Ivy Based Med Schools

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Jul 31, 2001
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Just out of curiosity, what med schools have you guys noticed to have a well-represented Ivy League student body. Any schools that are surprisingly not Ivy-centered?

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Columbia seems to LOVE Harvard and Yale undergrads - just judging by their student handbook
Can I be the one to say that Ivy league schools are not utopian universities?
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alright, alright, whatever. i dont want to get into this stupid argument right now. i know ivy league is only an athletic league and there are many many other universities that offer as good, if not better education. NOW that i have cleared the air, can we get on with the thread.
sorry, maybe it's because i go to an ivy, but it's just so annoying that any thread talking about an ivy has to digress into an argument about how overrated the ivies are.
Hey, I would be in an Ivy if I could, trust me. But they are not perfect, and I am not convinced they give a considerable edge.
I essentially went to an ivy-type undergrad, and now I'm at a med school that seems pretty non-Ivy centered (Baylor). Personally, I think you would be limiting yourself if you just wanted to go to a med school with a bunch of ivy-league type kids -- limiting both socially and academically.
I am not looking for an ivy-filled med school, i am just curious of what schools are particularly receptive to ivy applicants, that's all.
I've heard in the past that Columbia LOVES Harvard and Yale kids. Other than that, I don't think there is one school that stands out as being overwhelmingly receptive. If you have good credentials from an Ivy, they will all be pretty receptive to you.
Aside from other Ivy schools, U. Chicago-Pritzker seems to have a ton of Harvard, Yale, etc. behind their own undergrads of course.
people will respond with the anti-ivy sentiment beause you present yourself as from an ivy-league school, rather than name your specific school. Not everyone treats the ivies the same, and thus your real question should probably be "which med schools have a good amount of XXXXX school undergrads?"

A lot of med schools probably have a lot of ivy leaguers, but if you are from cornell then why do you care which school takes a lot of people from brown and yale? Don't lump them together and you won't get the same old stuff thrown back at you. Despite how they are often thought of, these 8 schools that play football together are diverse and unique academically.

another hopkins premed ranting about the ivies
forget it. im sorry i asked. im using my godlike power and locking this damned thread... and it was good.
dammit. i cant do it. argh.
Is Boston U considered an IVY?
Originally posted by Veggiegirl:
•Is Boston U considered an IVY?•
No, the Ivies are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia, Penn, Brown and......which one am I forgetting?
Originally posted by SMW:

No, the Ivies are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia, Penn, Brown and......which one am I forgetting?

Oh yeah, Dartmouth!
Well, since you asked, I have to give my two cents. I'm at Yale and one of the first things they pointed out to us is that there are 17 students from Harvard and 17 students from Yale in our little 100 seat first year class. That's 34% from those two schools alone!!! Now, add up those kids from Penn(1), Darmouth(3), Princeton (2), and Brown(3) and Columbia (1)...and you've got a 44% of our class from Ivy leagues and this is not including the students from ivies that turned down offers to come here and those from the West Coast equivalents of Ivy--
Stanford (6)
UC's (7)
You guys do the math. Does this mean that it is impossible to go to a great medical school from a non-ivy? NOOOOO!!! Do I think there might be some advantage to having gone to an ivy undergrad?
Yes, most likely HOWEVER I didn't come from an Ivy or even an equivalent which is why you should apply to competitive schools if you are a good applicant no matter what. You just never know what is going to happen
:D ;)
I want to echo what spacecadet just said. I don't know all the exact numbers of this year's 1st year class at Stanford, but here is a quote from our Dean in reference to the schools these 86 1st-years come from:

"The undergraduate degrees were obtained at 42 colleges and universities, with 15 students coming from Stanford and 14 from Harvard. In addition, 14% of the incoming class holds advanced degrees."

42 colleges and universities! That's a lot of schools! People shouldn't assume that you have to go to an Ivy to get into a great med school, as spacecadet nicely put it. Sure, there is more representation here by students who went to Stanford and the Ivys, but overall they are outnumbered by those who went elsewhere.
I graduated from Ivy League Daycamp and I don't think it gave me a considerable edge.