General School asking about other interviews, pre-interview

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SDN Chief Administrator
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15+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2008
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I have been fortunate to receive several IIs this cycle. One school invited me for only one day, on which I had previously scheduled two other interviews. I politely declined and asked to reschedule. They asked why I was unable to make their day, and I shared (being slightly uncomfortable with it) that I had two other interviews that day.

They then replied asking "Which universities are you interviewing with?" This feels very strange to me, and while I've heard of it coming up *in* interviews, this is an email chain with the admissions office, before I've even confirmed an interview with them.

What's the best way to respond to this?

“I’m very excited about my interview at (this school), but I’d rather not share the names of the other schools I’m interviewing with at this time.”

That is super weird to outright ask that question. You should not feel obliged to share that information.

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