2003 Sinai Countdown Thread

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TeinVII, I pm'd you

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Originally posted by TeinVII
has anybody else gotten in off the waitlist recently????

sinai hates me :(

Hates you? Well, they didn't even bother to respond to my secondary application. At least they found the time to cash my check:rolleyes:
Oh well, it is for the better. They may actually go under in a few years. They fired 40% of their research staff recently.
Originally posted by Lab-Rat21
are u kidding me? where did you read that? please confirm that statement and don't just trash a school without evidence...I WANT to see it, just in case too...:confused:

It does sound plausible, but very disturbing if it's real...:confused:

You can probably find some threads on this matter within this forum. I don't know what their precise situation is right now, but they are having very serious financial difficulties.

They did fire a significant percentage of their staff about 7 months ago. My friend works there, he told me

/edit/ They let go of 5,000+ people. Their hospital also lost 70mil in 2002
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Originally posted by idq1i
You can probably find some threads on this matter within this forum. I don't know what their precise situation is right now, but they are having very serious financial difficulties.

They did fire a significant percentage of their staff about 7 months ago. My friend works there, he told me

/edit/ They let go of 5,000+ people. Their hospital also lost 70mil in 2002

i thought the people that were fired worked at the hospital and did not affect anyone affiliated with the medical school?

anyway, this doctor that works on my floor also said that he wouldn't be surprised if sinai med school didn't exist a few years from now.

but i'd still go there muahahahah
I also just got in off the waitlist --it came on 7/5 but was post-marked 7/2.

And I also remember being told that the school and the hospital were separate financial institutions, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens...
GoPats, good job, although woe is me. Are you going to accept?
Thanks. I've already accepted--while the letter was dated 6/27, it didn't arrive until 7/5 and my response was due yesterday!

I've been following this thread for awhile, and I wish you all the best of luck!
Thanks for the luck GoPats, but it looks like I only have one more round of acceptances to hope for before my other school starts. Just curious about your letter-it was dated 6/27 and you were to respond in 10 days from that date? That's crazy that you only received the thing the day before... I don't even check my mail that often. Anyway, congrats to all accepted!
Did those recently accepted ever get that email about upcoming events?
This is a bit off topic, but do you guys know anything about the Humanities and Medicine Program?

And for those of you still hoping to get off the waitlist, I'm crossing my fingers for you! Good luck!
Originally posted by demografix
Did those recently accepted ever get that email about upcoming events?
I've not gotten anything yet other than the inital packet in the mail. It's making me a little antsy. I guess I'll call next week if I haven't heard anything by then.
Did those recently accepted ever get that email about upcoming events?

Nope. They still haven't sent anything out other than what was in the initial mailing.
demografix stated:
it looks like I only have one more round of acceptances to hope for before my other school starts.

hey demografix,
when does your other school start? Would you go to Sinai if you got in while you were in orientation at the other school or can you not do that because of AAMC guidelines (which I can't remember right now)?
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School starts 8/4. I think the first day of orientation counts as the official first day of school, so no turning back after that! Where'd the summer go?
I hate posting by myself. Has everyone but me gotten in? When should the next acceptances go out, according to everyone's calculations?
I still haven't gotten in....Luckily school starts for me on Aug 14th, 3 days afer Sinai.....I am still hopeful (maybe foolishly). In any case congrads to all who have gotten in:cool:
Sounds about right.

Man, how i hate waiting and lack on their part even to show a little support and love for by keeping us posted.
No acceptances here either... Shouldn't they switch the protocol from usmail to PHONE and notify us of offers daily???

Anyway, our acceptances will be here soon... (+ thinking)
Waiting at the foot of Mt. Sinai........

this freakin sucks......trying to keep positive....but still this is ridiculous.....where's the love????

