology and automation, which has led to a more transactional approach to filling prescriptions. This can be dissatisfying for those who entered the profession with a desire to make a difference in patients' lives.
  4. Another issue facing the pharmacy profession is the increasing prevalence of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), which are third-party companies that negotiate drug prices and manage prescription drug benefits for insurance plans. These companies often prioritize cost savings over patient care, which can lead to decreased reimbursement for pharmacies and reduced job satisfaction for pharmacists.
  5. The future of the pharmacist profession is uncertain As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the future of the pharmacist profession is uncertain. With the increasing use of technology and automation, it's possible that the need for pharmacists will continue to decrease. Additionally, the rise of telemedicine and the increasing use of nurse practitioners and physician assistants may further limit the role of pharmacists in patient care.
  6. Last but not least, UCSOP is one of the private schools with high tuition but has the lowest academic reputation in the nation with a history of being put on probation due to underperformance. Its pharmacy student did heroin right on the school property and the school did not care about it. It is a sinking Titanic financially and structurally showing the total number of students and faculty is rapidly shrinking smaller each year.
In conclusion, while pharmacy school may have been a popular choice in the past, the changing landscape of the healthcare industry has led to a decline in the profession. With a shrinking job market, decreasing earning potential, and limited involvement in patient care, students should carefully consider the risks and benefits before considering UCSOP. While the decision to pursue pharmacy school ultimately rests with the individual, it's important to make an informed decision based on the current state of the profession.

Below is the updated NAPLEX pass rate of UCSOP recently: UCSOPs' performance is consistently way below the national average year after year. Every year UCSOP always finds itself among the schools with the lowest score in the nation! (Do you think COVID is the cause of UCSOPs' low academic reputation?) The number of students (and faculty) is shrinking due to a lack of interest from the applicants to this school. Remember this is a private school. This year there are only 12 students per class (dropping from 25 last year). ThIS school is definitely on the FAST track of going under!
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I want to remind you of the UCSOP Student Handbook. Even after you graduate, you still represent the school. They also have the power to revoke your degree.

I love the school and am happy for the smaller class sizes. Comparatively Marshall University SOP only has ~ 26 students in their 2027 class and less in the 2026 class. They are close in locations as you know. Also, MUSOP is on the watch list for ACPE due to under performance in several categories (including NAPLEX pass rates, degree completion, and appropriate professors). All schools around the country are experiencing lower class sizes.

Additionally, Dr. Bowyer doesn't work at UCSOP anymore. Dr. Monk is more qualified than you believe. Mrs. Bero left the university. I wonder what your issue is with Dr. Acree. The school must be doing something right if Dr. Matt Rafa. Dr. Acree, and Dr. Todd are on several boards to improve pharmacy practice in West Virginia and the country.

As far as the NAPLEX goes, there are several factors that have affected EVERY schools pass rate. It wasn't just COVID. Really that West Virginia is a rural state and a lot of the students are not local students. Adjustments had to be made and they may not have been able to respond as fast as others. Which could easily affect the NAPLEX pass rate. Some schools like VCU, USF, LECOM, MCPHS, UMd, and other programs have been using distance learning for years before COVID hit. Other schools have technology programs and etc that allowed them to respond to the distance learning needs quicker than other schools.

Also, do we not use our knowledge while on APPEs to help solidify out didactic learning? COVID caused such a disruption to APPEs and the benefits/preparations students get for their NAPLEX.

If the program is so terrible, why are UCSOP students repeatedly being selected for the summer internship at Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins?

The amazing thing about UCSOP is the ability to interact with the community and make an impact on legislation that impacts pharmacy and patient care.

Please, for anyone reading these comments, please disregard the negativity and obvious gate toward the program at UCSOP. It is a great program and you truly learn how to care about your patients.


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I want to remind you of the

I want to remind you of the UCSOP Student Handbook. Even after you graduate, you still represent the school. They also have the power to revoke your degree.

I love the school and am happy for the smaller class sizes. Comparatively Marshall University SOP only has ~ 26 students in their 2027 class and less in the 2026 class. They are close in locations as you know. Also, MUSOP is on the watch list for ACPE due to under performance in several categories (including NAPLEX pass rates, degree completion, and appropriate professors). All schools around the country are experiencing lower class sizes.

