Dental Do I have have a chance of being accepted again after being dismissed from dental school?

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Mar 12, 2013
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2 years ago I was dismissed from dental school after failing an anesthesia course.

I had already completed two years and had a good bit of experience with patients. I enjoyed it a lot, but I took it for granted and slacked in my classes.
Consequently, I was dismissed because I focused on my life a lot more than I focused on my future.

anyway, two years later and I’ve been stuck and wishing I could go back. Considering my situation, is it realistic that I could have another chance if I apply again?

unfortunately I didn’t keep close friendship with professors but I did help a lot and they did appreciate me because I was very helpful. I translated often, stayed after when a professor had a late emergency patient, sacrificed my own personal time to help the school which in hindsight I enjoyed because it was dentistry.

since then I’ve worked multiple jobs from real estate investing, filing different types of documents for people like taxes and unemployment, and even bought several ATM machines and placed them in different local businesses. I’ve been fortunate that I’ve made a sufficient amount of money to not have to work for a couple of years and I really wonder if I can be reaccepted into dental school then maybe this is the best Time as I’m pretty financially free and have saved up a good chunk of cash.

I’ve been stressed out since my dismissal and I don’t know how I would even begin but I guess I’m just scared of rejection.
I know my message is all over the place and I apologize but I’m just in deep regret for my carelessness and how it jeopardized the one thing that I have worked for since high school. I’m still young(ish), at 27, and I don’t intend to have any more kids. My daughter came just a couple of days before my dismissal and it may have lead to my failure in the course but whatever..

Anyway, if you have any type of advice for me I’d be very interested in hearing it. I’ve been so afraid to apply for dental school again, not because of the expenses but because of the failure. I know I can pass any curriculum now and I don’t intend to take it for granted again.

thank you
Are your grades, scores, LOR even still good? I know sometimes schools put a time limit on them.

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Not up on the DDS world, but a single failure got you dismissed??? Were you offered the chance to remediate? Were you doing poorly in other courses? In the MD/DO world, we try to salvage our students, so I'm perplexed by how punitive they were.

You could ask the Dean for reinstatement, and elaborate how you will improve and not allow this to happen again. The s/he'll do is say "no".
Don't think we have all the details here because schools will generally work with you and have you remediate. I don't think it was failing one course, but rather multiple...? Hence you saying you "took it for granted and slacked in your classes".

Personally I don't think you'd have a shot anywhere but at the school that dismissed you... I have a friend that was dismissed from UoP first year because they weren't able to keep up with the school work since it's a 3yr program. They got a letter of support from the dean to use to apply to 4yr programs but they still didn't get in the next cycle... It's tough.

I would probably try and work with the school and see if you can apply to be a part of their CO 2026 or 2027 (you need new LORs, DAT, PS; probably need to take a few classes or have up-to-date prereqs). Other schools would be extremely hesitant to take a chance on you....
There's more you aren't telling us.

I commend anyone who knows to focus on more important things but you should have asked for a LOA rather than take the failed grade. If it is one class, you should have been offered remediation. Dismissal is more drastic and your student handbook should have told you about the process.

As it stands, I would go hygienist. Your door to dentistry seems effectively closed for good.
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