MS1s that HAVE started med school!!

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Originally posted by mycin1600
Throwing out questions (hard or not) is lame. Even if there isn't a correct answer to the question among the choices, throwing the question out is lame...tough it up!

well when it is multiple choice and there are no right answers, the question should be thrown out.

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Originally posted by oldman
It's funny how tired everyone in my class is. The professors are commenting on it. I hope we develop some more endurance soon cause this is merely the beginning.

Instead of a biochem lecture this morning, we had a stress workshop- and the timing was perfect! I am so stressed out and tired and I just don't feel like I will ever catch up (I am very behind, not just a little behind!).

I'm sure that we will all build endurance as time goes on, I just hope that it comes sooner than later!
Anyone else amazed by the level of detail with which you're expected to know the material? Normally, I focus on the "big picture" when I study. Clearly, that's not how to succeed in med school. Every exam, there will be 2 or 3 questions where I'm like, "you've gotta be kidding me....I can't believe they're asking that." I've noticed that those individuals that ace the exams are the ones that have pretty much memorized the syllabus from start to finish. I hate memorizing. :mad:
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CANES - Okay, thats legit. Congrats.
I wish my school had curves :rolleyes:

The freaking geniuses here averaged 84% on the exam with no curve and i'm struggling to pass :rolleyes:

I think the adcoms made a mistake or I need to learn how to study better...that's the goal this week
Originally posted by oldman
It's funny how tired everyone in my class is. The professors are commenting on it. I hope we develop some more endurance soon cause this is merely the beginning.

I gave up on that whole scene. Now I rarely (if ever) study past about 7:00 pm. I get plenty of sleep and have time for ME. So far this has worked fine--I actually did OK on our last exam! The key is to study all you can during the right now.
Originally posted by racergirl
I gave up on that whole scene. Now I rarely (if ever) study past about 7:00 pm. I get plenty of sleep and have time for ME. So far this has worked fine--I actually did OK on our last exam! The key is to study all you can during the right now.

700 pm? actually i don't feel like my best study time occurs until after 9 pm. i am a night owl and this whole 8 am class stuff is eating me up! :(
Yeah, I'm with you guys. I study in the night too: b/w 10-12 am.
But night-time is FUN-TIME! I like to go out with friends at night, so I try to get my stuff done early--didn't work today though--Guess I'm staying in (stupid head and neck with all it's teeeenny structures...)
Originally posted by DrMom
I'm with you, oldman. I tend to study between 8 pm-2am. Right now my first class is at 9am, so this is working fine.

2 am and go to class at 9 am? i go to bed at midnight and i'm tired for 0800.
Originally posted by racergirl
But night-time is FUN-TIME! I like to go out with friends at night, so I try to get my stuff done early--didn't work today though--Guess I'm staying in (stupid head and neck with all it's teeeenny structures...)

i can hear you say teeeny in my head :) hahaha

at least it's only 7 pages of notes for tomorrow.

don't forget about embryo!
Originally posted by oldman
2 am and go to class at 9 am? i go to bed at midnight and i'm tired for 0800.

I have problems with insomnia :( but at least I can use my time well. Keep in mind that I have to take my kiddo to school first, so I actually get up at 7am.

I do pretty well during the day unless one of the profs decides to turn down the lights!!:eek:
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Originally posted by DrMom
I have problems with insomnia :( but at least I can use my time well. Keep in mind that I have to take my kiddo to school first, so I actually get up at 7am.

I do pretty well during the day unless one of the profs decides to turn down the lights!!:eek:

i always fall asleep in afternoon classes. i'ts just bad. :(
We have some professors who seem to think that we need to have the lights nearly off in order to see the huge screen at the front of the room :rolleyes: I really don't understand it!
Originally posted by DrMom
We have some professors who seem to think that we need to have the lights nearly off in order to see the huge screen at the front of the room :rolleyes: I really don't understand it!

sure, your subconscious mind absorbs all that info instead. :)
Originally posted by DrMom
We have some professors who seem to think that we need to have the lights nearly off in order to see the huge screen at the front of the room :rolleyes: I really don't understand it!

