affirmative action thread

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If u are a troll ass whipper, why dont you take on that mean, ugly troll cptBA who is picking on Immy in the previous thread?

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Originally posted by cabruen
Holy Cow!!! I take a break for one day to interview at Baylor and I come back to this kind of proposition. It is 1:35am, it is dark, and I am wearing sunglasses...I can be in New Orleans by dawn including the time it takes to stop and buy a case load of beads. :)
Phew, I now feel truly motivated to respond after giving Google 20 hits on Daniel Day-Lewis. Well, I also finanlly took the time to plan an informed attack and decided I should have mentioned my mom and her TB work, she is ridding the world of this disease as we speak. If you act soon enough, you may be able to get your name in on the research as a co-author. ;) However, sunglasses at 1:35 in the morning? If you have that much of a drug problem, you may be required to go through drug rehab before I can make any kind of commitment to you. :)
I have grey hair and can be as old as you'd like me to be. (I can even change my username to oldman...wait that is already taken. :()
Well, if you were truly devoted and as smart as you say you are, you would have realized the appropriate screenname would be SeaworthC'sOldMan
You complete me. Its just you and me kid.
We're going to need to work on this "kid" thing. I'm not that much of a baby. In New Orleans, it seems like 90% of the guys I meet are 32 and lawyers, so I do have some pretty good experience with men in your age group. They want the same thing as the rest of men, clean underwear and food on the table. :D Seeing as I don't cook, or iron, you are sh1t out of luck.
When you decide you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want that life to start right away. You have been a bad bad girl. You certainly need some serious correction, and I am more than willing to provide it.
Ok, this more than makes up for the kid thing, maybe we can figure out a way to make this into a, uh, "game." ;)
Just to give you a mental picture, I am often mistaken for Daniel Day-Lewis, especially as he looked in Last of the Mohicans.
if you have yet to gaze upon my beauty, please click the www button underneath this post.
In actuality, I thought Woots was describing me for a second here, until New Jersey was mentioned. Whew!!
Wait, wait, wait. Now who are you really? You know from my lounge posts I am really a superficial, money- hungry b1tch. I can't be seen with you if this is what you really look like if you don't first wire me the agreed upon amount to be seen with you in public.
Meet you on Decatur street at noon.
I am off to prepare now!:love:

(but seriously, I hope Baylor went well :))
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Originally posted by galen
Here we had an interesting discussion going about a naked urology intern who has a great build & likes to play around in the dark & just when we were on the verge of guessing his present whereabouts, you have to bring up boring stuff like your stupid ECs and applications (blaaahhh!)
Samoa, go with MD, PharmD. (duh, alphabetize. I am going to go with SeaworthC E.I., MD when the time comes) And please, next time remember not to distract from important convos such as the one above. ;)
We've been propagating a lot of crap around here about all your foolish "qualifications" for admission into medical school, such as this "GPA" or "MCAT" shiet. These silly measures of how you're able to do useless things such as "retain, process, and analyze information" will serve you NO purpose in medical school, EVER!!!! :mad: You cookie cutter premeds have no idea what type of dedicaton it takes to take blood pressures or switch bed pans. Go on and believe that your stupid shows of "academic competency" have any bearing on why any medical school should take your unfeeling, callous @ss in the first place.

As it is clear as day, how we admit kids to medical school is not based on "trying to get the best applicants" possible, but getting the most obnoxious rich people into medical school. Cause I mean, ya know, EVERYONE at medical school is a rich affluent yuppie who has never seen the inside of a hospital, RIGHT?!?!? There's only one way to fairly assess who has the true compassion and ability for a career in medicine:

OPERATION (tm milton bradley): Skill Game, Where YOU'RE the Doctor, ages 6 and up, 1 or more players

