Uci Waitlist??

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i was also placed on the waiting list but it just seems that they put all the holds onto the waitlist...am i right??? it doesn't seem like they rejected anyone yet who has been interviewed...does anyone know if they have rejected people post interview yet??? thanks!

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just wanted to let everyone who is on hold post interview that i just called the admissions office and talked to someone there ---not Gayle...her name was Barbara...she wasn't the friendliest...she said the list is not ranked and that there were people who were rejected post interview....i am not sure how many or anymore details---i was trying to get off the phone as quickly as possible.
hey, thanks for calling. i wish they'd tell us if there was any grouping on the waitlist even tho its unranked. it seems like they did waitlist a HUGE amount of people. It makes me pretty much write off UCI in my mind. Hopefully UCD comes through for me.
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thanks for calling....i didn't want to deal with anymore unfriendly people....when all i want is a little info....they should just have an update site where they say all of this, so people don't have to call...you'd think they'd have learned their lesson by now...
Well, I went in today and basically I got the same reponse as everyone else who had called in..I talked to gayle, and I have to say, she is the nicest person! So anyways, she said that the applications on the waiting list is unranked and that the acceptances off the wait list are all from extensive comitee review (? I didn't understand that part??) and that they will let us know... but yup, they won't let us know about our position on the wait list..
Thanks for posting the updates. It looks like we will not hear back from UCI anytime soon.

Good luck!
Anyone else get a financial letter for verification??? It was awfully thick and my heart leapt for a split second, wanting it to be an acceptance. +pissed+
Nope, didn't get anything yet
just wondering if anyone else got the same response when they called...they said that they have rejected post intervew...i am not sure if that is true b/c no one has posted saying that they heard of that happening to anyone...please ppost if you have any info! the reason i ask is b/c the person i talked to wasn't gayle and wasn't anyone i met on interview day so i wasn't sure if they really knew for sure or were just assuming.
Have any of you had second thoughts about attending UCI based on the way they treat their applicants? I'm on the waitlist right now, and used to think that I would *definitely* go if I got accepted, but the more I compare them to other schools, the more disappointed I am with UCI. Other schools have been soooo much more responsive and helpful! Am I the only one out there feeling this way?? :confused:
Yeah, I definitely disappointed the applicants are supposedly unranked. It gives us no realistic assessment. And the fact that orientation is so late in August and they're accepting till Sept means that many of us holding other schools will not remain on the alt-list once august starts around! Cuz of that AAMC rule. Well, UCI and Maryland and Vanderbilt are not moving. Pitt's moving but I'm not moving with it and confused by the whole smaller waitlist. So I don't think UCI's the greater evil...they're all the same!
did anybody else get a call from UCI asking for recent grades? crap, i didn't do so good on grades the last couple of quarters because of applying and what not. o well, way to shoot yourself in the foot Moskeeto.
Originally posted by Moskeeto
did anybody else get a call from UCI asking for recent grades? crap, i didn't do so good on grades the last couple of quarters because of applying and what not. o well, way to shoot yourself in the foot Moskeeto.

did you moskeeto? I must say that if that is the case, then you must be really up there in the list and they are trying to see if you are keeping up with your studies. Hopefully your grades are not that bad....good luck to you!
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Originally posted by Dr. Don
did you moskeeto? I must say that if that is the case, then you must be really up there in the list and they are trying to see if you are keeping up with your studies. Hopefully your grades are not that bad....good luck to you!
Bump...good luck to everyone on the waitlist.
Originally posted by Moskeeto
did anybody else get a call from UCI asking for recent grades? crap, i didn't do so good on grades the last couple of quarters because of applying and what not. o well, way to shoot yourself in the foot Moskeeto.

uh oh moskeeto!!! :) hopefully they are not too bad. at least they seem to be interested in you.

editing this here. i just read you were accepted to ucd!!!! yipee. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS. :clap:
Hey thanks Lola, I'm pretty stoked and still in a bit of shock. I totally forgot about emailing Gayle back, i guess I better get to that. I'm not too worried about those grades now tho. :D
Hi All,