Ditto! The same thing happens at my school!:mad: It makes me soooo sleepy.:( Oh well, back to studying for my Physiology Final on Monday. It seems I'm always studying for a final lately.+pissed+
First anatomy exam is over! :clap: Passed with flying colors. :rolleyes:

But by far the best experience of the first year to this point was helping to deliver a baby last Saturday! :clap: Gotta love early clinical exposure electives.
First big exams coming up for me :/

Thursday: Anatomy, Embryo, Histo
Friday: Anatomy practical, Histo Practical.
Friday evening: b33r.
Originally posted by phllystyl
First big exams coming up for me :/

Thursday: Anatomy, Embryo, Histo
Friday: Anatomy practical, Histo Practical.
Friday evening: b33r.

You ready?
for the beer!!! hahahah

Seriously though, yesterday was histo, today is embryo, tomorrow is a general review of all of it. Im getting there.

Is there such a thing as "ready" for this much material? ;)

How about you man?
Originally posted by phllystyl
for the beer!!! hahahah

Seriously though, yesterday was histo, today is embryo, tomorrow is a general review of all of it. Im getting there.

Is there such a thing as "ready" for this much material? ;)

How about you man?

Yesterday was review of gross up to the hand, today is histo and embryo, tomorrow is the lower limb and whatever histo and embryo I don't finish today!
Originally posted by oldman
friday = last anatomy test of my medical career. woo hoo!
That is definitely exciting! Good luck Oldman :D .
First test this morning. I'm pretty sure I passed. It was great to see half the class drinking beer at 10 AM.
Friday = FIRST anatomy exam (midterm). Just passed my first Molecules & Cells exam and our White Coat Ceremony was today! :clap:
Originally posted by E'02
Friday = FIRST anatomy exam (midterm). Just passed my first Molecules & Cells exam and our White Coat Ceremony was today! :clap:

what happens during your ceremony?

we had speakers and we got a coat. :) our coats have a M logo on it with a caddeusus in the middle of the M.
Originally posted by oldman

we had speakers and we got a coat. :) our coats have a M logo on it with a caddeusus in the middle of the M.

Yeah, and my coat is big enough for 3 of me! I look like a 7-year-old in it. I can't believe I have to walk around in it for the next four years--yeesh!
Originally posted by racergirl
Yeah, and my coat is big enough for 3 of me! I look like a 7-year-old in it. I can't believe I have to walk around in it for the next four years--yeesh!

i think i'm going to get mine tailored. i have this tailor i have been going to since high school, so i will be looking her up soon. :)
Here, not only did we have to buy our lab coats (we don't get a white coat ceremony), we had to buy two different styles - the traditional v-necks, and then the howie-style ones that I've only seen in movies :). It's kind of charming really, cuz we had to get anatomy dissection kits as well that come in burlap sacks, but the point is...we had to pay for that crap :[
Originally posted by leorl
Here, not only did we have to buy our lab coats (we don't get a white coat ceremony), we had to buy two different styles - the traditional v-necks, and then the howie-style ones that I've only seen in movies :). It's kind of charming really, cuz we had to get anatomy dissection kits as well that come in burlap sacks, but the point is...we had to pay for that crap :[

how much did they cost?
Well it was just very touching. Our keynote speaker was great - heavy but inspirational at the same time. I just felt real close to my classmates that afternoon. It was kind of hard for us to really relax and enjoy the event because of our upcoming exam - but it was good to spend time with family and friends. Our "magic cloaks" (that's the term our keynote speaker used) are the usual - but they gave us a pin and a nametag that said Medical Student underneath the name - both were pinned onto the coat pocket. We also got a little white bag with a book ("On doctoring" - hardcover) and a Mount Sinai t-shirt. Then they had tons of hor d'oerves (sp?) and wine etc.... Given our financial status - I was impressed with the whole event!
Originally posted by E'02
Our "magic cloaks" (that's the term our keynote speaker used) are the usual - but they gave us a pin and a nametag that said Medical Student underneath the name