Additionally, Dr. Bowyer doesn't work at UCSOP anymore. Dr. Monk is more qualified than you believe. Mrs. Bero left the university. I wonder what your issue is with Dr. Acree. The school must be doing something right if Dr. Matt Rafa. Dr. Acree, and Dr. Todd are on several boards to improve pharmacy practice in West Virginia and the country.

As far as the NAPLEX goes, there are several factors that have affected EVERY schools pass rate. It wasn't just COVID. Really that West Virginia is a rural state and a lot of the students are not local students. Adjustments had to be made and they may not have been able to respond as fast as others. Which could easily affect the NAPLEX pass rate. Some schools like VCU, USF, LECOM, MCPHS, UMd, and other programs have been using distance learning for years before COVID hit. Other schools have technology programs and etc that allowed them to respond to the distance learning needs quicker than other schools.

Also, do we not use our knowledge while on APPEs to help solidify out didactic learning? COVID caused such a disruption to APPEs and the benefits/preparations students get for their NAPLEX.

If the program is so terrible, why are UCSOP students repeatedly being selected for the summer internship at Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins?

The amazing thing about UCSOP is the ability to interact with the community and make an impact on legislation that impacts pharmacy and patient care.

Please, for anyone reading these comments, please disregard the negativity and obvious gate toward the program at UCSOP. It is a great program and you truly learn how to care about your patients.
About your threatening, I would say "Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo' Dat" but I will come back later for some fun on this. Meanwhile, let my action be my answer to the threat.

Your explanations are so weak I cannot believe someone from UCSOP with the so-called "doctor" could be that bad. I think because it is not easy to bend the truth. The performance of most pharmacy schools was not affected by COVID no matter what method they were teaching. The average pass rate didn't change during the COVID year. Most importantly, until now, several years after COVID why the pass rates of UCSOP are still the lowest in the nation? what would be your next reasons? Let me guess; it is because of the war in Ukraine or the global warming effects? UCSOP's low academic reputation is the combination of 2 categories: the NAPLEX pass rate measuring the knowledge of the student and the research prowess measuring the knowledge of the UCSOP faculty. What is your explanation for the 55% research prowess of UCSOP? Fat and obese Swine flu got most of your faculties and "liquefied" their knowledge?

It does not sound right to hear that most of your students are the stars at Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins but also these students are struggling at the common NAPLEX test (60% vs 80% average). Many UCSOP students have been quietly removing the name of UCSOP from their Facebook profile because UCSOP's bad reputation won't help them gain respect or win the job-seeking competition with students from other pharmacy schools around the nation, especially in this shrinking pharmacy job market.

About david bowyer (aka gynecomastia karen) you know exactly why he is no longer at UCSOP why didn't you tell everybody the reason behind his leaving? If you don't want to talk about it then I will and this is also one of my answers to your threatening toward me. In 2021 the website of the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy showed the info that david bowyer (aka gynecomastia karen) was supposed to continue to be a board member at least until 2024 and further. However, right after my post about his role in Patrick Schnur case, abruptly he was off the board and left the UCSOP in 2021. Why? because my posts have created pressure from the public toward the so-called "Patrick Schnur Memorial Scholarship" and opened a can of worms about UCSOP for everyone to witness. The case was so obvious, that UCSOP and the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy were not able to make up an explanation (aka a reasonable lie.) Therefore the best solution would be to let david bowyer go and blame him for everything that they are not able to answer. Also after my posts in 2021, the UCSOP no longer offers the Patrick Schnur Memorial Scholarship to its pharmacy students. "What a shame!" haha :cool: From 2016 (the year Patrick Schnur died) up to 2021 nobody had ever publicly questioned them about their "teratoma" called Patrick Schnur Memorial Scholarship. Like the condition of a terminal patient, Patrick Schnur is just one of many UCSOPs' issues getting worse each year such as bottom pass rates, low reputation, declining enrollments, financial loss, out-of-control layoffs ... and finally becoming a Titanic.

About garnet monk-ey (aka petty-minded karen) and his worshipers (lindsay acree, beth todd... ) they form a gang within UCSOP to strengthen their control. But their personalities are so cheap, toxic, and entitled that both students and many faculties do not want to associate with them. People at UCSOP already know them so well there is no need to describe them to the folks at UCSOP. Everything Mr monk-ey business gets his hands on would be going out of business (his infusion business then now UCSOP Titanic) when you (the school) promote the wrong people you begin to lose the best people. As an indication, the ship is now sinking faster than ever. The gang of monk-eys look and act like a bunch of parasites trying to hang on to a terminally ill patient UCSOP.

