Recent content by silvercholla

  1. S

    parents are funny in this process :)

    Wow... I haven't been here in like four months and you guys are still going... and still really funny... How's everyone doin?:love:
  2. S

    parents are funny in this process :)

    I've been on hiatus from everything medical just so I could avoid my mother on the subject... but I forgot that she is sneaky!!! Anyway good to be back... **Conversation 5am this morning*** Mom: Sweety are you sleeping? **I swear, one day I am going to roll over and spew pea soup at...
  3. S

    parents are funny in this process :)

  4. S

    parents are funny in this process :)

    Ever get blindsided by your parents on an issue that you Swore was dead.... SIGH **Conversation this morning 5am. (YES SHE STILL DOES THAT!!!)*** Mom: Sweety, are you sleeping ***I am convinced that once you hit 60yrs old you can never learn anything new again*** Me: No, I am...
  5. S

    affirmative action thread

    Sink lower and lower into dispear until you finally decide to become a DO.:p
  6. S


    TOUCHY TOUCHY PEOPLE!!! 1. I have no opinion on the OP's statement... sorry I can't be much help, but I wish you all the luck and good fortune that you deserve. :clap: 2. Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) 3. Wow SDN has turned into political science and morality 101. Have an opinion...
  7. S

    affirmative action thread

    Oh Dear Lord.... I have had it with you people... with all the whinig and ictching about not getting into medical schools that you do not deserve to get into "you people" have let this thread go all the way down to page 6. :eek: oh and another thing, if you worthless piles of donkey dung are...
  8. S

    affirmative action thread

    This is better... people are keeping up witht there obligations, maybe you all will someday be worthy enough to get your sorry butts into medical school... SOMEDAY:rolleyes:
  9. S

    parents are funny in this process :)

    SMOOCHES!!!!! I was thinking...with the amount of stuff i deal with with my mother I think it makes me the perfect candidate for medical school someday.. What do you think:p
  10. S

    parents are funny in this process :)

    **Conversation, this morning, 7am** Caveat: My sister is going to go to the French Culinary Institute. Now this has refueled my mother in her quest to see me in medical school ASAP Mom: Sweety are you awake? **Yes she still asks this question despite knowing what might come out of my...
  11. S

    affirmative action thread

    OH MY GOD!!!! :mad: I come back and low and behold I find this thread on **gasp** PAGE 6!!!:mad: How dareyou people allow such negligence to happen. Is this the future of medicine???!? God help the unsuspecting public! You people are unworthy of even posting here much less applying for medical...
  12. S

    parents are funny in this process :)

    OKAY!!!... I am NOT, repeat.. NOT dating DrKevin!!!! :laugh: :p AS for the cute obgyn... he was cute but he was a major major dork!!!! BORING!!!! :eek: ***Conversation, day after the cute obgyn incident*** Mom: Hello, ******* residence. Me: Mother, NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER...
  13. S

    affirmative action thread

    I was wondering... when I get to the interview process (four or five years from now) should I carry your standard handbag, a stodgy briefcase, or a duffle bag filled with the essentials (hammer--for beating the interviewer into submission, questions, kneepads--- he might be cute, a blue...
  14. S

    parents are funny in this process :)

    ***Conversation last night, at base*** Me: #$ volunteer Ambulance Corp, Dispatcher 5**. Mom: Sweety you really shouldn't be so long winded on the phone, suppose I couldn't speak. **One could only wish** Me: Mother you called on the regular line, not the emergency line. What do you...