I know some of your may be interested that UCI has been accepting off the waitlist. I know I check the forums to see if there's been any movement at UCSF. I was accepted off the waitlist on Monday. I received a phone call Monday evening and information just arrived in the mail Thursday and Saturday. The main envelope says Congratulations across it. They give you seven days to decide upon receiving the information, but I plan on making my decision by tomorrow morning, so a seat may open up. I have very mixed feelings. I'm a California resident and I'm deciding between UCI and an out of state school. Each day I go back and forth, today I'm leaning towards the other school. I know others are waiting to hear off the waitlist at both schools so I will notify the school immediately when my decision is made. Good luck to all! As for what I did to get off the waitlist, absolutely nothing. I sent the information requested in the e-mail awhile ago and that was it, no letter of intent. Good luck!
Originally posted by jrobbieUCD
Hi All,

I know some of your may be interested that UCI has been accepting off the waitlist. I know I check the forums to see if there's been any movement at UCSF. I was accepted off the waitlist on Monday. I received a phone call Monday evening and information just arrived in the mail Thursday and Saturday. The main envelope says Congratulations across it. They give you seven days to decide upon receiving the information, but I plan on making my decision by tomorrow morning, so a seat may open up. I have very mixed feelings. I'm a California resident and I'm deciding between UCI and an out of state school. Each day I go back and forth, today I'm leaning towards the other school. I know others are waiting to hear off the waitlist at both schools so I will notify the school immediately when my decision is made. Good luck to all! As for what I did to get off the waitlist, absolutely nothing. I sent the information requested in the e-mail awhile ago and that was it, no letter of intent. Good luck!

hello everyone from the beautiful amazons of Peru!!!! :clap: congrats jrobbieUCD, so have you made your decision already? I?m patiently waiting from UCLA and UCI if anyone has new news about these two schools PM me please, thanks and good luck everyone!
Hi all,

UCI waitlist is definitely moving. I was informed over the phone that I was accepted off of the waitlist on Saturday afternoon! So, hang in there and you will hear from them really soon!

Good luck!!!!
congrats dr pc!!! that is great...what a relief for you!!!! I would love to hear from uci!!!
hey, congrats Dr. PC. :clap: :clap: thats good stuff.
Awesome Dr. PC! Thanks for the update.
Thank you guys!I have a feeling that July will be a good month bec people should make up their minds and the waitlist will keep moving.

Good luck to all of you!
a friend of mine got a phone call and off the waitlist last saturday
Well Dr PC...I hope your feelings prove to be correct, I really do. People, make up your minds already!:p
Hi everyone! The list is still moving. I got a call from Dean Peterson yesterday afternoon. It?s my first acceptance- I am still in shock. Good luck to everyone waiting!!!!! I have a feeling that things will get rolling in July.
****in awesome! first acceptance AND to a UC!!!! ****en awesome!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
i called uci yesterday and the people answering the phone are soooo unhelpful...they said gayle was in a meeting (they said that the last time i called too!)...does anyone have any info??? how many people are on the wl...? has there been movement lately??? have people been rejected post interview??? any acceptances in july yet???
Originally posted by nygirl6464
i called uci yesterday and the people answering the phone are soooo unhelpful...they said gayle was in a meeting (they said that the last time i called too!)...does anyone have any info??? how many people are on the wl...? has there been movement lately??? have people been rejected post interview??? any acceptances in july yet???