UCSOP does not want anyone to talk "negatively" about the school but they are unable to explain why there are many unusual news, bad records, terrible performance reports, and low public ratings which are widely available all over the Internet about UCSOP. they are pretending to be positive focusing; however, they have no problem throwing Marshall University School of Pharmacy under the bus to create the illusion that UCSOP looks better. I want to remind you that Marshall University School of Pharmacy has never been put on probation like UCSOP. The UCSOP was actually placed on probation due to underperformance! The 26 students of Marshall are still double the amount UCSOP can gather (12 students). Marshall does not have a heroin addict pharmacy student/"role model" the weirdest combo that I guarantee none of the pharmacy schools in the nation will ever have such a thing. Every day UCSOP faculties have no problem talking sh1t about their own students and blaming them for the all failures of UCSOP. When they are unable to address the facts about UCSOP to others then that will be the time they bring out the UCSOP student handbook LOL!

I want to tell you that the UCSOP Student Handbook is nothing but a small stack of paper good for recycling. This is even more true when the school is soon shut down due to a lack of students and money. So far none of them from UCSOP can provide any solid point to prove their statement. they just repeatedly use vague phrases such as "providing the great impact" (negative impact?) then jump right into a personal attack, intimidation, or outright threatening. However, students can slap UCSOP right back with the freedom of speech protected by law especially when the students have all the evidence and data to support their speeches. Do not let your US Constitutional rights be violated! Especially for the UCSOP students who already know how rude and bullying those karens are, stemming from their fragile egos. For potential applicants, now you can see the true color of UCSOP as a dictator whom they should skip and stay away from right from the start for post-graduation peace of mind. When UCSOP says "represent UCSOP" they want the students to blindly agree with all of the faculty's BS, worship Patrick Schnur, and continue putting the money into faculty wallets. I guess Patrick Schnur was a perfect individual representing UCSOP that is why UCSOP created a scholarship using his name. Such a joke UCSOP student handbook which soon will be in the same pile of recycling materials. Students rather be at a different pharmacy school than attend this inferior private school run by a fatty gang of Kim Jong Un.

"Freedom of speech is the right to express opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech, as well as many state and federal laws."

UCSOP student handbook vs The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, let's enter the battle!


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About your threatening, I would say "Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo' Dat" but I will come back later for some fun on this

Your explanations are so weak I cannot believe someone from UCSOP with the so-called "doctor" could be that bad. I think because it is not easy to bend the truth. The performance of most pharmacy schools was not affected by COVID no matter what method they were teaching. The average pass rate didn't change during the COVID year. Most importantly, until now, several years after COVID why the pass rate of UCSOP are still extremely low? what would be your next reasons? Let me guess; it is because of the war in Ukraine or the global warming effects? UCSOP's low academic reputation is the combination of 2 categories: the NAPLEX pass rate measuring the knowledge of the student and the research prowess measuring the knowledge of the UCSOP faculty. What is your explanation for the 55% research prowess of UCSOP? Fat and obese Swine flu got most of your faculties?

It does not sound right to hear that most of your students are the stars at Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins but also these students are struggling at the common NAPLEX test (60% vs 80% average)

