Where Computer Science count on AMCAS???

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Mar 6, 2002
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Hi, I am 5 years Computer Science/Information systems combined program... The question is where and how my CS classes count as science or non-science on AMCAS??? :confused:

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Your computer science classes will go under the "AO" category (all others). Only the BCPM (biology, chemistry, physics, math) classes are counted towards the "science"/BCPM GPA. I hope that answers your question. :)
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Hi, are you sure about that? How important would your gpa be in the AO category? For instance, if I have a 3.9 science gpa, a 3.7 non science gpa, and a 3.6 AO gpa, would that look poorly? (Computer Science classes are killing me)
come on, of course that wouldn't look poor -- especially if you go to a halfway decent school.
now, if you had a 3.5 science, a 3.2 non-science, and a 3.0 computer science gpa that might not look too good.
Sorry, I didnt mean to use poor, but would the colleges see mainly the 3.9 gpa or would they see it as a 3.75 average gpa. In other words, how important is the AO gpa?
my stats : Science 3.9 , AO 3.85, I got 2 B's in my English class...Ahh anyway, agree CS classes are really tough, I like Organic Chem!!! :)
I think ADCOM's more look on your science GPA...but I can be wrong
Would statistics and electrical engineering go in AO as well? Or would they go into the non-science portion?
it looks like it goes to AO
I put my statistics course under "math" and had no problem. Electrical engineering...isn't that "physics?"
On the same topic – does anybody know how AMCAS regards exercise physiology cources?
my programming and database courses definitly will go to AO, but maybe your engineering should go to physics, i think definitly should
Gator, exercise phys seems like "biology" to me. At my school, exercise physiology courses were stuck in the Physiology Dept. as part of the med school.
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It seems like biology to me also
Does anyone know if AAMCAS has a specific policy on this anywhere on their website?

Taty-- what school do you go to? Us Cs majors have to stick together :clap:

When I did AMCAS last year, it specifically said that engineering classes don't count in BMCP. Maybe they'll change that for this year. It's a bummer because engineering is my major and it makes it look like I didn't take much science - plus I didn't do too well in the freshman weedouts (physics, calc). Of course, you could try putting them under Physics and see if they change it on you.
Raist, I am so happy to see here one more CS major!!! :clap: :clap:
I am 5 years program CS/IS at Pace University of New York:) year ago decided to go to medical school...was a big reason why.
Nice to meet u:)
Thanks Spacecadet,

So electrical engineering wouldn't be considered in the BCMP portion of the gpa, but how about statistics? Did you feel your engineering major help or hurt you when applying to medical school?
When I applied several years ago, I placed the majority of my CS courses under AO, but some of them were under math. The only one that I can think of that went under math was "Discrete Mathematics" and an "Algorhytms" course.
Oh, and does AO and non-science mean the same thing? Or is there a specific AO and a specific non-science category?
I think AO science and non-science is the same AO, i did not apply yet, but i think it's the same thing
Where I have to put my Grad CS classes ( because i am combined program)? AO too?
I found the AMCAS Instruction Book useful in figuring out what courses go where.

You can download the pdf file from:
<a href="http://www.aamc.org/students/amcas/2003.htm" target="_blank">http://www.aamc.org/students/amcas/2003.htm</a>

Jolly :)
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Taty:
•Raist, I am so happy to see here one more CS major!!! :clap: :clap:
I am 5 years program CS/IS at Pace University of New York:) year ago decided to go to medical school...was a big reason why.
Nice to meet u:)•••••Hi Taty --

I'm a CS major also down in Central Florida -- going to UCF. I've finally decided I don't want to sit and program for the rest of my life (at least for the first many years of employment) and to pursue medical school for this and a variety of other reasons. What were your reasons for deciding to want to go to medical school? (This question is open to any CS major). It's good to know there's people like me out there too... :rolleyes:
•••quote:•••Originally posted by sairules:
• Hi Taty --