:mad: :mad: :mad:

sorry about the scare....I hope this post doesn't do it also;) . I totally know how you feel about seeing a new post on this thread. I think they are going to be handing out acceptances until the last minute..at least thats what the dean told me when i spoke to him last. In any case with 6 wl's I am beyond positive one of them will work out for you....especially as school gets closer. It sucks to wait but i had a friend in the exact same position as you last july. He was on 4 waitlists and got in off 3 of them.:)

-the happster
I know man, it's crazy!!!! I have been checking SDN forums and my e-mail like a madman. I wish for no one to go through such aggravation. My hopes are dwindling, to be honest, but I haven't totally given up yet. If we are not in this next batch, I am afraid it is very close to being over. But let us all hang in there and hope for the best.
Yeah-as I've said many a time, this is brutal. I'd say give it until the end of this week to hear news on a new batch. Has anyone called the admissions office recently or do they refuse to give any valuable information?
"i got accepted at sinai!!!!"
i wanna be able to say those words some day....before the summer's over :(
Originally posted by demografix
tein, that's evil!

my bad.. :cool:

but yeah, sinai is going under soon guys. so anybody who's holding acceptances, you should givem them up immediately. this is for your own good :p
How long has everyone been on the waitlist? It's been two LONG months for me so I guess I'm more or less a newbie. The waiting is forever... Can we get some sinai love???
i was on it in late april.
i think i was waitlisted in april as well
I was waitlisted begining of May.
I don't recall when I was 'listed, although I know it's been a while.

Lab Rat, what are you going to ask when you call? Keep us posted.
All right demografix, I've had just about enough of you. Will you ever stop invading my threads? I know that you are insecure about not having gone to college, but is this really necessary? And why haven't you joined Friendster yet?

Sorry to the viewers of this thread to whom this message does not apply. But let me warn you that demografix is an evil, conniving harpie and is not to be trusted.
looks like no movement for today.
Lab Rat-Did you call today?
I wouldn't give up on the batches just yet. Is there any info about how last year's last minute acceptances were communicated?
I suspect they have moved to case by case basis, because whenever i call these days, the answer i get is "No decision has been made on your file yet."

If it was ranked then there should not be any decision to make, right?
No-that doesn't mean anything. I've been getting that response for months. I think it means "we haven't accepted or rejected you yet."
Lab Rat,

I am really pulling for you. 3.5wks?? just means your acceptance will be here even sooner!! keep the faith... sorry for the scare ;) by posting
it's getting wierd that nothing has happened in the past few days as far waitlist movement goes. What do you guys think? Are they pretty much done? Or do you think that they still might pull 10 to 15 more people?
Well, I looked back through these posts and determined the following:

Someone was accepted from the waitlist with a letter postmarked 6/12.
The next batch was postmarked 7/2.

So that's almost 3 weeks apart. So the next postmark... 7/22? That's of course if they're still sending acceptances through snailmail.
Is anyone going to call the office to see if it's still moving.?? I can't get a straight answer... 25 days left...
Lab-Rat, I really hope you are not trying to pull a fast one as others have tried to do.
Lab Rat congrats to your friend... that acceptance karma is getting closer and stronger we're next
Well- I don't know what to say. I guess I'd better be giving up on Sinai.
Yay Lab-rat!! :clap: :clap: You can rest a lot easier now! :)
I second lab-rat. I remember being told by one of the adcom members that all waitlisted applicants had the right criteria to get into Sinai. But regarding movement off the waitlist, they want to know which of those waitlisted students REALLY want to attend Sinai. So be persistent and make it clear that you want to be a Sinai student. I would email/write a letter to the dean of admissions as well as your interviewer.
Yeah, I'm in elsewhere, but I really want to go to Sinai. I wish I could get over it and just focus on my probable new school, but the fact that the adcom won't give any indication of the possibility keeps that sparkle of hope alive.

CONGRADS!!!!!! thats so awesome. I knew you would get in!!! you can now breath a lot easier!!! now lets hope sinai comes through for us all.

I recently got notified via e-mail but I probably won't accept it so I hope it goes to one of you!

Good luck to you all!