RAVE HERE thread

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My husband and I started house hunting 2 months ago as we've both decided to stay in the NE US area for his job prospects and I enjoy working at my current practice. We've been going to open houses and stalking MLS and found a really promising one this weekend. The open house just cemented our thoughts and we made a pretty competitive offer (13% above asking price, 20% down). We were hopeful.

Got a call from our agent the next day that there was already an offer that waived the inspection and the current market is getting so competitive that offers with inspection still included have been going immediately in the trash. We were super uncomfortable waiving the inspection, especially as FTHB'ers, so our agent recommend a pre-inspection consult (not a full inspection, but just making sure there were no major structural and mechanical issues). The consult went great and had very minimal issues. We updated our offer without an inspection the morning of the offer deadline.

Our agent let us know last night that our offer was the 2nd best amongst over a dozen offers but we were still beat out by a higher offer with better financing. Both me and my husband are really disappointed. The house was a small ranch in a nice neighborhood but would easily be too small for many people. This is the only home in 2 months we've liked enough to make an offer and it still wasn't enough. I know that we're not at peak inventory for the area yet, but with the competitive buying market right now, we're both feeling disheartened. The inventory is at historic lows due to people not wanting to sell and upgrade to a new home due to current mortgage interest rates. There are no houses on the market today in our price range that we would even consider.

I started daydreaming about living in this house and what we would do with it. How we could walk to nearby shops, finally get a dog, and settle down. It would have been really lovely. I told my agent that this feels like a breakup in a way. Both our agent and our families have said the right one will come around next time and I've heard my peers say that they had to put in multiple offers before they got a house. My husband and I are just feeling really doubtful and cynical right now and mourning what could have been.
We had another failed offer a few weeks ago.

Yesterday, on our third try, our offer was accepted! We’re going to have a home!!! And it’s frankly a nicer than either of the two houses we tried to get before.

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First solo enucleation in the books. It ain't the prettiest, but I'll take it!
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Urgent Care was wonderful today. The puppy ate too much grass/Timothy hay and had a hard time passing it.

She was able to get everything out before we left the house, but still good to know that she should be okay. Also got her allergies addressed so that's a win-win.

The student had also already been through ER so it was fun to see her again.
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Got to do my part for public health today. Euthanized a rabies bat suspect that was supposed to be dead and most definitely was not. So simple but coolest thing I've gotten to do in awhile. RIP little bat.
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Got to do my part for public health today. Euthanized a rabies bat suspect that was supposed to be dead and most definitely was not. So simple but coolest thing I've gotten to do in awhile. RIP little bat.
We had a Tularemia suspect wild rabbit in on Sunday. Student recognized it from WMC.
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I played mechanic today and did my first car repair by myself. A valve cover gasket replacement, I’m so proud of myself
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We've gotten a good preview of our new faculty in ECC and the so amazing. Not that our current faculty aren't great, but we were down to 1 and needed more. One also is making us get electronic treatment sheets. Finally.

They've been locuming before they start and I have so many good things to say. Of course, our current one has been gassing me up like crazy and making me feel super confident in my choices so that's biasing me. Honestly the service has come a long way since I've started, and it feels good.

Also we had nearly 1k cases in July. Like if July had 32 days, we would have gone over.
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You're at Illinois right?

One also is making us get electronic treatment sheets. Finally.
Of course, our current one has been gassing me up like crazy and making me feel super confident in my choices so that's biasing me. Honestly the service has come a long way since I've started, and it feels good.
if this is who I think it is, I love this person. They're the reason why parvo puppies are no longer run by IM and that techs are responsible for treatments rather than students.
Also we had nearly 1k cases in July
That makes me want to vomit.
You're at Illinois right?


if this is who I think it is, I love this person. They're the reason why parvo puppies are no longer run by IM and that techs are responsible for treatments rather than students.

That makes me want to vomit.
Yes to Illinois. I'm not 100% if we're talking about the same person but I'm excited once ECC reopens next month.

July was wild. Glad it's over.
Yes to Illinois. I'm not 100% if we're talking about the same person but I'm excited once ECC reopens next month.

July was wild. Glad it's over.
Theyre blonde and have a unique first and last name. Lol.
I bought myself fancy patio furniture today for my own birthday. I have two weeks to finish cleaning things up before its delivered and at that point I should be on my scheduled time off from work to enjoy it. Yay!
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I assume that’s the one they “lost” since I think she’s prob on maternity leave at this point
No, she's coming back next month! We lost the brown hair one with the normal name, she left us for UGA.
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Another fun note, the University also bought one of the faculty a telemedicine desk, so we wheel her around like a robot.

Someone also put her picture above the monitor, so sometimes it seems like there's a 7 foot person just chilling next to the laundry.
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Another fun note, the University also bought one of the faculty a telemedicine desk, so we wheel her around like a robot.

Someone also put her picture above the monitor, so sometimes it seems like there's a 7 foot person just chilling next to the laundry.
I absolutely NEED to know what faculty this is 😂
My clinic has had a lot of change over in staff recently. While being understaffed in the short run kind of sucks, the overall morale is surprisingly good, or at least my morale is. It’s amazing how only one or two people can impact things. The main person I disliked, who would do very passive aggressive, mean girl BS, is gone. Yesterday we finally got rid of one of the clients that this person has molded into a horribly entitled monster over the last few years and I could not be happier.
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We survived a tropical storm!

My cat is very happy to see sunny weather again. :cat:

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Surprise foster alert! Exams who??!


