RWJ (half COA) vs Hackensack (also half COA) (Help please)

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Full Member
Oct 27, 2023
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Hi everyone! I'm really torn between RWJ and Hackensack (in-state for both).

Specialty interests: Emergency medicine, general surgery, or some crazy competitive specialty like plastics or ortho (don't really know yet)

RWJ (about 26-30k/yr total cost):
- Lower base tuition, and with my scholarship and the fact that I could easily live at home, I would end up saving a good amount of money.
- More established, great match list.
- Lectures are not mandatory, recorded, fully P/F.
- More research opportunities + funding throughout my education.

- 4 year program (see Hackensack's pros).
- Facilities are not as nice as Hackensack.

Hackensack (about 50k-60k/yr total cost, depending on cost of living):
- 3 year program! Since I'm interested in EM or general surgery, I could definitely finish school in 3 years, not deal with the stress of regular match, and start getting paid sooner (would offset loan interest and how it affects my net worth trajectory).
- Nicer facilities.
- Innovative curriculum that I really like, customizable 4th year that could include getting an MBA at no extra cost.
- Culture seems more cohesive and forward-thinking, and the school is definitely moving up ranks quite fast.
- Doctors that I know say that Hackensack students are extremely prepared and perform really well during rotations.
- Being within the Hackensack system is great for networking/connections, letters of rec, as well as staying in NJ.

- significantly more expensive. Would have to live away from home.
- Lectures are mandatory (somewhat).
- Step 1 and Step 2 taken at the same time.
- Less established and lower ranked (for now, though I think in the future Hackensack may be better).

If you have any insights or advice, please help! I'm super torn although I think I would be fine at either program. I know RWJ is probably better for competitive specialties, and not knowing exactly what I wanna do now means that RWJ would give me the flexibility I'd need. However, Hackensack is innovative and COA could be offset by only doing 3 years + saving a year of loan interest + making attending salary 1 year sooner. Any thoughts appreciated!

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