UPenn Revist

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Apr 7, 2002
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Did anybody make it to Penn's Revist? I was unable to attend, and am wondering what other people's impressions were.



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Penn's revisit weekend was nice-- there was a pretty decent turnout and it seemed like most (> 80%) were pretty set on coming to Penn.

The first day-day of service- was kind of a little condecendingly presented (insofar as they sort of treated us as though we had little community svc. experience) but the second day was fun. Obviously, the greatest benefit was meeting everyone and by and large, most of the kids were really pretty cool and nice.

Feel free to PM me with any questions!
Thanks for the reply-- come on, there must be more of you out there! Please help a potential classmate out.

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i was there for the last portion of the second day. the med students are a really cool bunch of people. and they have many talents including free-style rapping, singing, and acting. it was really a load of fun and the quality of the show was helped by the access to copious quantities of beer. i did not hear anything about the school except for the EC fair. There seemed to be alot of intramural sports, medical students associations, ethnic group clubs and just all types for everyone. Lots of community servie which was nice. The studetns seemed very "hip" from my impressions. A couple older more refined prospects were there too to add some diversity. I thought it was quite impressive. I think more so than jhu where the students were a bit more seirous about medicine but not especially "cool." I probably fit into the jhu category though :) . hehe.

good luck
The students were nice and had lots of outside interests- and the administration was the friendliest that I have seen at any school. On the housing tour I was impressed by how many nice places there are to live around the school- if you decide to go there there is a listing of available apartments on the accepted students web site. I also thought the faculty seemed very personable. :D
Yeah, Penn pretty much had the coolest med students I've ever met! And most of the other students I met at the preview weekend were just as cool, if not more so (like Dr. G!). Plus they gave out lots of free beer and food...can't go wrong there, right? Those cookies were soooo good! And Gaye actually sat down with every student who so desired to discuss financial aid packages. She seemed really committed to matching offers from other schools and otherwise adjusting packages to make it easier to attend Penn. And curriculum 2000, with the coolest virtual curriculum around, is practically unbeatable! I was VERY impressed this weekend.
did a lot of people go?
I'd say there were about 100+ people there, so it seemed like a pretty fair turnout. . .

I don't know if anyone else agrees, but I thought the 'coffeehouse' thing was sort of lame.

Cookies & beer were good, though!
The Penn Preview definitely solidified my decision to go to Penn...the whole weekend was well-organized and I like how they fed us almost every other hour (damn those cookies were good!) I was so impressed with the faculty--honestly, they were the most sincere and genuine physicians I have ever met. If you had the opportunity to meet Dr. Larson, Dr. Ginsburg, or Dr. Rosenquist you know what I'm talking about but if you didn't, just take my word for it. I told Dr. Larson how I was interested in emergency med and he took me on a private tour of the er and up to the helicopter pad for a view of the city...these people were definitely not there to put on a show, they are extremely interested in your personal success as an aspiring physician. The students were mad cool too, nice combination of well-adjusted, down to earth, party hearty intellectuals---if you can imagine that? Philly was cool, I'll have trouble getting over the fact that I'll be leaving my beloved city of chicago, but I'll survive.
Penn's revisit was amazing! I was there for both days. The first-years were definetely a fun group of people, and it looks like next year's class is going to be great as well. I believe that a total of 130 prospects came for at least part of the revisit. I thought that maybe about half of the prospects were reasonably set on Penn.
Hey all,
Regarding coffeehouse being lame, I've heard from several friends at UPenn med that they actually hold several "coffehouse's" every semester, so it's not just to impress prospective students. And yes, they always have beer :wink:

I was just wondering, for those of you who went to both Duke 2nd look and Penn Preview, how do you think they compare?
•••quote:•••Originally posted by TTT:
•Hey all,
Regarding coffeehouse being lame, I've heard from several friends at UPenn med that they actually hold several "coffehouse's" every semester, so it's not just to impress prospective students. And yes, they always have beer :wink:

I was just wondering, for those of you who went to both Duke 2nd look and Penn Preview, how do you think they compare?•••••Duke vs Penn?

They are very different schools. I don't see how you can compare them :p
There were a TON of people at Penn second look deciding between Duke and Penn (including myself and TommyGunn04). I was surprised by that because I did not hear anyone mention Penn at the Duke 2nd look weekend.
I think that Penn did a better job of entertaining the students than Duke- and the faculty was much more involved in the weekend than they were at Duke.
Overall I, personally, had a better time at the Penn 2nd look weekend.