Dental Will an autoimmune disease hinder me from becoming a healthcare professional?

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Jun 11, 2010
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I am quite concerned for my future, as I recently figured out I test positive for Autoantibodies while I display no symptoms. ANA's occur in Lupus and other autoimmune diseases. I test specific for Lupus. This can occur at any point in my life so I am trying to be proactive and healthy with my lifestyle. I want to pursue Dental School (waiting for the next app cycle to open) - but overall, worried. Being a dentist is my dream and I dont know what the future holds. I am currently a dental assistant , so I do make sure I do not inhale the sterilizing fumes/liquids/ etc. Right now I am working on staying hopeful and faithful. But I'd be lying If I said I'm not scared for whats to come. Any thoughts/advice?

nothing works unless you do
I asked my immunologist colleague about this and he told me "that autoantibodies can develop up to a decade before the onset of symptoms.

And as of right now, there are a LOT of treatments for lupus. In the future, there will be even more.

I've had students with lupus. Didn't stop them."

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