I'm a CS major also down in Central Florida -- going to UCF. I've finally decided I don't want to sit and program for the rest of my life (at least for the first many years of employment) and to pursue medical school for this and a variety of other reasons. What were your reasons for deciding to want to go to medical school? (This question is open to any CS major). It's good to know there's people like me out there too... :rolleyes: •••••1.I hate cancer!!!! :mad: long story...- thats my number one reason. I read a lot because I wanted to know where cancer comes from, I got into it, I started taking classes like advanced BIO trying to understand how cell biology works and reading about it in my free time. Finally, I realized that I better go to medical school in oncology/hematology field. So I strarted volunteer at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
2.I don't want to sit and program for the rest of my life, there are a lot of programmers for doing this.
I better do something what i am interested in :)because job is a life commitment.

Welcome to forum sairules !!! Nice to meet you!!! :clap:
Hi Sairules, it IS good to know there's more CS majors out there...

I took CS not as a career decision, but to explore new fields, because I figure you could still do anything with a CS major (basically I wanted to keep my options open).
When you guys gonna apply ???

I am gonna take MCAT next year and apply for 2004.
Yea, I'm going to take mcats next april and apply that year. What schools are you interested in?
Harvard( gonna try MD/HST)
Mount Sinai( I spent almost all my Spring 01 semester there, I could not help anyway, but now I know every corner in that hospital, people are very friendly there)
New York Medical Sch
all SUNY's

Almost all in NY area. Also it depends when I will get my green card. Though, I am not on student visa here, i have financial aid as any other permanent resident, but I heard that u are international if u don't have a green card.

I try to get in research lab at Sloan Kettering right now...it seems very strange for people who I know at Sloan Kettering, why CS/IS wants to do research, so I just quit to tell people my major.

u see I am a big DREAMER about the schools:)
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Taty:
•Harvard( gonna try MD/HST)
Mount Sinai( I spent almost all my Spring 01 semester there, I could not help anyway, but now I know every corner in that hospital, people are very friendly there)
New York Medical Sch
all SUNY's

Almost all in NY area. Also it depends when I will get my green card. Though, I am not on student visa here, i have financial aid as any other permanent resident, but I heard that u are international if u don't have a green card.

I try to get in research lab at Sloan Kettering right now...it seems very strange for people who I know at Sloan Kettering, why CS/IS wants to do research, so I just quit to tell people my major.

u see I am a big DREAMER about the schools:)•••••Hi Taty --

Yes, cancer is quite a huge issue in today's times, but there are quite a lot of developing companies out there that are VERY close to finding a solution to it. Through my knowledge of the stock market and research, I have found that there is a little unknown company that is in 3rd stage FDA trials on its 'FAST-TRACK' program that is developing a VACCINE for cancer. It's quite an interesting topic. I find it so awesome how I can turn some of my other interests (such as stock investing) into something that has to do with medical also. I, just like some others, was still exploring different fields, and I just wound up in CS since computers was always a main hobby of mine since the 7th grade. But now I KNOW that I don't want to program for the rest of my life (I actually hate programming!)

So it was nice meeting you and hope to stay in touch. You can PM me anytime. :)
Hi sairules,

Harvard has MD/Medical Informatics with MIT
Columbia has MD/Medical Informatics

I try to find more information, e-mailed admissions,but they sent me regular stuff about

Did you hear about computer drug modeling??
Sounds interesting for me...

I guess I have to have 40-45 on MCAT to get in there :rolleyes:
Hi Sairules, when do you plan on applying?

Also, I think our biggest obstacle is convincing medical schools that applying wasn't an afterthought due to the downturn in the economy. (I'm sure a bigger drove of computer science and engineering majors will be applying in larger numbers than before) How do you guys plan on handling this?
Hi Taty,

Here's a link to what Stanford is doing in Medical Informatics: <a href="http://camis.stanford.edu/" target="_blank">http://camis.stanford.edu/</a>
Raist, Thank you very much!!! :clap:

Actually I did not think about economic problem yet, but my CS professor told us that next year the situation with CS market gonna be better. I hope.

