Withdrawal Effect on Residency Apps

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Jul 30, 2023
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I withdrew from some courses early on to take an LOA, and I am wondering if this could affect residency apps negatively, and if so, how severely if I want to match Psych or PM&R as a DO.

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What was your reason for the LOA?
Will there be any description or indications on your transcript that you may have been academically struggling and this was your “out” to get your **** straight?

You’re most likely fine shooting for those two specialties as long as you keep a clean slate from here on out.
What was your reason for the LOA?
Will there be any description or indications on your transcript that you may have been academically struggling and this was your “out” to get your **** straight?

You’re most likely fine shooting for those two specialties as long as you keep a clean slate from here on out.
It wasn't due to academic performance. Primarily mental health concerns, though if I did end up sitting for an exam I am not sure it would have went well. Withdrew before that point to avoid any low or failing grades.

Not sure exactly how the record is kept by the school, supposedly it looks better than academic issues. Still, I think I did not have proper foresight to let it get to that point and I honestly couldn't really blame anyone for seeing it as a red flag, hoping they don't though lol.
I withdrew from some courses early on to take an LOA, and I am wondering if this could affect residency apps negatively, and if so, how severely if I want to match Psych or PM&R as a DO.
Are you graded?

Stating you took an LOA* due to xyz imo and having the “P” or preferably “A” after retaking the classes doesn’t really raise red flags in my mind. When applying, there is a section that asks if there were any breaks in your education - my educated guess is that something like this goes into that section. You can explain it there. In addition I would peruse the format of your MSPE because any breaks or remediation would be stated there as well.

I’m not a PD nor do I have any anecdotal scenarios. However, assuming you do well on boards, have a legit story and resolution of the mental issues that caused you to LOA, have great letters of rec, there is no reason why I would think you would not be able to get PMR or especially psych.

But this is also the real world - realistically someone who took an LOA due to mental health reasons tickles the back of my brain. Why take someone who had these issues when there is a POOL of candidates without these issues? God forbid I become a PD one day.

Edit: spelling*
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