Recent content by Aria111

  1. A

    Best & Worst Medical School Websites

    I'd say one of the worst websites for a top 50 school belongs to U of Miami. The website has quite a bit of information, but it's badly organized, feels messy, and is difficult to navigate...bah!
  2. A

    URM Stats in Med School

    Thanks, efex! I am also wondering how URMs compare to non-URMs once in med school. Do you know of any reasearch that has attempted to answer how URM stats compare to non-URM stats during medical school, for the boards, and for residency matchings?
  3. A

    URM Stats in Med School

    Supposedly URMs have a huge advantage when applying to med school, and their GPAs and MCATs are lower than non-URMs. Are there any numbers out on how URMs' stats compare to non-URM stats in med school. Do URMs get worse grades, do they struggle more, do they do worse on the Boards than...
  4. A

    UC Secondaries without MCAT Scores

    i took the august MCAT last year, and got the UCSD application in September- way before my scores were out. I got rejected as soon as they got my scores (and my money :wink: ).
  5. A

    Schools with the **MOST** SDNers Matriculating in the Fall !!!

    Baylor: 12 Columbia: 11 + Scooby ??? Penn: 11 Finch/CMS: 11 UCSF: 10 Harvard: 6 Hopkins: 6 Stanford: 6 UCIrvine: 4...or more? UCSD: 6 Temple: 6 Mayo: 3
  6. A

    Has anyone heard from drew/ucla

    I interviewed in late april and haven't heard anything, either... they said 6-8 weeks- it's been about 6 and i'm still waiting. Good luck to you DNA Dude!
  7. A

    The Official UC Irvine Countdown Thread

    Like none, I was also accepted to Davis. I haven't heard from UCLA/Drew yet... Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear!
  8. A

    Official UC Davis Countdown

    hey! I will be dropping my UCD acceptance today, so more spots are definitely opening up. Good luck to everyone!
  9. A

    UCI Vs. UCD

    I thought Davis had a better reputation, so that's why I've started to have second thoughts about attending Irvine. do you really think irvine has a better national rep? Either way, reputation is not as important to me as location and other qualities, so I think I'll be staying in southern...
  10. A

    UCI Vs. UCD

    I know it's been done, but I can't find the thread...So, i'm just wondering where y'all would choose to go. Pls consider location and clinical experience in your answer. thanks!
  11. A

    UC Irvine Pre- Entry Program

    Hey all- just wondering what your motivations for attending the pre-entry program are. I wanted housing, so it was a sure way for me to get cheap, on-campus housing fast. Just curious... :D .
  12. A

    The Official UC Irvine Countdown Thread

    Kazzar- How did you find out about the books we need for this summer? Also, have you already received an orientation packet for the summer? thanks maria
  13. A

    UCI - who is going to matriculate?

    Me, too :clap: !
  14. A

    UCI Ranked 16th?

    the statement i quoted is VERY misleading...not so cool of them.
  15. A

    UCI Ranked 16th?

    I found this quote at the bottom of the UCI History Page: "As we enter the College of Medicine's second century, we will be striving toward the goal Chancellor Laurel Wilkening had set for UCI: to be among the top 50 research institutions in the nation by the year 2000. The College of Medicine...