be like Elsa and "let it go"
Follow Ted Lasso's advice - "be a goldfish"
While the fitness of a pharmacy school (faculty quality, performance, reputation, enrollments, finance ...) is the ultimate indication of how long UCSOP will stay afloat; There are also broader reasons contributing to the sinking of the UCSOP Titanic following the survival of fittest law
  1. Saturation of the Job Market: the oversupply of pharmacists is leading to increased competition for job opportunities. This saturation can make it difficult for new graduates to secure employment or may limit their options for advancement. It is even harder for students from low academic reputation schools such as UCSOP to compete with other students for the job.
  2. The job market for pharmacists is shrinking According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of pharmacists is projected to decline by 3%. This decline can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing use of technology and automation, the growing trend of mail-order pharmacies, and the closure of small independent pharmacies. As a result, the job market for pharmacists is becoming increasingly competitive, making it difficult for new graduates to secure jobs
  3. Automation and Technological Advances: Automation in pharmacies, such as robotic dispensing systems, and advancements in technology may reduce the demand for pharmacists in certain roles, potentially affecting job prospects and income potential.
  4. Educational Debt: Pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree can be expensive, leading to substantial student loan debt for many graduates. The cost of education combined with uncertain job prospects can create financial stress and may outweigh the potential earnings as a pharmacist.
  5. The pharmacist profession is becoming less lucrative As the demand for pharmacists decreases, so too does the earning potential for those in the profession. The average salary for pharmacists has remained relatively stagnant in recent years, with some pharmacists even experiencing salary cuts or reduced hours. Additionally, the cost of obtaining a pharmacy degree has risen significantly in recent years, with the average debt for pharmacy school graduates reaching over $160,000
  6. Workload and Stress: Pharmacists often work long hours, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. They may also face high levels of stress due to the fast-paced environment, high prescription volumes, and lack of support staff.
  7. Another issue facing the pharmacy profession is the increasing prevalence of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), which are third-party companies that negotiate drug prices and manage prescription drug benefits for insurance plans. These companies often prioritize cost savings over patient care, which can lead to decreased reimbursement for pharmacies and reduced job satisfaction for pharmacists.
  8. Pharmacists are becoming less involved in patient care As the role of pharmacists in the healthcare industry shifts, many pharmacists are finding themselves with less patient interaction and less involvement in the overall care of patients. This can be attributed to the increasing use of technology and automation, which has led to a more transactional approach to filling prescriptions. This can be dissatisfying for those who entered the profession with a desire to make a difference in patients' lives.
  9. Lack of Career Advancement Opportunities: The opportunities for career advancement and progression in pharmacy are limited, especially in saturated job markets or within certain pharmacy settings
  10. Ethical Dilemmas: Pharmacists may encounter ethical dilemmas, such as conflicting patient needs, insurance constraints, or pressure from employers to prioritize profitability over patient care. These situations can be challenging to navigate and may lead to moral distress.
  11. Physical Demands: Pharmacists may spend long hours standing or sitting, which can lead to physical discomfort or health issues. Additionally, handling medications and working with pharmaceutical compounds may pose health risks if proper safety precautions are not followed.
  12. Lack of Autonomy: In some pharmacy settings, pharmacists may have limited autonomy in decision-making, particularly in chain pharmacies or corporate settings where protocols and procedures are strictly enforced.
  13. Job Satisfaction: Many pharmacists find that the realities of the profession do not align with their expectations or personal fulfillment. Burnout rates among healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, are high.
  14. The future of the pharmacist profession is uncertain as the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the future of the pharmacist profession is uncertain. With the increasing use of technology and automation, it's possible that the need for pharmacists will continue to decrease. Additionally, the rise of telemedicine and the increasing use of nurse practitioners and physician assistants may further limit the role of pharmacists in patient care.
It's important for individuals considering a career in pharmacy to carefully weigh these factors and conduct thorough research to determine if it aligns with their interests, values, and career goals. While pharmacy school may have been a popular choice in the past, the changing landscape of the healthcare industry has led to a decline in the profession. With a shrinking job market, decreasing earning potential, and limited involvement in patient care, students should carefully consider the risks and benefits before considering UCSOP. While the decision to pursue pharmacy school ultimately rests with the individual, it's important to make an informed decision based on the current state of the profession.