What field of medicine are u interested in?
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Raist:
•Hi Sairules, when do you plan on applying?

Also, I think our biggest obstacle is convincing medical schools that applying wasn't an afterthought due to the downturn in the economy. (I'm sure a bigger drove of computer science and engineering majors will be applying in larger numbers than before) How do you guys plan on handling this?•••••Hi Raist --

I still have to finish up some pre-reqs this year, such as Bio I and II and Organic I and II. The rest I have done because it is part of my CS degree program. So I'll be taking the MCAT next April and then apply for matriculation into 2004.

About the economy and CS majors: my main point will probably be that computers were always my main hobby and interest... but not programming. I was always into fixing things, especially for teachers when I was in middle/grade school. So it was almost natural for me to slip into computer science. I didn't choose CS because it was a 'hot' field at the time. I chose it because that is where my interests were at the time.. and now that has changed. By being a doctor, you are able to use your science knowledge and your compassionate side to help people on a daily basis with something that is truly priceless -- your health. What profession can match up to that? THe point is that not everyone can have the endurance, skill level, compassion, and knowledge to be a doctor. And if one has these qualities, they should make the most out of them and become a doctor. That's what I would advice to anybody who has these at least these skills. So really, changing from CS to medical is not because of the economy, it's because of a difference in thinking. Hope this all makes sense to you!
sairules, what field of medicine are u interested in?
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Taty:
•sairules, what field of medicine are u interested in?•••••I'm not sure exactly what field of medicine I would like to pursue right now, but preliminary thoughts are radiology, internal medicine, or pulmonary. But like I said, these are preliminary and I haven't narrowed down a choice yet. What about you? What would you say about changing from CS to medical when the ADCOM's ask you about it?
Maybe I will write my hard luck story in the essay, of course ADCOM's will ask me about it.

I think I would tell ADCOM's what I had learned at Sloan Kettering when I had volunteered. How I changed as a person there... I really had never thought that I will apply to Medical School before I went there.
I am trying to get in lab at Sloan Kettering right now, I would talk about research if I'll get in lab . Also I think I would tell how computers help to do research and what advantages brings my CS major :)
Hi Daffy, I won't be applying until next year, but good luck with applications! What are your stats like, and keep us posted on how you do!
Hi Daffy, I won't be applying until next year, but good luck with applications! What are your stats like, and keep us posted on how you do!
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Raist:
•Thanks Spacecadet,

So electrical engineering wouldn't be considered in the BCMP portion of the gpa, but how about statistics? Did you feel your engineering major help or hurt you when applying to medical school?•••••i majored in electrical/computer engineering and none of my courses were put into BCPM.

As far as whether it helped or not, I was applying MD/phD and I think it did help a little bit for the research side of the application process. But for strictly regular MD I dont think it makes much of a difference.
Hi daffy, welcome to forum, i am glad to see one more CS in here :clap: GOOD LUCK with your application!!!
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Raist:
•Thanks Spacecadet,

So electrical engineering wouldn't be considered in the BCMP portion of the gpa, but how about statistics? Did you feel your engineering major help or hurt you when applying to medical school?•••••I think it is hurting me, mainly because of the BMCP thing (although Texas lets me count my engineering classes as science) and because I think my overall GPA is lower than it would have been if I had majored in something less demanding.

However, I've worked for many years as an engineer so I can't say I would have done anything different. The bug to go to into medicine hit me in my late 20's.
I have a friend who worked in accounting field, has a CPA, he applied to MEd Sch when he was 29. Now he is at Stanford!!!! :clap:

Good luck for you spacecadet!!!
Hi Spacecadet,

What is your reason in going to medical school?
moving topic up
daffy what schools you want to apply?
Hey guys, what about a MS in Software Eng. Where does that do and will they question it neg. in the application process?
Daffy keep us updated!!!! BEST LUCK TO YOU!!!