MS1s that HAVE started med school!!

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Originally posted by Jalby

Has anybody felt really pampered so far??? I feel as if SC has done absolutely everything they can to make sure we don't have to deal with anything. Heck, the Head of County-USC meets with my MDL (24 students) for 2 hours every wednesday. It is so nice. I feel like I have tons of mothers all over the place. OK, back to the class that I should have been in from the begininng.

I told you this and you thought it was sour grapes. :laugh:

UVM's not too bad. We only have histo and biochem so far, with a test in each on Friday. Then Gross Anatomy starts. It's a good group, but at times I do feel a little on the older side. Everyone's very friendly and supportive - quite a change from grad school for sure. We'll see what happens.

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Originally posted by kutastha

I told you this and you thought it was sour grapes. :laugh:
Your right. My bad. We are treated EXTREMELY good.
Originally posted by Jalby

I'm right there with you Canes. But I doubt I will be in the Lounge or Pre-allo (Damn that's gone downhill) anymore.

Woohoo! Jalbs is gonna keep me company on SDN for years to come.:clap: *Canes gives Jalby a bear hug*:) But, I agree. I probably won't be on Pre-allopathic too much. The quality of the posts has gone way down. I mean I still can't get over the thread about "should I smile with teeth or not for my interview picture".:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by CANES2006

Woohoo! Jalbs is gonna keep me company on SDN for years to come.:clap: *Canes gives Jalby a bear hug*:) But, I agree. I probably won't be on Pre-allopathic too much. The quality of the posts has gone way down. I mean I still can't get over the thread about "should I smile with teeth or not for my interview picture".:rolleyes:

/me gives Canes a feel

Yeah. To many Anal bastards there. On a good note, there arn't many anal bastards here ar USC. We roll deep in people who actually go out and party. I think I'll head over to the chat room. Those people are fun.
Just a quick post to say that I love medical school! Well... classes haven't started yet... :) My classmates are lots of fun and orientation wasn't too bad overall. (Although that CPR video was pretty rough!) We got a historical tour of our school, a "big sib" to look out for us (an MSII), great new laptops, lots of paperwork, and they even took us on a " duck tour" of the city! They're on these amphibious vehicles from WWII... and it was lots of fun and silliness. We saw the main attractions of Baltimore and were even given little duck quacker things that we could blow like whistles. Definitely a bonding experience! Another great thing has been free food... at least one meal a day... and it's been great stuff! Well, we have three days of Informatics and then it's on to Anatomy... yikes! Best of luck to all of you.
Well...I have one week behind me...and I'm still alive!! No, med school is what everyone told me it would be...The pace is quick and it is alot of work and time....but, I like it so far...we have biochem and cell biology now...but, I'll repost after the first tests and see how good my attitude is then...
We start classes on Monday - this has been orientation week, which I hafta admit I have skipped a fair bit of. Hehe. Us MD/PhDs and our research - I was stuck in the lab, finishing off a project. And I don't really drink/party a lot, so I passed on a couple of the social events, but it seems like we have a really good class, from what I have seen.

Now, I'm just deciding which Littman scope to by. The Master Cardiology or the Cardiology III, anyone? :)
hey brandonite, are you at Manitoba? I thought you were reapplying
Originally posted by brandonite
We start classes on Monday - this has been orientation week, which I hafta admit I have skipped a fair bit of. Hehe. Us MD/PhDs and our research - I was stuck in the lab, finishing off a project. And I don't really drink/party a lot, so I passed on a couple of the social events, but it seems like we have a really good class, from what I have seen.

Now, I'm just deciding which Littman scope to by. The Master Cardiology or the Cardiology III, anyone? :)


I have heard that the Master Cardiology is the bomb. I was talking with a few third years at UCSF and they said that most of their class bought either the master cardiology or the cardiology II and that the general consensus was that the master cardiology was superior. You might wish to post a question like this in the allopathic forum. Best of luck.
We started last week. I know what everyone says about the volume of material that they give you, but I still don't think I was prepared for what we've been given. Biochem has been truncated to an 8-week course. We take it along with Cell Biology, ICM and an integrated PBL that meets 3 times a week. (We start gross and micro anatomy in October). The course syllubus/ handout for biochem was 930 pages! Now, that may seem like a lot for only 8 weeks - but get this! After only 2 weeks, we've covered almost 400 pages of it! That doesn't include assigned readings, etc. Cell bio is almost as bad.