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While the fitness of a pharmacy school is the ultimate indication of how long UCSOP will stay afloat; There are also broader reasons contributing to the sinking of the UCSOP Titanic following the survival of fitness law
  1. Saturation of the Job Market: the oversupply of pharmacists is leading to increased competition for job opportunities. This saturation can make it difficult for new graduates to secure employment or may limit their options for advancement. It is even harder for students from low academic reputation schools such as UCSOP to compete with other students for the job.
  2. The job market for pharmacists is shrinking According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of pharmacists is projected to decline by 3%. This decline can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing use of technology and automation, the growing trend of mail-order pharmacies, and the closure of small independent pharmacies. As a result, the job market for pharmacists is becoming increasingly competitive, making it difficult for new graduates to secure jobs
  3. Automation and Technological Advances: Automation in pharmacies, such as robotic dispensing systems, and advancements in technology may reduce the demand for pharmacists in certain roles, potentially affecting job prospects and income potential.
  4. Educational Debt: Pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree can be expensive, leading to substantial student loan debt for many graduates. The cost of education combined with uncertain job prospects can create financial stress and may outweigh the potential earnings as a pharmacist.
  5. The pharmacist profession is becoming less lucrative As the demand for pharmacists decreases, so too does the earning potential for those in the profession. The average salary for pharmacists has remained relatively stagnant in recent years, with some pharmacists even experiencing salary cuts or reduced hours. Additionally, the cost of obtaining a pharmacy degree has risen significantly in recent years, with the average debt for pharmacy school graduates reaching over $160,000
  6. Workload and Stress: Pharmacists often work long hours, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. They may also face high levels of stress due to the fast-paced environment, high patient volumes, and responsibilities such as verifying prescriptions and counseling patients.
  7. Another issue facing the pharmacy profession is the increasing prevalence of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), which are third-party companies that negotiate drug prices and manage prescription drug benefits for insurance plans. These companies often prioritize cost savings over patient care, which can lead to decreased reimbursement for pharmacies and reduced job satisfaction for pharmacists.
  8. Pharmacists are becoming less involved in patient care As the role of pharmacists in the healthcare industry shifts, many pharmacists are finding themselves with less patient interaction and less involvement in the overall care of patients. This can be attributed to the increasing use of technology and automation, which has led to a more transactional approach to filling prescriptions. This can be dissatisfying for those who entered the profession with a desire to make a difference in patients' lives.
  9. Lack of Career Advancement Opportunities: The opportunities for career advancement and progression in pharmacy are limited, especially in saturated job markets or within certain pharmacy settings
  10. Ethical Dilemmas: Pharmacists may encounter ethical dilemmas, such as conflicting patient needs, insurance constraints, or pressure from employers to prioritize profitability over patient care. These situations can be challenging to navigate and may lead to moral distress.
  11. Physical Demands: Pharmacists may spend long hours standing or sitting, which can lead to physical discomfort or health issues. Additionally, handling medications and working with pharmaceutical compounds may pose health risks if proper safety precautions are not followed.
  12. Lack of Autonomy: In some pharmacy settings, pharmacists may have limited autonomy in decision-making, particularly in chain pharmacies or corporate settings where protocols and procedures are strictly enforced.
  13. Job Satisfaction: Many pharmacists find that the realities of the profession do not align with their expectations or personal fulfillment. Burnout rates among healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, are high.
  14. The future of the pharmacist profession is uncertain as the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the future of the pharmacist profession is uncertain. With the increasing use of technology and automation, it's possible that the need for pharmacists will continue to decrease. Additionally, the rise of telemedicine and the increasing use of nurse practitioners and physician assistants may further limit the role of pharmacists in patient care.
It's important for individuals considering a career in pharmacy to carefully weigh these factors and conduct thorough research to determine if it aligns with their interests, values, and career goals. While pharmacy school may have been a popular choice in the past, the changing landscape of the healthcare industry has led to a decline in the profession. With a shrinking job market, decreasing earning potential, and limited involvement in patient care, students should carefully consider the risks and benefits before considering UCSOP. While the decision to pursue pharmacy school ultimately rests with the individual, it's important to make an informed decision based on the current state of the profession.

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They are training nurses/Clinical Nurse Specialist and pharmacist/Clinical Pharmacist Specialist to do some of the same jobs in PCMH and ACO in a model called Population Health in which everyone works as a team for patient centered care. Top of the license practice. I do not think that the pharmacy students know that they are training nurses to do the same job. There will likely be some jobs for pharmacist filling in for the nursing shortage. Crazy but this is where we are heading under Value Based Care.
According to a recent study (a) there are too many pharmacy schools, too crowded for such a shrinking pharmacist job market. Therefore, the worst schools will be out of business following the law of survival of the fittest. The study found 4 indications to recognize a "Titanic" and BINGO! UCSOP has all 4 of these indications

1. If it is a private pharmacy school..................................[Check]
2. The school isn't located within a medical center....[Check]
3. The school opened after 2000........................................[Check] (2009)
4. 3-years program .................................................................[Check*] (* UCSOP, a 4 years program but its pass rates are in 60% range (vs 80% national average) which is among the lowest in the nation, even lower than any of the 3-years program schools)

For the details and explanations for these 4 indications, see the link to the study below

(a) Years of Rampant Expansion Have Imposed Darwinian Survival-of-the-Fittest Conditions on US Pharmacy Schools

