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RAVE HERE thread

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UTK c/o 2016
10+ Year Member
Mar 21, 2010
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Since we have a "rant" thread, I figured we ought to appease the gods and have a "rave" thread, and tell everyone what we are happy about!

1. I'm so happy that my parents are supportive and because I'm currently unemployed they continually put money in my bank account so I can actually have some fun!

2. I'm also so happy I found SDN to help me get through the anxiety of applying for veterinary school. Just wish I would have found it 2 years ago for my first application cycle.

I know people have things to be stoked about... share! :)

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Hey I like happy threads :) Good idea!

1. I finally have my first ever apartment. I lived in the school dorms for the past four years to save money, and the room (granted, a single) was 12ft by 8 ft - with a bed and a desk. So, whatever the opposite of claustrophobia is, that's what I'm feeling right now!! :soexcited:

2. I'm learning how to read plant nematodes (microscopic). And while that might not seem exciting, they are hell to tell apart, so when I get one right it's a "wooohooo!" feeling...ok a bit nerdy, but I make no apologies ;)

3. Getting to enjoy this forum with YOU! SDN is such a nice community.
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I went back to visit the shelter I've been involved with for three years yesterday (but not lately because of school) and my boss who has been overly critical the past few visits nearly groveled at my feet saying how they missed me and wanted me to come back. It's nice feeling appreciated sometimes :)

And I got to play with 8 baby ducklings the other week. Soo cool.
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There are two vets at my practice and the one vet (who is planning to retire in several years) just sold the practice to the younger vet!!! They signed papers yesterday

Although BOTH drs. at my practice are fantastic, I'm just SO EXCITED for the plans they have for the clinic and for the fact that her dream is finally coming true!
I'm so lucky! Not only did I get into vet school, but I also got a new iphone! my boyfriend waited in line at the apple store since 7am this morning to get the new iphones for both of us, but was only able to get one iphone because he didn't know the last 4 digits of my ssn. He tried calling me, but I missed the call. Several hours later, we finally got in contact and then he went all the way back to store to wait in line again to get me my iphone :love:
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I am living my dream. :D
1) I just got back from an AMAZING (and totally free!) vacation to London with my boyfriend

2) I am about to go on a totally awesome (and free!) vacation to cape cod with all my girl friends

3) It is almost my 6 year anniversary with said boyfriend

4) As parietal said, I am living my dream!

Also, snaps to this thread!
1. Our dog had her puppies about two weeks ago, and we had a perfectly healthy litter of five boys, three girls (which means we are keeping a puppy this time!). Their eyes just opened a few days ago, and they're walking and doing little almost-barks now. It's just ridiculously cute, and they keep me happy.

2. My brother and I are going to Israel. TOMORROW.
1. Our dog had her puppies about two weeks ago, and we had a perfectly healthy litter of five boys, three girls (which means we are keeping a puppy this time!). Their eyes just opened a few days ago, and they're walking and doing little almost-barks now. It's just ridiculously cute, and they keep me happy.

We need pics!!!!

As for me:

1) I was blessed to find an amazing deal on a place to live in Ames. Now I just have to survive the cleaning and repair portion but I know it will be nice when I am done.
Also blessed to be able to have my dog and bird with me during school and have it be affordable on top of it.

2) Got my Financial Aid package yesterday and it is enough to go to vet school and live. No freak out needed. Yes!

3) The extreme friendliness of Iowa citizens. I was in Ames all week doing repairs and everyone was so nice.
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1. I am getting many more hours at my job then I had expected which is great because I am able to actually start saving money.

2. I am going to have enough money now to apply to more schools than I had expected for this next cycle.

3. I have found a great place to start getting some equine experience.

4. I had an amazing file review with WSU yesterday that made me feel much more confident in my abilities for this next cycle.

5. I am getting to go to Vegas at the end of July for free! 4 free nights, some money for food and some money for gambling. It is going to be AWESOME!!!
1) I finally got an DSLR camera. Bought a Canon EOS Rebel XS yesterday. I love it. It's fantastic.

2) I have finally got a (small) vacation booked. It's just four days, in New Brunswick, but it's something!
1) After months of having only my tablet, I finally broke down last week and ordered a new (desktop) computer--which came yesterday! While I love my tablet, I made an executive decision last year to keep as much non-school stuff on it as possible... no games, no photoshop. So I have been in WITHDRAWAL.

2) I got a really good deal on said new desktop.

3) I :love: my internship.
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I'm oddly excited about organizing the craft tub tomorrow at horse camp. It needs it so bad. Papers and crayons everywhere!

I also have some ideas that some of the camp leaders might be excited about/supportive of.