Uggg! First exams are next Friday. I hope I can digest all of this!

All that being said - I'm still havng fun! Just getting used to the pace!
Yeah, school has been pretty intense.

Are any other M1's have problems sleeping at night? I certainly am, and it's not so much from anxiety but that I have all this information going through my head. I try to sleep but I start dreaming about nucleotide structures, it's insane.

In our library we have a spiraling staircase and what I think about is a DNA helix, B-form of course!

Oh well, tests next Friday and then a 3 day weekend!!!!!
Originally posted by moo
hey brandonite, are you at Manitoba? I thought you were reapplying

Manitoba got their MD/PhD program approved, and they made me a fairly nice offer, so... :) I'm doing it all here. No sense just wasting a year by reapplying, I guess.

And I do like the Master Cardiology, but the Cardiology III does have both the pediatric and the adult bells, and I will have to (unfortunately ;) ) do pediatric rotations. So that's the only thing holding me back...
First week out of the way! :clap: :clap:

It's going pretty well. Everything seems really basic so far, like biochem, physiology, etc. but histology is interesting. We start anatomy bright and early Monday morning.
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Originally posted by orthoman5000
In our library we have a spiraling staircase and what I think about is a DNA helix, B-form of course!

That's just sad.:D What's even more sad is that I know how many nucleotide bases occupy each turn of a B-form helix (10.6).
;) Geez! Medical school is making me turn into such a nerd.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by brandonite
Manitoba got their MD/PhD program approved, and they made me a fairly nice offer, so... :) I'm doing it all here. No sense just wasting a year by reapplying, I guess.

Nice to hear that you're staying here and helping to reduce Canada's brain-drain. :)

Have most Canadian med schools started orientation already? We don't start here in Ontario until next week...

I miss each and everyone of you guys! I'm so jealous of you MSI's....that'll be me, next year, God willing....I'm currently in secondary hell, but hopefully it'll be over soon.

Good luck....:D
I don't have trouble sleeping but has anyone lost weight?? Forget the gym - med school unintentionally does it for ya.

Hi Souljah!! How are you? Living it up huh? You better do it now! Just kidding - I still try to have fun and go out on the weekends and stuff. I'm also working too (just babysitting for one of the physicians I know - twins and a toddler!) per diem. Sinai is great - they're good to us here - but I've discovered that I'm NOT a city person. Oh well. I want suburbia and country. You're lucky - Cali is an awesome place! Good luck with everything! Whats your email address?
We started anatomy today, and had our first dissection immediately after lecture. Good lord! :eek:

The preservation methods or something left several, shall we say, defects in the body which were quite unpleasant and that I wish I could have been spared the sight of. It was left to us to cover the cadaver's head, hands, and feet. Seeing this person, naked to the world, I saw poignant reminders of the cadaver's humanity like stubbly hair, fingernails, wide open eyes. It was profoundly touching, even shocking. It fell to me to make the first incisions, but strangely as soon as we began working, I was absorbed in the mundane thoughts of dissection and looking for the structures we were supposed to find, and must have pushed into the back of my mind the fact that we were peeling the skin off of a formerly living human being.

I was actually hungry after lab and ate lunch with gusto. I still can't even really believe that I'm really doing what I'm doing. I haven't been thinking about it in those terms, just more about the actual details of dissection. I wonder if it will hit me later or if I'll be fine with it for the foreseeable future. Probably the latter. Weird.
Oooh! Oooh! Guess what I learned today?

