Dental Should I use scholarship to get extra minors?

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Mar 12, 2013
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Hi. I was planning on graduating this year which would mean that I would get my under grad degree (microbio major and chem, science education minors) all in 3 years. After gradutation I was planning on either traveling or getting a job; however the only way that I can travel with the pandemic is virtually with google earth and after applying for 80+ jobs I've only gotten offers from pyramid schemes. Luckily, I have an academic scholarship that would cover the cost of a 4th year of college, so I'm thinking of adding 2 minors (finance and math). So my question is: would it look odd to dental admissions committees if I have 4 minors? Also do you have any suggestions on what to do as an alternative for a gap year?

Thank you.
No. If those are your stats in your bio (3.96), I would NOT do this. ADCOM does not care how many minors you have. They care about your GPA. You taking more courses just puts you at risk of lowering your GPA. I would spend the extra time you have boosting your ECs (clinical/non-clinical experiences) and getting your LOR.

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I would actually spend your time taking upper division courses that may not have been required for your microbio major but may help you with your first term of dental school, since you'll have been exposed to the material one time and it'll help when you're balancing all of the different things you need to get used to in dental school :p
minors at best are talking points. everyone does them. if you are interested in them go ahead.

I would spend time doing something you love, a hobby, or EC and really investing in it during your gap year. and as @artist2022 said, maybe taking more courses to better prep your into your courses that you'll take in dental school.
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@Mr.Smile12 I recently got into stocks so thats why i was thinking of adding finance and math minors but I have never taken any finance classes and its been a while since I've taken math classes. I'll still graduate with the rest of my class like normal in 2022 with the additional minors. I want to add the minors because im interested in them but I dont want to look odd or like a try hard to dental schools which is one of the key things holding me back form adding them.
If you are interested then take them. I just don't want you to think that they are going to give you a huge leg up.
Thanks thats a good point! I'll look into adding more upper level bio/chem classes. Are there classes that you would recommend? Any classes that are especially challenging in dental school?
Anatomy is good, things like virology, immunology, physiology (cell, animal, etc.) would help too. I took most of these and it helped my first quarter as I was getting used to the increased workload!
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