When teaching them about the parts of the horse, paint a big horse on a piece of fabric and put grommets in it so that it can be hung up where everyone can see it. Right now, some kids aren't able to see what I'm pointing at and end up having issues with the parts quiz.

Also, I've been talking to another volunteer and we think that LARGE, laminated review flash cards would be really nice on Fridays. Make it a game and let the kids know on Monday that if they can remember what we teach them about breeds, anatomy, tack, and safety they can win prizes (stickers, toys, etc.) at the end of the week.

I think the kids would enjoy these activities more if they were more organized and more planned.

(... and I would enjoy them more too!)
It seems that the insurance company may end up paying a portion of my rabies vaccinations after all. $600 goes down to about $70 (I hope, still haven't gotten the third bill).

Not sure what the people at the clinic did to get it through, but muchas gracias to them!
1) +1 on "I'm living my dream!", also, my #1 school :D

2) my boyfriend got an amazing job in the same city where I am going to school, we just moved into an awesome apartment and I can't wait to unpack and decorate it!

3) my parents are so great. they have been a huge support system for me emotionally and financially, i could not have gotten this far without them

4) i am just SO happy now. i think the happiest ive ever been in my life!

5) 3 year anniversary this week with my amazing bf :love:
2. The majority of the logistics for my trailer purchase and move are taken care of.
3. I'm going on an amazing trip to Europe and the Middle East in three weeks!
4. I have super great parents who are incredibly supportive and whose encouragement has gotten me to where I am today :)
Alright, I've been pretty quiet for a few days, but I've had this post brewing.

I am a ridiculously lucky person.

I have been with my husband for seven years (three months, four days) now, and I love him more, right now as he brushes his teeth in the bathroom around the corner, than I have during any moment that has come to pass. We understand each other and get along in such a way that I can't really explain it without sounding braggish or superior somehow, so I won't. It's remarkable, though, and for this reason alone I feel like I could post here a million times over - once for every minute I've spent with him so far.

Sorry, that was pretty damn squishy. Haha.

On top of that, I have a wonderful house, very little debt, loving parents, friends and family that are dear to me, and three pets that make my life a joy.

Given all this, I refuse to even approach the idea that my life is somehow incomplete or unfulfilled without the privelege of attending a veterinary school, much less consider it. Yes, it's what I have wanted to do for the longest time, and yes, I have spent the last six years thinking of little else... but would another round of rejections really make my life any worse? Could it change what I have now?

I've spent the last few weeks deep in thought about where my priorities lie, and honestly, I'll probably spend a few more. I have no doubts that veterinary medicine is what I want, but I am considering what would, for me, be too much. Like, living separately, etc. etc.

Haha... this began as a rave and ended in a rant. Sorry!
I just ate the BEST FROZEN YOGURT IN THE WORLD!!!! :D but then I read tt's post and wanted to puke it up. :(

I should rave though, about how happy I have been since January when I finally officially detangled myself from the flaming wreckage of my last relationship (in my brain, it was over at least a year prior). It wasn't him, at all, but I have come to really really appreciate having my own time be...my own. And not having to answer to anyone.

I feel like I get to be me again. Not some subdued version of me. And it's freaking awesome!
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I just ate the BEST FROZEN YOGURT IN THE WORLD!!!! :D but then I read tt's post and wanted to puke it up. :(

I should rave though, about how happy I have been since January when I finally officially detangled myself from the flaming wreckage of my last relationship (in my brain, it was over at least a year prior). It wasn't him, at all, but I have come to really really appreciate having my own time be...my own. And not having to answer to anyone.

I feel like I get to be me again. Not some subdued version of me. And it's freaking awesome!

This whole post is full of win... I can totally relate, except in my case it WAS him. :p

I'll give this a go:

1. After I graduated from undergrad in May I sent out only 2 resumes/cover letters (to my top 2 choices on where to try to get more vet experience) and heard back from both! I have since been getting excellent exotics and equine experience at these places!! :love:

2. My family is amazing and incredibly giving. Though we've been having our fair share of financial troubles of late (I haven't had a paid job in 2 years!), they found a way to fund my VIDA trip coming up in August with the SDN group! I'm getting pretty excited. Not to mention my grandma is going to pay for a good portion of my application fees. And I live at home, rent free... laundry is usually done for me and some meals are provided. I'm an adult, I swear. ;)

3. This weekend I am going up north to my friend's cabin for our annual "Fourth of July Extravaganza"... which basically involves chilling out all weekend with some lifelong friends away from the oppressive heat in Phoenix. Plus, the fireworks are INSANE. You can see where they launch them, and sometimes they're too low and you have to run for your life so a burning ember doesn't fall on you. It's pretty epic. Probably not the safest/wisest idea, but they always have a ton of firefighters nearby. :laugh:
I finally got my federal tax refund check! I can no longer call myself poor. And I realized I would be passing the only P.F. Chang's around (which is about 45 minutes from home) on the way between two clinics I where I was going to drop off my resume. So while I don't think anything will come from the resumes, I at least got tasty Americanized Chinese food!