It turns out the body is made up of these tiny little things called, now get this, "cells"!!! Who would have thought? I like have billions of these things inside me! Crazy, huh? :rolleyes:

Seriously, I did have an hour long lecture on cells and organelles... Really, didn't everybody have to take this stuff for the MCAT? Has anyone else had a pile of waste-of-time lectures so far? Not that I'm complaining - I don't think I'll have to spend a whole lot of time memorizing all of that - but really... I had expected to start off with something a little more complicated... ;)
hey brandonite, don't worry, it's that way here at NUMS too... we get a whole SIX weeks devoted to cell bi/molecular bio/biochemistry. Apparently this is the block that most students fail cuz they think it'll be so easy.
Well kids, I received my first anatomy quiz back today. Did I make an A? Oh hell no, but did I pass? OH yeah. :D No time to rest though, because I have a histo quiz on Thursday.
Originally posted by moo
hey brandonite, don't worry, it's that way here at NUMS too... we get a whole SIX weeks devoted to cell bi/molecular bio/biochemistry. Apparently this is the block that most students fail cuz they think it'll be so easy.
NUMS started already, player?
Originally posted by KyGrlDr2B
Well kids, I received my first anatomy quiz back today. Did I make an A? Oh hell no, but did I pass? OH yeah. :D No time to rest though, because I have a histo quiz on Thursday.

That was a pretty tough quiz, huh? Glad you did well on it, though.
I suppose it's time to post on my own thread.....since orientation was today. It was so awesome meeting all the SDNers today. You guys are soooo cool! I love my class....we seem to have a very laid back, fun-loving class! :) I can't wait to go camping tomorrow with everyone!

Orientation itself was ok...pretty exciting, if only I weren't so tired. Class starts this Tuesday and our first test in 2 WEEKS~!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Originally posted by @imtiaz
these 8AM classes are going to kill me.

Woah and I was complaining about 8:30... Don't worry tiaz you'll soon start wondering whether or not to go to class... Some lectures have been helpful but some have been utterly confusing or just plain "been there done that" ... And as for being in chicago, coming to the end of my second week, well, lets say I don't notice where I am... There's so much stuff to cover...I don't know how I'll get through it and I found I am allergic to cadaver juice ;)

How are you doing in fair UC?
man, urbana is great. i love it here. the administration is soooo supportive and great. the deans are excellent and it was like a blessing in disguise that i didn't get chicago cause i probably wouldn't have been too happy there. the atmosphere here isn't competetive at all we all do whatever we can for each other and help each other out. so far it's been great and i've made a bunch of new friends. how is chicago??? the cadavers aren't bad, i've actually been spending a good amount of time with mine hehe :) anyway, my UIC email address is still active cause even though i'm at the urbana campus i register at chicago so that entitles me to my email account. i've actually got 2 email accounts now but you can still email me at the one that you know alright well email me or something and let me know how it's going!! i know alot of M2s and M3s at chicago so if you need anything then let me know and i'll put you in touch with them. :)
hey tiaz,

well so far things have worked out really well! We do have a lot of people which makes for very stanky anatomy lab w/ about 30-40 bodies.

The admin has been great, but there are a few issues surrounding LPC that aren't exactly fair. I'll have to get my own I think. Most classpeeps are supernice and I've found several to study with which will help.

But I am looking forward to when people decide coming to class is a waste so I can be there without a gazillion people talking while I'm trying to listen to lecture....I swear if people wanna talk about foosball and not listen about enzyme kinetics then leave. I gotta admit there are a few who have some ego issues - they just seem to know everything... ;)

Glad you are having a good time down there... I think it doesn't really matter where ya are, there's too much to do anyway...speaking of doing things it's beautiful outside so I'm study
Originally posted by shorrin
hey tiaz,

well so far things have worked out really well! We do have a lot of people which makes for very stanky anatomy lab w/ about 30-40 bodies.

yikes, there are 125 of us and we only have like 12 bodies. it's like 14 ppl to a body (not at the same time of course, it's 2 groups of 7 and each of us dissect a particular region like lower extremity, upper extremity, etc.)

The admin has been great, but there are a few issues surrounding LPC that aren't exactly fair. I'll have to get my own I think. Most classpeeps are supernice and I've found several to study with which will help.

i assume you mean longitudinal primary care, the sort of intro class thingie. we have something similar called introduction to human disease (IHD) and it's really cool. although we get no direct patient contact we have this really cool cd-rom where we have "virtual" patients.

