Recent content by UCLAMAN


    For all you premed/med women out there...IUD question

    with that is possible to place an IUD in a nulliparous cervix. i know nulliparous residents who have them. I wouldnt recommend it either mainly because of the discomfort of insertion but if you are really set on it I am sure you can find a doc who will attempt to put one into a nullip...

    Getting into Northwestern

    sometimes i wonder where usnews(or whatever source you are using) gets their numbers. i certainly did not have a 37 and many others in the class did not either. with that said there were certainly people who did meet or surpass the number you cite. but it is not by any means an absolute number...

    becoming a doctor = glamorous life?

    I agree...I am an intern and I do not know any other intern in my program or any other who "aches" and "yearns" for medicine. I do indeed wish i could drop it like a bad habit sometimes. Many other residents feel the same way too. With that is kinda cool to be a doc sometimes.

    Mr./Ms./Mrs. to ... Dr., when...?

    actually, as others have pointed out, you are a doctor as soon as you graduate medical school. so as an intern, you are a doctor. as an intern you are prescribing medications, your patients refer to you as doctor, you are indeed...a doctor. Its actually pretty weird to see your name as Dr. so...

    Northwestern vs. Rochester

    northwestern memorial hospital has quite a bit of patient diversity. also keep in mind we rotate through the va and evanston and children;s memorial. i had a post a while back on what each of these rotations brought to people's educations. search for it. northwestern garners a lot of respect on...

    Were can i find the med school LizzyM score

    Conversely, don't let your Lizzy scores deter you from applying to "reach" schools. A few reach schools are always good. Do not automatically throw a school off your list because your Lizzy score is lower than the LizzyM score. I wouldn't be a little under 2 weeks away from graduation at my...

    Thinking of switching from medicine to obgyn

    This is no longer the case...The field is definitely on the upswing. This latest match there were only like 4 slots unfilled(+2 prelims i think). There were US seniors going unmatched!!!(people with excellent stats at personalities at that!) OB/Gyn used to be a field where for sure EVERY US...

    ***\ Northwestern University Feinberg SOM Class of 2011!!! /***

    i rented a uhaul truck and bought EVERYTHING(ikea bed, mattress, couch, desk, tv, tv stand, lighting, etc.) in one day. Keep in mind...most of the high rises require you to reserve the freight elevator when you move-in so careful planning and coordination is usually warranted.

    ***\ Northwestern University Feinberg SOM Class of 2011!!! /***

    no worries...i was done with medical school a week ago. its a weird feeling waking up in the morning and not having anything to do. ;) There are indeed plastic surgery fellowships after gen surg. The straight thru plastic surgery progs like the one my classmate matched into are hard as hell...

    ***\ Northwestern University Feinberg SOM Class of 2011!!! /***

    Ok...where the hell did I leave off? Family Practice I do not know too much about family practice programs. I do know, however, that prior to my class, people who were interested in FP had a tough time getting advising. It is my understanding that this has changed, and now it is much...

    ***\ Northwestern University Feinberg SOM Class of 2011!!! /***

    prelim and transitional years are required in certain specialties(like radiology or ophthalmology etc.). Basicaly its a year of internal medicine. Transitional years are more difficult to achieve than some regular categorical specialties because everyone tries for transitional years because they...

    ***\ Northwestern University Feinberg SOM Class of 2011!!! /***

    I have very little experience with AOA(since i was not). However, it is my understanding that AOA status is a point system method. The first 2 years, one can obtain one point for being near the top of the class and another point for being at the top of the class after 2nd year. Furthermore, you...

    ***\ Northwestern University Feinberg SOM Class of 2011!!! /***

    I will try my best to go thru each specialty on the match list and explain why things are the way they are. Furthermore, I think it should be highlighted that Northwestern has one of the better internal medicine programs in the nation. I would argue that UofC and Northwestern are on par with...

    ***\ Northwestern University Feinberg SOM Class of 2011!!! /***

    i'll give you the inside scoop/and my thoughts on our matchlist later tonight...but for now...i have salsa lessons to go to. ;) i have to feels good to be done with the journey you all are about to embark upon. :D 2007 NU Match Day Pix This will be you in 4 years. ;) Were there any...