Medical Sub 2.5cGPA.... Should I attempt to apply for SMPs.... What Should I Do?

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Jun 11, 2010
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  • AACOMAS 2.45cGPA/2.1sGPA/upward trend. (yes, yikes)
  • Graduated w/ Dual Bio & Psyc degrees & 2 minors in Spring 2016
  • Took 4-5 uGrad courses in Fall 2016/ (3.65gpa)
  • Took 9 creds in Microbio Grad courses in 2020/ (3.85gpa)
  • 1000+hrs volunteering/started my own after school program for youth/started scholarship matching event for school
  • /selected for various pre-med & leadership programs at Univ/ President of my own student org, etc
  • 100hrs shadowing & clinical/teaching assistant for uGrad Upper Level Bio course/worked 30hrs all of uGrad
  • Currently studying for the MCAT and hope to get at least a 512-515.
  • Idk if this is useless info or not but I'm 26/F/Black
Schools encourage students to improve their uGPAs, but I've put myself in a very poor situation where I've accumulated 180+ credits, so it's quite difficult to bring up the GPA.
I've also already retaken the courses that I did poorly in. Basically, my uGrad transcript shows 3 semesters where I got all Fs (no academic violations/probations/suspensions tho). Then retaking the courses and getting 40% As, 50% Bs, 10%Cs. I've corrected the issues that lead to my uGrad grades.

Today, I have a lead position at a top research company & good professional background/accomplishments.
I feel that my transcript does not reflect my capabilities, aptitude and the person that I've become.

So, I'm wondering how can one reinvent themselves when they've managed to put themselves at the bottom... of the bottom?
What would be your realistic advice for reinventing oneself & pursuing their dream. Giving up is just not an option.

My theoretical plan:
1. Get 512+ Mcat
2. Apply to SMPs that don't have a min GPA req. My transcript (from my conferring school) shows that I have a 2.94 cGPA due to grade replacements.
So, I'm hoping that could help a tiny bit..........
3. I'm praying somehow I can matriculate into an SMP w/guaranteed interview for maintaining a specific criteria.
a.) I feel like an SMP w/Interview potential is the only real chance to have my app reviewed.
4. Then, if I don't get in anywhere, take more uGrad creds & keep applying to "No Screen Schools" for several cycles.
I think that an SMP is your last resort. If not, then it's time for something else. You'll find that when one door closes, others open up.

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Okay, I've updated my cumulatives year by year.

Community College Dual Enrollment - 3.71
Freshman - 3.52
Sophomore - 2.42
Junior - 1.00
Senior - 2.50
Senior II - 3.11
Post-Bac - 3.65
Grad - 3.85

Retroactive withdrawals is a great idea. I will have to check if my Uni will allow me to; even removing a few poor grades would be helpful.

I hope it does works out with a SMP. I can't imagine doing anything else.
Thanks for the support!
Absolutely would need SMP if you have any chance at all. There are also some schools (such as KCUMB) that offer MS degrees that will offer interviews if you have a GPA/MCAT over a certain threshold which may also be a direction to go if you can’t get into an SMP.
Okay, I've updated my cumulatives year by year.

Community College Dual Enrollment - 3.71
Freshman - 3.52
Sophomore - 2.42
Junior - 1.00
Senior - 2.50
Senior II - 3.11
Post-Bac - 3.65
Grad - 3.85

Retroactive withdrawals is a great idea. I will have to check if my Uni will allow me to; even removing a few poor grades would be helpful.

I hope it does works out with a SMP. I can't imagine doing anything else.
Thanks for the support!
Massive U-shaped trend with encouraging recovery. Good sign!

Target SMPs that:
1) are 1 year in length
2) are given at a med school
3) have the cheapest tuition
4) have the best linkage.

Be prepared to relocate. And knock off MCAT either before or after the SMP, NOT during.
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Massive U-shaped trend with encouraging recovery. Good sign!

Target SMPs that:
1) are 1 year in length
2) are given at a med school
3) have the cheapest tuition
4) have the best linkage.

Be prepared to relocate. And knock off MCAT either before or after the SMP, NOT during.
One caveat would be that the masters program I believe makes you take it during because they have to know to offer the interview or not...but this is just the one program at KCU....
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