But I am looking forward to when people decide coming to class is a waste so I can be there without a gazillion people talking while I'm trying to listen to lecture....I swear if people wanna talk about foosball and not listen about enzyme kinetics then leave. I gotta admit there are a few who have some ego issues - they just seem to know everything... ;)

the 3rd day of orientation and the first day of classes the dean had a talk with us. i'll let you in on what he said:
"there are maybe 1 or 2 people sitting in here right now that have exceptional intelligence. i mean, extremely impressive academic credentials. we see it every year, these people have been nowhere but at the top of their class their entire life. yet sometimes unfortunately they fail the first year of medical school. we see it every year. why does it happen? because they fail to work together and they are too competetive. you cannot do this alone. i can't stress that enough. i'll tell you a story about when i was a resident. we had a patient who had a rare form of disease in his nose, and i happened to be reading about it the night before by pure luck. the next day when the attending asked us all 'do you know what x y and z symptoms are indicated for and what would you do if a patient presented with those symptoms?' i said 'sure, the patient has so and so disease and i'd treat it with so and so antibiotic' everyone was amazed that i knew that. but that's about ALL i knew. later on my friends said 'i can't beleive you knew that.' after i explained to them that i had been reading about it a day earlier they were much more relieved. they said 'we thought you knew everything!' and they couldn't have been further from the truth. so you see, even though you will have some people blurt out the correct answer at times, they don't know everything. so keep that in mind. nobody can know everything, there is simply too much information. work together and make this as less stressful as you can on each other."

i thought that talk rocked. :)

Glad you are having a good time down there... I think it doesn't really matter where ya are, there's too much to do anyway...speaking of doing things it's beautiful outside so I'm study

yeah i have a date with netter too. alright, well hope everything else is going ok. email me cause i don't have your UIC email address! alright, well laters!
imtiaz, 14 people to a body???!!:eek: WOW, and I thought my anatomy group was oversubscribed with only 6 of us to a body at TUSM!! anyway, where are all the Tufts M'06's from SDN? I have only met one this week, travis from hawaii, and he seemed to be having a great time at the end-of-the-week party last night. I have not had the chance to meet otter, Trowa, dmbmd, gooseHC, and others since I was sick last weekend and had 2 exams to deal with on Friday that severely kicked my ass. If any of you are wondering if you've seen me; you probably have, I'm 5'7, average build, white female, dark brown hair just below the shoulders, sometimes wear Maryland hats and shirts in honor of my alma mater and our mighty b-ball team.. If anyone was at the party last night I was wearing a short blue dress and chillin' with Dave who was the housing coordinator, Baba, Allan and his new fiancee Amy (congrats to both!!:clap: :clap: :clap: ), Travis, Jason, and Bill (all except allan's fiancee are M'05's). I am really looking forward to getting to know all these guys and hopefully some of the M'06's better this year. good luck to all the new MS1's.
Originally posted by ewells
Was my last post on this thread where I said that Steph was pregnant just too subtle?

not at all; it's just that even the least subtle statements go over the heads of new MSI's digging into Anatomy for the first time and MSII's/M'05's who just spent weeks moving into a new apt and studying for 2 exams that have gone by already (aka me)! But, CONGRATULATIONS to you and your wife! The kids should do great up in Hershey; when I interviewed there in Oct 2000 the atmosphere was really family-friendly and it seemed like a LOT of people had kids.
Originally posted by @imtiaz

yikes, there are 125 of us and we only have like 12 bodies. it's like 14 ppl to a body (not at the same time of course, it's 2 groups of 7 and each of us dissect a particular region like lower extremity, upper extremity, etc.)

That's weird. Here, we have 4 students to a body.
you guys are forgetting that these bodies aren't prosected, it's a LOT of work dissecting out stuff so the workload is shared.
We have 6 to a cadaver with 3 diessecting at a time. I know the stuff I dissected MUCH better than the stuff I didn't, but luckily my roommie's on the other "team" and we teach each other everything. :D

I WISH we had all prosections......I'm jealous of those people that do...:rolleyes: (even though I learn better this way)
Actually, I like the fact that we do the dissections ourselves. I feel I learn better that way. The way we do it, we have two people dissect each side. But that's just our team. We're left to decide the division of labour on our own.
yeah i agree with you. there is a level of understanding that you can't really get by just looking at things as compared with actually doing it yourself. you learn alot more trying to find structures and then having to clean them off.