Thats right. This process is geared to exclude the truly qualified like myself from medical school while you lamers who are using this "i am a strong student and that might help me in medical school" bullsh*t angle get in, and its time to change :mad: OPERATION will find those kids who will be able to deal with 140 hour work weeks for $5,000 a year with patients crapping on themselves 24-7. How many of you dorks can pull out all 12 "funatomy" pieces in a row without hitting the sides?!?! I bet you've never even PLAYED OPERATION. If you have, I bet you cant even pull out the funny bone, or you have to cheat and shake the board to move the pieces into an easier position :rolleyes:

Regardless of my inability to retain and process infomation, I can pull out the charley horse within 20 seconds! For every time one of you unfeeling knuckleheads who got in with absolutely no ECs, LORS, or essays starts hitting the sides with those tweezers and setting off the red buzzing nose, it just represents the true unfairness of this process
That was sheer poetic brilliance, DW. I am in awe.

:laugh: :laugh: :clap: :clap:
DW, while I applaud your rejection of the obviously bigoted and predjudicial emphasis on cognitive skills in selection of medical school applicants, I am disappointed in your misplaced emphasis on physical talents.

I am blind and suffer from 'locked-in syndrome', such that I am only able to communicate via eyelid blinks. Clearly your choice of excellence at the game 'Operation' as entry criteria to medical school would present an unfair obstacle to me, and is also obviously rooted in your affluent and providential background. Many of us did not have access to such high tech learning tools during OUR upbringing.

I plan to be a cardiothoracic surgeon, and do not intend for the unfair challenges you propose for me - nor the sequelea of my severe closed head injury with inability to retain new information - to stand in my way. I plan to be a cardiothoracic surgeon, and do not intend for the unfair challenges you propose for me - nor the sequelea of my severe closed head injury with inability to retain new information - to stand in my way. I plan to have an assistent refresh my memory by reading the anatomy from a textbook to me during the surgeries, after which I will instruct another assistent in the correct surgical maneuvers - all communicated by blinks of course.
I don't think OPERATION is a fair criteria because not all of us can afford that $1500 prep course :mad:
Originally posted by Explosivo
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say rabid?

I meant flea-infested. :p

How selfish of you to be taking care of a puppy when you could be out helping your fellow man. Think of how many people you could feed in ethiopia were you to invest the time and money you are spending on that dog of yours. You better not let the adcom at any of the schools you've been accepted to find out about this for they will certainly view your commitment to raising your puppy as an affront to your concern for mankind. They are almost certain to rescind your acceptances. In fact, my carrier pigeon Pedro is already on his way to deliver the news about you written of course in 3rd century Gallic.

Those aren't fleas, he must have become infested with scabies when I let you pet him. That's the last time I ever leave you alone in a room with a poor, defenseless animal you sick SOB. :mad:

And actually, med schools have been quite impressed that I have a puppy who will be a certified therapy dog. I also plan on researching the medicinal benefits of animals in the care of patients with terminal illnesses and long-term pain killer dependancies, which could save the hospital tons of money in reduced expendatures on drugs. Of course, pet food companies and pro-companion animal special interest groups love to fund research like this, so I could bring in additional millions to the school, which will only help their USNews rankings.

Besides which, my interviewers were impressed by his ability to fetch various medical implements on command. Of course, I taught him to use sterile technique. He will come in handy when I'm volunteering my time in an understaffed hospital in rural Appalacia.

considering some preallo riots of late - this needs a bump from the depths of page 2. :D
I guess I will have to take cabruen's silence as a sign he is not into blondes and is unwilling to change his username to SeaworthC'sOldMan. :( Maybe he was drunk Friday night? :confused:
Originally posted by GoodMonkey
considering some preallo riots of late - this needs a bump from the depths of page 2. :D

Are there new trolls about? Where??? :D Damn, I hate missing good troll floggings! :p
OH MY GOD!!!! :mad: I come back and low and behold I find this thread on **gasp** PAGE 6!!!:mad: How dareyou people allow such negligence to happen. Is this the future of medicine???!? God help the unsuspecting public! You people are unworthy of even posting here much less applying for medical school! If you can't juggle a GPA of 110.78, getting MCAT scores of 40++ZZ, Volunteer, EC's and SDN. Then you might as well drop out of the running and just become a lawyer!!!! SLACKERS!!!! ALL OF YOU SLACKERS!!!!! :p
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My life is over peeps. I have just gotten my first rejection *sniffle*:(

I just got rejected from Harvard medical school.