I know someone was accepted off UCI's waitlist the week of June 23rd (but his dad is a physician and has connections to the school, so take this info however you want). Does anyone have the manual "How to not go crazy while on waitlists" cuz Amazon is out :scared:
i just looked at my status check page and the date next to the alternate slot was 7/1/2003. i wonder if they've been updating recently or did I not notice that date always changing? anyone else have a different date? I haven't heard anything since the call asking for my updated grades.
congrats to those who have gotten in. i'm still waiting, but i'm starting to lose hope a little and have started to get my heart set on gtown as a result. i would still choose uci though.
moskeeto, mine still says 5/27/2003 under alternate - yes.
would you choose uci over davis?
Hi lola!!!
Hows the trip are you back yet? what did you get me?
I'm bummed that UCD didn't give you the call, but gtown is awesome. it doesn't sound like UCI has had that much movement yet, but I'm sure they will, so I wouldn't lose all hope yet. any way it goes, you're in pretty good shape, besides gtown is closer to ireland. :)
I don't know if I'd choose UCI over UCD right now. I don't know if its just that i'm still completely buzzed that I got into a UC and I'm not thinking clearly, but I feel like I'd choose UCD over any other school which is odd, because I hated this town. I've been seriously considering withdrawing from the UCI and UCLA wailists, just so I can have some finality. I guess if you get into UCI, i'll have to give it some serious consideration tho. :D
the uci waitlist is still moving...just ask the chronic. i now have a week to decide between uci and ohsu, and it is awfully hard to turn down the total dankness that is oregon. so, keep your hopes up, cuz the list might still be movin...good luck y'all. oh yeah, i heard it moves up until school starts, so you never know. in addition, i was recently told that the uc tuition fees will be increasing dramatically over the next couple of years. so, if you are concerned about the $$$ when making your choice, it might be less of an issue than you really think. nevertheless, i'm still considering uci, but right now ohsu is in the lead. and i would say it's about the seventh inning. unless uci hits a bomb in the 9th to win it...i'll see you punks in portland. if you have any thoughts on my scenario, fill a brotha in. peace.
Everybody should definitely keep their hopes up. I just got the call from Dr. Peterson today and most likely will be attending. I was all set on attending Einstein in NY(which I chose over Pitt b/c I fit in so much better in NY) but now I really don't know what to do. It's doubtful that I could end up turning down UC tuition and a chance to stay at home. I was so determined to go to NY that I didn't make a single phone call or send a letter, so I guess it doesn't really help all that much. I think Dr. Peterson told me I have 7 days to decide, gonna be a rough one going back/forth. Keep your heads up guys, I know last year they invited two students on the 1st day of admission.
I've e-mailed Gayle and not heard a response. I don't want to be annoying, but I don't know if they will tell me anything unless I actually have them on the line (but of course that is no guarantee either). Has anyone tried calling to get any more information?
I skimmed the last few posts and felt like I had to try to convince you people on the cusp that the area around UCI is fantastic.

I live about 5 minutes away and have lived in LA all my life.

1) Weather, that's pretty self evident. You're also about 15 minutes away from the beach.

2) Lifestyle, things are pretty chill around UCI.

3) You're within 40 minutes of LA

4) Females and also males are good looking

5) A bunch of different stores around the area to fill whatever needs you happen to have. From Ikea for furniture to Condomrevolution for your nocturnal activities.
Well, I never called personally but I've been told that the Admissions Office is really unhelpful. It's next to impossible to get ahold of Gayle who seems to be sympathetic to our situation. Hehe, my friend at UCI told me he'd give me her personal number but I guess I won't need it anymore.
Originally posted by Lil IceBoy
3) You're within 40 minutes of LA

4) Females and also males are good looking

this is sort of the mentality that would keep me away from uci, but to each his own.
congrats to those who have gotten in recently. i'm still hoping for the call but am not holding my breath. i think the rumor about the large tuition increase at the uc's is true. they mentioned at ucd that the tuition would increase from like 10 or 11 thousand/year to 15 thousand/year for the next academic year. it's still significantly less expensive than a private school, though.
moskeeto, i'm still on vacation! :)
Originally posted by JRSCGSR
Well, I never called personally but I've been told that the Admissions Office is really unhelpful. It's next to impossible to get ahold of Gayle who seems to be sympathetic to our situation. Hehe, my friend at UCI told me he'd give me her personal number but I guess I won't need it anymore.

Funny, I called Gayle's personal number (which she willingly gave to me) and she picked up right away. This is how she broke things down for me:

-The only thing the admissions office knows is who is in the "pipeline" to be accepted, tho they haven't been sent to committee to be officially accepted yet (for finalization).
-If you call, she can tell you if you're in the pipeline.
-The people in the pipeline go in batches of 10-12.
-Latest batch just passed, so give em a call and find out if you're one of them. (Unfortunately, I wasn't :( )
-Don't call for another 1.5 weeks to see if you're in the next batch.

She also mentioned that they have been receiving a decent amount of withdrawals on a weekly basis, which slows down significantly come August.

Good luck to everyone. Be thankful if you're one of those applicants who have another acceptance to lean on during this crazy process.
thanks for the information you have all posted i really appreciate it!!! it is a really hard wait...can some please pass gayle personal tel no b/c everytime i have called they have said she is in a meeting and i can never get through!! thanks!!
Here it is (949)824-4617
thanks stan!!! i will give her a call today!!!
actually it hasn't worked yet...i have called a few times today and it has been busy every time i have called...i will try again or maybe the general number if it doesn't work again.
i finally got through and gayle basically said the same thing others have said that they take people in batches of 10-15...and i wasn't in the batch:(...anyways, she said to call in 1.5 weeks (i guess i am relaying old info!).
i got the call yesterday. damn it, decision time. davis or uci?!?!