And I'm slowly becoming okay with the fact that I may not be able to apply this year. It won't be an ideal situation, but at least I'll have some more time to save up money and an extra year with my dog if it works out that way.
Best thing about living near campus- CAMPUSFOOD.COM!!!!!!!! oh how i missed you!! it has been 2 longgg yrs!! nom nom nom
Yay!!! Despite suffering through organic chem II with a horrible professor, in five weeks, while suffering from rare, painful complications of a surgery I got my A!!!
I will be leaving Iraq in less than a week. This is basically my third year-long trip here. Will be nice to get home where I can drive above 25 MPH. I will be able to attend the NCSU info session on 13 July, which hopefully will provide me with a bit more information to guide my application. I will get to see my wife and dogs. I will get to explore the undersea world. I will get to wear normal clothes. I won't have to sleep in a twin bed with bad springs. I will be able to walk to the shower without having to put on shoes. Same goes with the bathroom in the middle of the night. I will be able to watch more than 5 channels on TV - ok, who am I kidding, I only watch 3 channels: History, Discovery, and Nat Geo.
I will be leaving Iraq in less than a week. This is basically my third year-long trip here. Will be nice to get home where I can drive above 25 MPH. I will be able to attend the NCSU info session on 13 July, which hopefully will provide me with a bit more information to guide my application.

I'm so happy that you are coming home soon! Maybe I'll see you at the info session!
Yay!!! Despite suffering through organic chem II with a horrible professor, in five weeks, while suffering from rare, painful complications of a surgery I got my A!!!

Way to go!

I'm stoked I got an A- in both my first block classes!
1: I'm so happy that I finally found a house to live in with my dog in Edinburgh!! It's going to feel great to live in a HOUSE with a YARD! (Been living in apts for the past 7 years)

2: Spain won against Portugal!! On to the Quarterfinals against Paraguay!
I scored an interview at a vet clinic!! I'm super stoked. Hopefully they're interviewing me because they're interested, not just an 'we're interviewing everyone who applied' sort of deal. Guess I'll find out next week.
I should rave though, about how happy I have been since January when I finally officially detangled myself from the flaming wreckage of my last relationship (in my brain, it was over at least a year prior). It wasn't him, at all, but I have come to really really appreciate having my own time be...my own. And not having to answer to anyone.

So your available then eh? ;)

I leave school every day and can't really imagine anything else I'd rather be doing with my life right now. No regrets.
While everything else in my life seems like it's falling down around me, I have my sweet little dog snoring next to me in bed.

Sometimes it just takes the little things to make it seem like everything will (eventually) be ok.
This thread is great! :) My turn!

1) I move to Raleigh for vet school in less than 1 WEEK! I get to be on my own in an apartment for the first time doing what I've wanted to do since forever. Nervous but so excited!

2) Dad and mom are chipping in half of my rent costs, which rocks.

3) I have two very healthy and happy senior dogs. They won't be coming with me to school :( but they're such great companions.

4) The boy. The boy is amazing. We handle long-distance like it was nothing, he's helping me move down south, we're going on a long roadtrip the day after the move, he surprises me with sweet little messages and gifts all the time, he's incredibly excited and supportive of my choice of vet school, and we hope in two years he will be joining me to attend Duke or UNC for his MBA. Looove him!

5) Raleigh has Rita's Water Ice. Thank goodness.

6) Life is GOOD!
For every crazy, horrible, high-maintenance, migraine-inducing client that I see on a daily basis, the really great clients always manage to make my day. Those clients are the ones who adore their animals and take fantastic care of them, no matter the cost. The ones who know me by name and request me for their pet's appointments, who ask me about how my vet school plans are going, who tell me they are going to be so sad when I leave and that I'm going to be a great vet. Just one of those clients a day makes up for all the other horrible things I see.
Vacation starts at 6:00 tonight! And it's mexican night!
Ok so two bits:

1) Just got my final bill yesterday for my rabies shots and it seems that the clinic classified my rabies shots as the emergency series, so it's covered by insurance. Thus I only have to pay $120 instead of $579. Rock on secretary!