While I have drawn 30 other acceptances from various school across the country, I do not think that I as a dedicated medical school applicant will ever be able to get over the profound loss I have felt on this day. In fact, due to my failure as a medical school applicant in this regard I feel that I am no longer worthy of a medical career. I am simply at a loss to explain why I was rejected after all I did have 45X MCAT and a 4.0 GPA while majoring in Black Lesbian Poetry of the 18th century with a minor in Astronomy. Did I also mention that I am a URM? My fathers cousin's rooster was once owned by a Mexican guy that raised roosters for cockfights in Tijauna thereby conferring URM status to my application. Hell, even on my interview I made sure I showed my interviewer that I indeed wore my hunter green cockring thinking that such an act would seal the deal. But alas, I have failed in my quest to be accepted at every medical school that i have applied to. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why Harvard rejected such a diverse applicant as myself?

Also, where do I go from here? It is plainly obvious that I have no hope for success in medicine. Perhaps I should just become a pre-med advisor in order to teach future applicants how not fail as I so disgracefully have.
Yeah great big fu(king Deal DW!!!!!!!! So let me get this straight you bourgeoisie arrogant rich kid. You're parents can afford to buy you this monstrously expensive "Operation" game, which then you proceeed to play for hours while your maid and butlers tend to the house and cook your meals and your gardners mow your lawn, and you think that makes you more qualified to be a doctor!! Gufff!!

Those that the admissions committee find truly qualified to take up the pursuit of medicine are those that like me who have taken our chores and duties and made them medically relevant. I raked the leaves in our yard, and then turned them into primitive bandages for highland primitives of the amazon. I choped wood and collected twigs from the forest, and assembled a life size skeleton model made completely of pieces of wood. This particularly impressed them since I had to be able to reconize the correct shapes for the bones. When I had to paint the house, I used a pallete of colors to diagram the entire Citric Acid Cycle on the front of our house. When I vacuumed our house, I would collect the samples and plate out bacteria colonies to monitor our house for infectious diseases. And the mold growing on our air conditiioning ducts. I used to culture an remarkable effective alternative to penicillin.

While you were playing your games, some of use were actually trying to show the medical schools that we would make good doctors. So take your "funatomy" bone and stick it up your....
Originally posted by seaworthc
Ok, this more than makes up for the kid thing, maybe we can figure out a way to make this into a, uh, "game." ;) if you have yet to gaze upon my beauty, please click the www button underneath this post. I am off to prepare now!:love:

What a beauty. :love:

I see this in our future....

Originally posted by Explosivo
My life is over peeps. I have just gotten my first rejection *sniffle*:(

Hell, even on my interview I made sure I showed my interviewer that I indeed wore my hunter green cockring thinking that such an act would seal the deal. But alas, I have failed in my quest to be accepted at every medical school that i have applied to. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why Harvard rejected such a diverse applicant as myself?

Hey Explosivo, what shade of Hunter Green was your cockring? Perhaps you don't actually know what hunter green is and your cockring was really forest green, and thus the Harvard Adcom's assumed you were color blind and rightfully surmised you would make a terrible doctor.
This is better... people are keeping up witht there obligations, maybe you all will someday be worthy enough to get your sorry butts into medical school... SOMEDAY:rolleyes:
Originally posted by cabruen
What a beauty. :love:

I see this in our future....

Your forearm resting on my breast, or me dying my hair brown? Can we just do the boob thing? I kind of like my dirty blond hair. :p

Originally posted by Explosivo
My life is over peeps. I have just gotten my first rejection *sniffle*:(

I just got rejected from Harvard medical school....

...Also, where do I go from here? It is plainly obvious that I have no hope for success in medicine. Perhaps I should just become a pre-med advisor in order to teach future applicants how not fail as I so disgracefully have.