Originally posted by warpath
Actually, I like the fact that we do the dissections ourselves. I feel I learn better that way. The way we do it, we have two people dissect each side. But that's just our team. We're left to decide the division of labour on our own.
The only saving grace to gross here at UCLA is that you only have to be in the lab two out of three days (the third day you're in doctoring). So, that means only 4 of the 6 people in a particular group are ever dissecting. I'm pretty confident that I would learn the stuff just as well on a prosected cadaver, since that's basically what I have to do one day out of each week. And, it would be a hell of a lot more pleasant.

Good luck all,

We just had our first test on Friday. I am thrilled so far; the work is tough but very interesting, and the other students and the faculty are great here. On to the abdomen.

Originally posted by Katie
not at all; it's just that even the least subtle statements go over the heads of new MSI's digging into Anatomy for the first time and MSII's/M'05's who just spent weeks moving into a new apt and studying for 2 exams that have gone by already (aka me)! But, CONGRATULATIONS to you and your wife! The kids should do great up in Hershey; when I interviewed there in Oct 2000 the atmosphere was really family-friendly and it seemed like a LOT of people had kids.

Thank you very much (you too praying). I realize that this thread has a different mindset and probably should have made my announcement elsewhere. Hershey is a fantastic place for kids. Good schools, tons of playgrounds, and there are lots of kids in the on-campus housing for my son (and our future child) to play with.
Originally posted by ewells
We just had our first test on Friday. I am thrilled so far; the work is tough but very interesting, and the other students and the faculty are great here. On to the abdomen.

Thank you very much (you too praying). I realize that this thread has a different mindset and probably should have made my announcement elsewhere. Hershey is a fantastic place for kids. Good schools, tons of playgrounds, and there are lots of kids in the on-campus housing for my son (and our future child) to play with.

don't EVER be sorry for annoucing the expectation of a new baby!! that is too good NOT to mention:D :clap: :clap: :clap: . I love kids; should probably offer to babysit for a guy in my class who has 3 children (and I think he and his wife may be expecting a fourth soon!) I really don't feel like going to sleep or to class tomorrow, got to make myself go to bed.. glad anatomy is going well for everyone and that you're doing it on the block system (if only TUSM had made the change to blocks LAST year..)..
Congrats ewells! :clap:

ok so I didn't fail my first quiz so today is a good day! I'm not worried about failing out of med school anymore. :) Now I have to bring that average score up to an A! :eek:

I'm proud to admit that I have no life. :D

Originally posted by Doctora Foxy
Congrats ewells! :clap:

ok so I didn't fail my first quiz so today is a good day! I'm not worried about failing out of med school anymore. :) Now I have to bring that average score up to an A! :eek:

I'm proud to admit that I have no life. :D
I'm not a gunner...gunners have good grades :(
did somebody say gunner? ;)

[praying continues to procrastinate] :(
hi all, i just noticed this thread.

1. it's lots of work
2. finished 1st test already!
3. did some partying, but studying my a off.
Originally posted by Doctora Foxy
We have 6 to a cadaver with 3 diessecting at a time. I know the stuff I dissected MUCH better than the stuff I didn't, but luckily my roommie's on the other "team" and we teach each other everything. :D

I WISH we had all prosections......I'm jealous of those people that do...:rolleyes: (even though I learn better this way)

we have prosections, it's good to go over and look at the prosection to see what we are supposed to see

at U of MN, we have 4 to a body. it works really well.
Originally posted by nylee
I suppose it's time to post on my own thread.....since orientation was today. It was so awesome meeting all the SDNers today. You guys are soooo cool! I love my class....we seem to have a very laid back, fun-loving class! :) I can't wait to go camping tomorrow with everyone!

Orientation itself was ok...pretty exciting, if only I weren't so tired. Class starts this Tuesday and our first test in 2 WEEKS~!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:


man you're doing 8 years in bawlmer!
Originally posted by oldman
hi all, i just noticed this thread.

1. it's lots of work
2. finished 1st test already!
3. did some partying, but studying my a off.

Oldman you're slipping! Medschool is so much work that Oldman hasn't been able to keep up with the threads!

I know it might be too early to tell, but would you guys say you like Med school better than college?