Medical What should I do about struggling as a premed bio major in COVID?

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Sep 30, 2008
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I am currently a premed at my university pursuing a Biology major but due to the current COVID pandemic am seriously reconsidering my major. I am at second year but since everything is online and classes has become more demanding and having premed opportunities like volunteer work and such is really hard due to pandemic I have been seriously considering about changing majors and when everything is more "normal", take my left prerequisites classes ( im not doing great on them online and next year is also confirmed to be online) and dedicate myself on more "premed" activities. But my biggest worry right now is graduating from Biology and not get into medschool because of all I have mentioned and not being able to work since I dont want to pursue a career in research.

Is it just me that feels this way? Any recommendations?
Definitely not just you who feels this way.

Ultimately this is a personal decision. If you think you're going to need some gap years and would not enjoy doing a job with a biology degree, then you should change your major. Ultimately the major doesn't matter.

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Change your major to a field that both interests you and can provide a Plan B if med school doesn't work out. You can still minor in Bio or just take the pre-reqs, and whatever science courses interest you.
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