Do those "magic cloaks" help with anatomy exams??? Please let me know cause I'd pay big bucks for some assistance! :laugh:
Lol. I wish! I'll let you know on Friday. I just got back from a marathon anatomy review held by the second-years. They're so awesome I don't know how they make the time for this...but basically they gave us dinner at 6:30 then we had a review from 7-10:30. Then everyone basically stayed back to copy all the MASSIVE amounts of notes the TA's wrote on the blackboards. This is all so overwhelming! For those of you who took your anat exam already - do you have any special tips/suggestions??
Wow - one of my classmates just put up digital pics of all the notes on his website - there's like 15 jpegs
My first test isn't until Oct. 25th. Thank God for Pass/Fail, I'm going to need it.
I lied - there's like 35 pics. The website is Unfortunately, some of them were taken sideways :( A bunch of classmates and I divided up the note-taking last night and so we're making a hardcopy of all the notes and placing them on reserve for people to copy.
Hi all,
I finally decided to contribute to this ongoing thread. First of all, I want to say, racergirl, I am with you...I make sure that I have time for ME!! I graduated from undergrad in 1999 and I have had three years of working full-time and just learning to relax and I am just not wanting to give up that. I know there is a way that you can be an effective physician and not be completely stressed out. So far, this has worked for me...our first block just ended, which was 7 weeks long and wasn't too difficult, but I was hardly studying...actually I would just read over what we went over that day in lecture...of course, it would then really feel like I was cramming when I really started to study 2 days before the actualy exam.
Now we have just started our second block and I think this is going to be my favorite one, even though it is renowned to be the most is gross anatomy, microanatomy and physiology...but I love this stuff! I don't find histology nearly as evil as some people have mentioned...and although I was really hesitant about gross anatomy at first, it is really amazing to actually see how everything is so delicately arranged in such a sophisticated manner!! We just started though and everyone tells me that it is going to get really hard, especially since Duke's gross anatomy course is the third shortest in the world at only 7 weeks.
Duke is just now starting to put our lectures online, but I don't know how I really feel about this...I mean, I am all for personal human contact...for a very long time I despised everything about the internet because of how impersonal it is and how it inhibits interpersonal interactions. I myself prefer to go to lectures...maybe it comes from working for 3 years between undergrad and med school but I just HAVE to have somewhere to go...I can't just stay home or in the library and watch my computer, I need that human contact! And now that there is this effort going on to get a virtual medical school going, how is this going to affect us? Are we going to end up producing a surplus of doctors? Well, this is a topic for another thread...just wanted to join the discussion of med school experiences!! Sorry for the really long post...lately I have a tendency to do this!
Originally posted by DrMom
Thanks for the link!

Do you guys have all of that on one exam?

Yep :/ And that was just BRIEF summary of everything. But I just took my midterm and it went well. 90% of the written part was on all old exams spanning 10 if you did those, then you've got an A on that part... I hope! The practical was fair - not impossible but not super easy. I think it'd be hard to fail...they really are on your side here
nylee said:
Hello, fellow MS1s! I still have a little less than a month until school starts. I know that a lot of you have already started. I just wanted to know how medical school was so far, if you're enjoying it, and if it's just like you expected. What are your classmates like? Please enlighten the rest of us that are excitedly and anxiously waiting for that day! :scared:

First of all, being ur going ot John's Hopkins, start applying to other programs now so when they fail their probationary period for failing to meet the 80hr work week requirement in the ICU you'll have a place to go in 2005.

Secondly, don't be intimidated by all the dorks on the first day of class marking their intellectual territory and geekin' it up. You'll do just fine. As you'll find out in residency, a well rounded person survives with less pathologic emotional scarring than the gunner, unless ur going into neurosurgery, ortho, or CV.

Thirdly, elect quality class leaders, ones that aren't afraid to date strippers or sleeze it up around the nursing school. You need someone who can represent when the representin's right.

I'm enjoying it so far. It's a LOT of work, but each day makes me closer to my dream, so it's all good. :D
Popo said:
Thirdly, elect quality class leaders, ones that aren't afraid to date strippers or sleeze it up around the nursing school. You need someone who can represent when the representin's right.

Funny, our class leader is known for cheating on his gf...