You just need to get a blood transfusion with a Native American. Then you can claim that you're at least one-eighth. Just to make sure they believe you, you should wear an indian head dress in to the Harvard Admissions office. Smoke a peace pipe with the Dean until he's so stoned that he'll sign your admission letter. And if he still won't let you in, you can scalp him.

(okay, I'm done. I ran out of stereotypes)
Oh Dear Lord.... I have had it with you people... with all the whinig and ictching about not getting into medical schools that you do not deserve to get into "you people" have let this thread go all the way down to page 6. :eek: oh and another thing, if you worthless piles of donkey dung are going to apply to medical then you had better get off the self loathing blabbering baby ship and get your $hit together. I mean really you have had it easy all your life with your fast cars, and easy A's, with your parents licking your feet and you all running and scraping to be their trophy doctors. PATHETIC!!! Here's a bit of advice from someone who has REALLY struggled and who will oneday be your boss!!! GROW UP!!!!!!:p
I just realized that (and I have no idea how this could have happened) but another SDNer has more acceptances than I do! :mad: :( :mad: Is it too late to apply to some more safety schools so I can take spots from other desperate applicants in a vain attempt to boost my total? Needless to say I'm holding all my spots, even at the schools I know there is no way in he11 I'll ever go there. :p

Maybe I should defer enrolling this year and wait till next year and apply to every school, including DOs and the Carribeans? Or is it possible to apply again next year as a MS1, since already being a med student might give me an edge at interviews?

What should I do? :confused:

Originally posted by Woots32
I just realized that (and I have no idea how this could have happened) but another SDNer has more acceptances than I do! :mad: :( :mad: Is it too late to apply to some more safety schools so I can take spots from other desperate applicants in a vain attempt to boost my total? Needless to say I'm holding all my spots, even at the schools I know there is no way in he11 I'll ever go there. :p

Maybe I should defer enrolling this year and wait till next year and apply to every school, including DOs and the Carribeans? Or is it possible to apply again next year as a MS1, since already being a med student might give me an edge at interviews?

What should I do? :confused:


kill the other sdn'er. knocking off one or two people in this process is a small price to pay.
Originally posted by GoodMonkey
kill the other sdn'er. knocking off one or two people in this process is a small price to pay.

Sink lower and lower into dispear until you finally decide to become a DO.:p
I would just like all you amoral, sinful, evil, despicable babies to know that your actions are reprehensible. People as willing to murder as you all are will make terrible physicians. Have fun rotting in hell.

And DW, instead of wasting our money on luxuries such as this 'Operation' game, how about thinking of the starving poor for once, instead of always fulfilling your own selfish desires?

You pathetic whiners all make me sick.
u know if u all weren't thinking about sex all the time and just engaging in willy-nilly orgies, you would probably have a better chance at getting into med school. i, for one, am reclaiming my abstinence for the 17th time and devoting my body to the monkey god, thereby diverting all that energy you all are wasting on sex towards a greater good. if u all could just keep your pants on for once, maybe u would have more time and energy to devote to getting into med school! sheesh!

ps... anyone know if sexually frustrated born again-and-again-and-again-and-again virgins qualify as a URM?

Originally posted by GoodMonkey
u know if u all weren't thinking about sex all the time and just engaging in willy-nilly orgies, you would probably have a better chance at getting into med school. i, for one, am reclaiming my abstinence for the 17th time and devoting my body to the monkey god, thereby diverting all that energy you all are wasting on sex towards a greater good. if u all could just keep your pants on for once, maybe u would have more time and energy to devote to getting into med school! sheesh!

ps... anyone know if sexually frustrated born again-and-again-and-again-and-again virgins qualify as a URM?


I beg to differ GoodMonkey...