2) Been trying to trace my family origins and keep on hitting a brick wall as I've no idea where my family came from when they crossed the pond. All I know is they came from Germany. Found two records today that help narrow my search. One saying that he stated intention to be naturalized in New York, which makes that his likely immigration area and two an old school record of his that I need to find a way to translate. It has a name that's repeated 3 times which I THINK is the city name AND it has the original spelling of our last name too! It's just illegible. :mad: But a step closer none the less!
I have the most wonderful and amazing students to work with. They are SO much fun!
I get to go home this weekend and see some of my best friends I miss dearly now that I live in another state!

And I'm doing a dental on my min-pin when I go home during the weekend so he will have pearly whites again!
-Two of my eLORS are already done. One did his on June 7th and one on June 19th. :D Does wonders for my stress level.

-My best friend is currently delivering a baby girl. :love:
-My husband is a personal trainer, and one of his clients is involved in some kind of research with pigs and she said I could come to help (research is one thing I had zero experience)

-It's Independence Day weekend and it's good to be an American. :soexcited:
:thumbup: im addicted to black cherry

If I have to lose Wawa in this move, I'm thankful that I'll still have Rita's in my life! Everytime I go, they ask if I want to sample anything and I'm like, "I've already tried everything...multiple times..."

reading this thread makes me so happy for everyone :)

Seriously. What a great idea for a threa! :thumbup:
If I have to lose Wawa in this move, I'm thankful that I'll still have Rita's in my life!

wow im sooo spoiled, i went from only having Rita's to getting Rita's AND wawa!!!! lol man reading this REALLY makes me crave Rita's, i may get some today :oops:
Rita's is an Italian Ice place - also called flavored ice or water ice, depending on what part of the country you're from. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_ice Rita's is an awesome place that only exists in certain areas.

Wawa is love. I grew up in northern NJ, but was south enough that I got to enjoy it often! It's basically a convenience store/gas station chain. Which sounds ridiculous to anyone that's never been to one.
We adore our QuikTrip (QT) here in the Midwest/South. And frozen yogurt is a bit more popular than Italian ice... I sure hope you guys aren't talking about fancified sno-cones! :hungover:
:thumbup: im addicted to black cherry

reading this thread makes me so happy for everyone :)

Raleigh has Locopops. IMHO, hands down better (but different!) than Rita's. I had a lychee lemongrass one yesterday. :D

My rave: First large animal experience today! I vaccinated cows. They are, indeed, quite large animals.
Hrm....I wonder if WaWa's is the equivalent of Buckees. Do they have Buckees up north?
1. I have an interview at Banfield for a PetNurse Assistant position and high hopes for getting it based on how fast they called me after I applied online (less than 24 hours) and included my resume (which clearly stated that I have no experience or training and implied that I am going back to school in about 7 weeks).

2. I also love my job at the pizza place where I have two awesome managers and a not so awesome one, so hopefully if I get the PNA position I can keep that job also (not sure, the not so awesome boss is the one who makes the schedules)... Because I'm only working 10 hours a week there, which is why I was looking for another job in the first place.

3. My room is clean. Well... *looks around* ... mostly clean.
I applied for an internship for this summer at the beginning of March. I finally got contacted today! And this is with knowing someone who knows the person who runs the internship. Oy. Hopefully it'll fit into my now super-busy schedule which wouldn't have been so super-busy if they had contacted me at the beginning of the summer :rolleyes:

Sooo excited about it, though! I'll get to pick some specialty areas to examine (oncology, radiology, surgery, etc) and spend a couple of days helping out at each (it's a 2 week internship), as well as just doing the normal tech-y stuff!
i have a lot of good things going on in my life right now so i'll contribute to this thread :)

1. i'm starting vet school and get to live out my dream in august...super duper excited, especially because i get to bring my dog with me to school this year! i previously lived in apartments/dorms and didn't think it would be fair to her to take her away from her yard (she loves to lay outside alone), but this year i'm renting a HOUSE with a big, beautiful, fenced in yard for her to play in :love:

2. i got to draw blood for the first time at work today! i've worked at the same clinic three years (on and off, during summers/school breaks/etc since i've been away at school a lot) but usually just work kennel/help out with minor assistant duties like restraining for exams/blood draws/x-rays etc...never have really had a chance to do much else just due to circumstance. today one of the doctors had her dog in for vaccines and she let ME draw blood for the heartworm test! i kind of sucked at it and the blood ended up clotting so they had to redo it themselves, but i hit the vein and got a good amount of blood!

3. i'm going to toronto for a mini-vacation/long weekend on wednesday and am super excited since i've never been to a big city like that...anddd the drinking age in toronto is only 19, which is convenient as i'm only 20 ;)
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