Medical When should I submit materials (updates or LORs) when waitlisted?

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Sep 30, 2008
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I am currently waitlisted at a school that accepts update letters and LORs.

A clinician I work with offered to write me an LOR that I expect will be stronger than the others on my app, which may have been a weakness. I know the chances that a letter may offer any sway is limited, but in the off chance it is reviewed, does the timing of submission have any significance (the writer are flexible with the timing, which is very kind)? Would it matter if it was submitted in Feb/March, or is it best to submit anything new close to when they begin pulling from the WL?

Thank you!
Sooner is always best. There’s no way for you to guess when WL movement will start so send now.

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Thank you for your reply! Do you think it is not worthwhile, even if they have ties to the school?
In general I agree with @Goro , updates/LOIs/additional LORs mostly manage to treat applicants/own anxiety more than they actually affect anything.

That said, if you're going to send it, do it sooner than later.
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