I have a 43U MCAT score with a 3.9997 GPA and have had precisely 4,639 sexual partners (I'm actually on my most recent partner, my water bottle, as I type this). Clearly abstinence has no relation whatsoever to GPA/MCAT. In fact, you'll probably think about sex so much during your year off, that you will be even less productive than before.

so :p to you too
Originally posted by crazyA
(I'm actually on my most recent partner, my water bottle, as I type this).

lordy! and what kind of future doctor are you if you are bangin' your waterbottle? sheesh! they'll let just about anyone in these days. i suppose those of you with a sexual orientation of inanimateobjectsexual want special consideration, too, huh? fooey on you!

my mcat shot up 13 points after i reclaimed my virginity for the 16th time. now i'm hoping the 17th reclaimation will help me with the admissions process overall.
Originally posted by GoodMonkey
i suppose those of you with a sexual orientation of inanimateobjectsexual want special consideration, too, huh? fooey on you!

my mcat shot up 13 points after i reclaimed my virginity for the 16th time. now i'm hoping the 17th reclaimation will help me with the admissions process overall.

Hey, that Teddy-Ruxpin-sexual guy got special treatment didn't he? Whyz you gotta be discriminating against us inanimate-object-sexuals? We're people too. In fact, in displaying your obvious bias and judgmentalism, you've proven (once again) how unfit you are to be a doctor.

But 13 points huh? Interesting, maybe I'd actually have a shot at a Carribbean DO school with a 56U...
Originally posted by Explosivo
My life is over peeps. I have just gotten my first rejection *sniffle*:(

I just got rejected from Harvard medical school.
Hell, even on my interview I made sure I showed my interviewer that I indeed wore my hunter green cockring thinking that such an act would seal the deal. But alas, I have failed in my quest to be accepted at every medical school that i have applied to. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why Harvard rejected such a diverse applicant as myself?

What were you thinking?!:eek: Everyone knows that Hunter Green is not the school colors of Harvard! They want people who represent. A bit of advice for future interviews: go to eBay and get yourself a cockring that matches the school's colors...sheeesh:rolleyes:
Quickly chillens, gather roun'

I have a pressing question to ask you since I've been off of SDN for a while-what do you think of having sex while eating minnestrone? Not that I have ever done it....or maybe I have, I just wont cop to it until I get 103 posts on the matter from my close buddies on SDN. So what do you think? Have I ever done it? mean....would you ever do it? Do you think that my having done it will hurt Exene's chances of getting into med school?
Originally posted by Ma!
Quickly chillens, gather roun'

I have a pressing question to ask you since I've been off of SDN for a while-what do you think of having sex while eating minnestrone? Not that I have ever done it....or maybe I have, I just wont cop to it until I get 103 posts on the matter from my close buddies on SDN. So what do you think? Have I ever done it? mean....would you ever do it? Do you think that my having done it will hurt Exene's chances of getting into med school?
Uh, no never have.
Originally posted by Ma!
Quickly chillens, gather roun'

I have a pressing question to ask you since I've been off of SDN for a while-what do you think of having sex while eating minnestrone? Not that I have ever done it....or maybe I have, I just wont cop to it until I get 103 posts on the matter from my close buddies on SDN. So what do you think? Have I ever done it? mean....would you ever do it? Do you think that my having done it will hurt Exene's chances of getting into med school?

OMG ma! that was soooo funny on so many levels.

the "quickly chillens, gather roun'" alone had me rolling. ur great! :D :cool:
Originally posted by chips
hey, i just found out i got into Harvard EDP! do you guys think it'd be unethical if i apply to 30 schools now non-edp just for kicks (to see how many schools i can get into)?

by the way i have lots of free time and i'm loaded.

Hey chips, I am not loaded-- you want to marry me and assume my debt? I may not have any money but I am hot.
OMFG! you slackers! what was this doing on page 5!?!? how are all of us confused freaks going to get any advice if we are on page 5!!! :eek:
Okay, this is evil, I know. But this post has been sitting - unanswered despite more than 160 hits - in the Surgery Forum for the past week. So I excerpted it here:
Which programs have contacted you post-interview, through what route (e-mail, snail, phone) and what (generally) have they said?