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According to a recent study (a) there are too many pharmacy schools, too crowded for such a shrinking pharmacist job market. Therefore, the worst schools will be out of business following the law of survival of the fittest. The study found 4 indications to recognize a "Titanic" and BINGO! UCSOP has all 4 of these indications
dude - let it go my friend (and I use that term VERY loosely)- we get it, you are a spurned ex student (and I know jack about this school)
Everyone is welcome to address facts in my posts. Otherwise, any personal attack, intimidating, or threatening was and will be ignored. Surely and firmly the news and updates about UCSOP will be posted frequently for those who want to evaluate UCSOP before applying to this private school. My posts are also the answers to the threats. if anyone doesn't like these facts or already knows (or they think they know) then just simply ignore and stop following this thread leaving it to those who need the info to read. People! let's wait for the UCSOP enrollment number for this year 2024 Based on the enrollment trend of this private school and the study it is not difficult to foresee it is going to be a "fun" and crucial number!

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Everyone is welcome to address facts in my posts. Otherwise, any personal attack, intimidating, or threatening was and will be ignored. Surely and firmly the news and updates about UCSOP will be posted frequently for those who want to evaluate UCSOP before applying to this private school. My posts are also the answers to the threats. if anyone doesn't like these facts or already knows (or they think they know) then just simply ignore and stop following this thread leaving it to those who need the info to read. People! let's wait for the UCSOP enrollment number for this year 2024 Based on the enrollment trend of this private school it is not difficult to foresee it is going to be a "fun" and crucial number!

View attachment 385298
how about we just don't care? reading your posts is like watching a train wreck - we just can't stop watching your waste of time
how about we just don't care? reading your posts is like watching a train wreck - we just can't stop watching your waste of texime
Yes, don't read, don't care, don't follow, stop wasting time because I will 100% continue doing what I love. How I use my time is none of your business. You have no power to tell me what to do. I have a clear goal with a sole focus. In contrast, you are just wasting time wandering around everywhere in the forums being a brown-noser. Your only weapon is being rude but it already shows who you are more than affecting me. So be like Michael Jackson, just "beat it." Here is the good news, soon everything will stop once the Titanic is just ... the name of a fake romantic movie. 2024 is going to be a good year to enjoy watching Total Eclipse and druggy Titanic! :cool:
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Yes, don't read, don't care, don't follow, stop wasting time because I will 100% continue doing what I love. How I use my time is none of your business. You have no power to tell me what to do. I have a clear goal with a sole focus. In contrast, you are just wasting time wandering around everywhere in the forums being a brown-noser. Your only weapon is being rude but it already shows who you are more than affecting me. So be like Michael Jackson, just "beat it." Here is the good news, soon everything will stop once the Titanic is just ... the name of a fake romantic movie. 2024 is going to be a good year to enjoy watching Total Eclipse and druggy Titanic! :cool:
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The coming story "Pirate of Caribbean: At Puerto Rico UCSOP's ENDED" :cool: (The folks at UCSOP know exactly what I am talking about LOL!)