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So this happened! Now back to clinics!


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We're helping to care for an abandoned kitten whose front leg had to be amputated due to an injury.

She is filled with affection and love, and wants to kiss, and play, and cuddle with everyone!

Everyone has fallen in love with her!!!
As soon as she's well enough, this beautiful little kitten is going to her new FOREVER home! :biglove:

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My job is awesome. Sure clients drive me up a wall. But my team is great and I'm blessed with a dorky boss who is also an amazing human.

Got to get up super early this morning and flew to kstate for their career fair. Super fun time.😁

Never did I imagine I'd be private flying on the regular when I took this job. You never know where saying yes will lead you.😅


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My job is awesome. Sure clients drive me up a wall. But my team is great and I'm blessed with a dorky boss who is also an amazing human.

Got to get up super early this morning and flew to kstate for their career fair. Super fun time.😁

Never did I imagine I'd be private flying on the regular when I took this job. You never know where saying yes will lead you.😅
Glad you had a good trip to Manhattan!
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I had an older client snag me by the arm as I left a euth tonight and tell me that she had been through the process with many animals and that of all of them, I had explained the process the best and that she really appreciated my compassion.

And damn. As someone who occasionally feels bad for the kind of... time optimized... process of euthanasia at the ER, it really warms my heart that at least on my end I can maybe make it just a bit better.
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Yesterday I added the saddest lil 12-week-old kitten to my foster crew. In his previous foster home he went from being a normal happy kitten to being severely depressed once his foster sibling got adopted (the foster didn't know the kittens were so bonded). The foster home had other cats/kittens but no one he got along with. When I brought him home he refused to make eye contact with me and stayed in his bed the entire day. He did not want to get up to eat or use the litterbox, he peed in his bed and would only eat wet food off of my finger.
Today, I introduced him to my other fur kids who lovingly welcomed him. You would have no idea he is the same cat. He is playing and running around like a crazy, normal kitten. I had hope when I brought him home that he would perk up eventually, but I had no idea it would be so soon and just because he needed a friend. My heart 😭❤️❤️
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Just found out I passed my boards! Officially a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Radiology, DACVR!!!!!! 💀
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Adding to the boards party: I passed my American College of Veterinary Pathologists board exam!! Dr. Nessy DVM, DACVP ✌️
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I brought a desk chair with arms from home to have at work. I have a hard time getting out of a chair without something to pull myself up on.

In previous jobs, I have always had an attitude of, "I am going to keep my physical difficulties to myself because I would like to keep this job". A few bad experiences early on in my employed life gave me a reason to carry that attitude with me.

I appreciated that my boss was really supportive. He came up to me and said they would have put in a request to buy me a chair with arms if I had said something. They put in the request and so I can take this one back home when I get my new chair. He also asked if there was anything else that was hard for me to do physically that they could help me with.

I feel supported and that's really nice.
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Just got hired the end of last week as a tech at a new hospital. I am so excited for a new healthier environment and more learning opportunities (like observing laparoscopic surgery.. so cool).
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I have been passing all of my exams and recently my midterms with B's and I just got my exam score which was a high B! I am so thankful to be in the position where I am!! ❤️❤️
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Did some networking at the animal welfare assessment contest tonight and now I really want to get boarded in animal welfare. Decisions, decisions.
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Today was my last day at my current workplace. I am moving buildings on Monday. I am one of these people who can't seem to stop talking and have all of my people I stop and talk to at assorted times of the day.

Seeing how much all of these people really cared about me touched my heart. I got cookies and cards and my name plate and so many hugs.

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I just finished my SA Anesthesia block and successfully placed an IV catheter in a dog with terrible blood pressure while a 3rd-year student was watching. I also got to do a peri-ocular block for an eye enucleation, which worked very well! The resident was walking up with students as I placed the needle and everyone watched big EEK.
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I had to show up for jury duty this week and wasn’t selected for any trials so I‘m good for two whole years now on serving. Probably worth it. Huge pain in the ass getting downtown, parking downtown, waiting in the saddest brown-walled most uncomfortable room ever for four hours downtown. I’ll happily not do that again.
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I can now feel certain I'm going to vet school this fall!!!!! I passed my last mandatory pre-reqs this semester 🥳. It feels good since it felt like I had taken a step back for a while since I had just finished undergrad and then went back to it two years after.

Now I just have to see whether I get an acceptance/denial for Cornell since I would need to take biochemistry II. but at least with that I will only need one class
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Just doing my annual check in (lol) and dropping a post here to say that I've landed my dream job at my hometown zoo and have just submitted my first manuscript for consideration (I don't have high hopes for that, but we'll see!).

After all of the years of sleepless nights crying over my GPA, lack of publications, and constantly comparing myself to my peers, I actually made it in the zoo world with an internship, my first zoo job, and now my second.

So to all you zoo/wildlife dreamers out there, I am living proof that you can make it into the field if you play your cards right and have a little perseverance.
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@pinkpuppy9 I saw your Facebook post and am so happy for you!!! The exotics club needs to have you do a lunch lecture on your journey ❤️
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@pinkpuppy9 I saw your Facebook post and am so happy for you!!! The exotics club needs to have you do a lunch lecture on your journey ❤️
I would if they asked! Honestly I don’t really have connections at the school anymore, I have no idea what goes on there these days
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I would if they asked! Honestly I don’t really have connections at the school anymore, I have no idea what goes on there these days
I mean, Im not entirely sure admin knew what was going on half the time 🤣
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