For me, programs have sent me personal letters (sometimes up to a 1 page type-written letter from the PD specific to my application) after I have sent in my thank-you letters.
Emory, U. Colorado and UTSW.

From Minnesota, I was contacted by a resident on how I would be a great addition to their program. I haven't sent them my thank you letters yet.

From Wash U, I was contacted by the PD by e-mail immediately after my interview on how strong an applicant I was and to keep in contact with questions up until match day. Anyone else get a similar e-mail from them?

6 down, 10 to go! January is hell-month for interviews.

Hell month is right: you must be pretty ashamed about receiving only a ONE PAGE letter from these program directors! In my case, a video biography of my interview day was sent, complete with footage of my personal dinner at the PD's house, me playing in the pool with his kids, and an engraved invitation to stand in as maid of honor at his daughter's wedding. My advice would be to bag the entire idea of a surgery residency at ths point, as you have obviously blown your shot at making a good first impression, and look into PA or chiropractic programs.
Thanks for posting that womansurg. Now I know what inane details to look for when I apply to residencies in 4 years :)

But, can anyone tell me how I'm supposed to be interpreting my post decision correspodence with med schools? When I got my USUHS acceptance letter, it was only signed by the dean of admissions!! How lame is that?!?! Do I look like some sort of DO applicant to them?!?!? :mad: Temple sent me my acceptance letter with two signatures, but they put all the conditions and procedures for matriculation on it so its less aesthetically pleasing on my self gratifying wall of 35 acceptances :( Jefferson, sent me a letter, a postcard, and a phone call :D and a Xmas card too!!!!! :clap: My UMDNJ acceptance came with a letter from the dean, a phone call, AND a letter from the interviewer. But I think I'm going to have to withdraw my application from NJMS since the interviewer used the passive voice excessively and too many dependant clauses in his letter :rolleyes:

How should I expect the medical school of my choosing to appropriately swoon me to grace their miserable program? Should I be looking for a ticker tape parade? For the interviewer to betroth his hot daughter to me? For the med school to name a wing of the hospital after me? Is there some kind of correlation between the magnitude of my acceptance delivery and the true exlusive barometer of med school quality, the US News rankings?!? :confused:
Originally posted by DW
How should I expect the medical school of my choosing to appropriately swoon me to grace their miserable program? Should I be looking for a ticker tape parade? For the interviewer to betroth his hot daughter to me? For the med school to name a wing of the hospital after me? Is there some kind of correlation between the magnitude of my acceptance delivery and the true exlusive barometer of med school quality, the US News rankings?!? :confused:

Dear God, DW, you must have barely squeaked by to get such lowly responses from med schools as a signed letter or phone call. When I got in at Iowa, the dean of admissions drove 250 miles to my house in Urbana and waited on my doorstep for 6 hours, just so he could tell me I was accepted in person. When MCW heard about this, their dean had one of his kidneys removed and cryogenically frozen, in case I may need it someday. I'm still waiting to see if Loyola will be able to respond by rigging the next Powerball drawing in my favor - till then, it looks like they're SOL. :rolleyes: Of course, all of this hinges on whether or not UIC can use it's government connections to get me a ride on the space shuttle. :)
Okay, I really need your help with something serious now.

hello everyone,

I am seriously doubting myself over my ability to play NFL football. I know for sure that this is the ONLY thing I want to do with my life. It's true, I cannot throw, catch or kick a football, run fast, or tackle opposing players. Why, you ask? My coaches are lousy. They never let me play in any reindeer games, and in fact never let me onto the field, even during practice. In fact, they always call the police when I show up. I feel they are prejudiced against bad players, or perhaps against 98 lb players, but that will be hard to prove. I have tried to teach myself football - watched games on TV, wore an old jersey for a halloween costume one year...