In the last few years, the number of students from Puerto Rico accepted to UCSOP disproportionately increased when its total number of students sharply decreased. Puerto Rito already has two pharmacy schools which is more than enough to provide pharmacists for the population of 3 million Puerto Ricans. Only 1% of the US population (3 vs 300 million) but in 2020 UCSOP had 40% of new students from Puerto Rico (14/35 students, see attachment below) this only happened abruptly in the last 3 years starting in 2020 when the UCSOP rapidly ran out of students (or tuitions.) UCSOP targeted this Caribbean island as a "desperado" solution to keep Titanic afloat. As explained by a Puerto Rico student on the UCSOP website, They picked UCSOP not because of its academic reputation but because these students could not get into two pharmacy schools in Puerto Rico due to the "narrow accepting rate." Of course, with a small population where are the jobs for newly graduated pharmacists if they accept everyone just for the sake of tuition money like UCSOP is doing now? Throughout its existence years, When the job market was still OK, UCSOP rarely accepted any Hispanic students. Most of its pharmacy students are white such as Patrick Schnur. Now, when the school is about to close and the job market for pharmacists is getting smaller then suddenly 40% of UCSOP's new students are Hispanic AND 100% of these Hispanics come from only one single ethnic group from a small population on Puerto Rico island. Does that island desperately need many pharmacists? I don't think so! it's more like UCSOP desperately needs money! Last month the UCSOP still made a video trying to get more Puerto Rito students but it seems like the awareness about the UCSOP's bad reputation has kept potential students, including those from Puerto Rico, staying clear from UCSOP (Because most likely this school will be shut down soon due to low performance and lack of students). As a result, the number of Puerto Rito students has dropped from 14 down to ONE student in 2023. The UCSOP can produce as many pharmacists as they want but the number of pharmacist jobs available in Puerto Rico is limited due to serving such a small population. When students come back to Puerto Rito they are just "EXTRA" pharmacists and there are not enough jobs for those extra. They may have to accept part-time jobs, be a floater, or they have to move away from their home island to find jobs. Meanwhile, the jobs market for pharmacists in the US is saturated and shrinking as well. UCSOP loves to use current Puerto Rican students as bait to lure more students from Puerto Rico. However, there is evidence that off camera these students have given the completely opposite suggestions of what they said on the video that is why the UCSOP's"gold mine" called Puerto Rito has dried out quickly with only one student in 2023! Puerto Rito applicants now know that UCSOP is not the only school making it easy for them to get in due to the decline of the profession and job market. Secondly, USCOP students only have a 60% chance to pass NAPLEX while other schools have an 80% chance in average. Due to a bad academic reputation and low ranking, UCSOP is known for low-quality education. All of the measurements this school is always at the bottom of the nation. Having UCSOP's name on the resume won't help the student win the job-seeking competition with students from other schools around the nation. Finally, private school tuition is expensive and inferior in quality compared to public schools. For easy to remember this school has seven lows and one high: high tuition (private school) but low NAPLEX pass rate (bottom chart), low academic reputation, low ranking (bottom chart), low research prowess (bottom chart), low (rapidly declining) number of students, low on finance (about to shut down), low moral value and integrity (Patrick Schnur case vs Kevin Nguyen case, treating student differently based on skin colors, shady and disregarded tactics for money, and shamelessly lies to cover up their incompetences) Many faculty give people a yucky, disgusting feeling when students encounter them because they do not give out the vibe of the respectable professors instead they act as cheap slimy used car salesman ready to scam everyone around them including their own gang members. Once you accidentally hear the conversations behind closed doors between their own gang members all of your respect for them will vapor instantly. Themselves they know they are not respectful, so to demand respect they act as dictators creating an intimidating atmosphere throughout the school. Look at them carefully they all walk around making "serious"/constipating faces acting as stuck-up individuals as if they are national treasures (LOL!) but they are ranked #127 in the nation (bottom 10%). Soon there will be even no ranking for this private school because it will be out of business due to lack of students and money. So don't put your money on this private school which is about to disappear.


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Over the past few years, there has been a notable increase in the number of students from Puerto Rico accepted to UCSOP, despite a sharp decline in the total student population. With Puerto Rico already home to two pharmacy schools, adequately serving its population of 3 million, the sudden surge in UCSOP admissions from the island appears disproportionate. This trend began around 2020, coinciding with a rapid decline in UCSOP enrollment. It seems UCSOP viewed Puerto Rico as a desperate solution to bolster its diminishing student body and financial woes.

According to a statement by a Puerto Rican student on the UCSOP website, many chose UCSOP not for its academic standing but because of difficulty in securing admission to local pharmacy schools with stringent acceptance rates. However, this influx of students, primarily from one ethnic group and a small population, raises questions about the school's motives, particularly when considering UCSOP's historical lack of Hispanic representation.

The recent push to attract more Puerto Rican students, evident in UCSOP's promotional efforts, seems futile given the school's tarnished reputation and impending financial troubles. Consequently, the number of Puerto Rican enrollees plummeted from 14 to just one student in 2023. Despite UCSOP's efforts to produce more pharmacists, the job market in Puerto Rico is limited, leaving many graduates with uncertain prospects or necessitating relocation.

Furthermore, the saturation of the pharmacist job market in the US exacerbates the issue, rendering UCSOP's strategy of targeting Puerto Rican students for enrollment unsustainable. The discrepancy between UCSOP's promotional rhetoric and the reality experienced by Puerto Rican students suggests a disingenuous approach by the institution, contributing to the rapid decline in enrollment from the island.

In summary, while UCSOP may view Puerto Rico as a lucrative source of revenue, the mismatch between student supply and local demand for pharmacists underscores the impracticality of this approach. The dwindling number of Puerto Rican students reflects not only the flawed recruitment tactics but also the broader challenges facing UCSOP in sustaining its operations.
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