Medical Utility of MHA for Private Practice

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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I am considering getting a master's degree in my gap years before medical school, including Master's of Health Administration degrees. But, it's hard for me to tell whether that degree is mainly geared toward hospital administration, as I am more interested in private practice. Does anybody have knowledge about the utility of the degree?

Thank you!

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It really depends on the program as they may tailor it a specific way.

I have not heard of a lot of people in private practice stating an MHA was absolutely vital in maintaining a practice. In most cases they recruit other non-medical professionals with similar degrees to help with the admin side of a PP.
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Let me clarify my question. Is your purpose to get the degree to help you in the future with practice management OR is the goal to get good grades to boost CV/GPA to get into medical school?
Look at the classes required for the degree to determine that. MHA is a more tailed MBA for healthcare admin, even more than MBA in healthcare admin.

Whether or not to do it depends on a number of factors - such as goals of getting the degree, cost, time commitment, etc. You will be busy throughout medical school and residency, do weigh out if you want the extra time commitment during your gap year on top of interviewing and such.
If your purpose is strictly for PP, then don’t get the degree. Go to seminars, take certificate courses, or even things on coursera or something, or even audit the classes for less that you think are most applicable.

Some of that stuff can be learned via self study or with some guidance. You don’t necessarily need the degree.
It would be to help me in the future with practice management. I am taking gap years anyway, and am deciding what to do during them

If "practice management" means you want to manage a large group practice in the future, then it might make sense. If you mean maximizing your own income via appropriate billing and coding, you can do that with a weekend's worth of YT videos.
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