"A professional football player is a physically huge, athletically gifted person who has devoted his life to the game" -Woody Hayes
Originally posted by womansurg
Okay, I really need your help with something serious now.

hello everyone,

I am seriously doubting myself over my ability to play NFL football. I know for sure that this is the ONLY thing I want to do with my life. It's true, I cannot throw, catch or kick a football, run fast, or tackle opposing players. Why, you ask? My coaches are lousy. They never let me play in any reindeer games, and in fact never let me onto the field, even during practice. In fact, they always call the police when I show up. I feel they are prejudiced against bad players, or perhaps against 98 lb players, but that will be hard to prove. I have tried to teach myself football - watched games on TV, wore an old jersey for a halloween costume one year...


"A professional football player is a physically huge, athletically gifted person who has devoted his life to the game" -Woody Hayes

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

i never saw this one. classic analogy :laugh:
Originally posted by DW
have we had any threads on this recently? i think we need another.....................
I agreed then, and I agree now.
Originally posted by womansurg
Okay, I really need your help with something serious now.

hello everyone,

I am seriously doubting myself over my ability to play NFL football. I know for sure that this is the ONLY thing I want to do with my life. It's true, I cannot throw, catch or kick a football, run fast, or tackle opposing players. Why, you ask? My coaches are lousy. They never let me play in any reindeer games, and in fact never let me onto the field, even during practice. In fact, they always call the police when I show up. I feel they are prejudiced against bad players, or perhaps against 98 lb players, but that will be hard to prove. I have tried to teach myself football - watched games on TV, wore an old jersey for a halloween costume one year...


womansurg -
if you know this is what you want to do with your life - you can do it! you'll just have to buckle down and try harder. Set yourself smaller goals - first work on driving to the practice field and parking the car. if you are successful there - try walking to the practice field. if the police haul you away - you'll just have to try harder next time. try switching teams and see if another team will let you on the field. if not - try again. there is a team out there for you if you are just persistant - you don't need skills, just determination. don't let the naysayers here get you down.
Dean Smith scratched his ear during my interview. I think that means I'm in. Let's start a list of all people who interviewed with Dean Smith, and see who saw the Dean scratch his ear. Ok i'll start:

SP: Int w/Smith, scratched ear, predict acceptance
whoa SP, that sounds great :clap: Dean Smith sneezed during my interview and i offered him a kleenex, but he said he had some in his desk. I think it would be a miracle if I even got on the waitlist. :(

btw, I'm not too good at making decisions, so can you guys help me..... I got an invitation from UCSF, which is a really great school and most people would absolutely die to go to. So, should I go? I mean, what purpose will it serve? Going to the interview means that "I might actually get into this really awesome medical school", right? Does it makes sense for me to go to an interview at this really awesome school that actually I applied to? :confused:

As you can see, I have very little grasp on the obvious, and I hope you guys can help someone as horribly oblivious as me in my road to becoming a doctor :cool:
hey guys,

i have a dime-sized mole on my face with a hair sticking out of it. how much do you think this will negatively impact my interview??? :(
Originally posted by uffda
womansurg -
if you know this is what you want to do with your life - you can do it! you'll just have to buckle down and try harder. Set yourself smaller goals - first work on driving to the practice field and parking the car. if you are successful there - try walking to the practice field. if the police haul you away - you'll just have to try harder next time. try switching teams and see if another team will let you on the field. if not - try again. there is a team out there for you if you are just persistant - you don't need skills, just determination. don't let the naysayers here get you down.
Okay, this is the LAST TIME I'm posting on SDN, because I don't get any help from you people! I might have some SMALL responsiblity over my inability to play professional football as a 98 lb girl, but it's mostly those dam*ed coaches!
And who says I don't have skills?? I have skills!! You people are clearly getting the wrong impression about me!
Forget all of you! I'm leaving - and taking my dog with me!
SP - Excellent idea. :D However, I think you should be prepared to post some sort of obscure internet article with bogus research to back up your claims of a correlation here. Anyway, I'll add on.

SP: Int w/Smith, scratched ear, predict acceptance

Woots32: Sat next to Yale IM Chief on plane en route to interview, ordered the same in-flight meal, predict full ride scholarship