Recent content by Cobragirl

  1. C

    Patients Say The Darndest Things

    Sorry....I'm trolling, but had to get in on this one! Being an Ob/Gyn resident, I'm sure you all can just imagine the things I see and hear on a daily basis. Here's a few of my favorites: Nurse: Dr.T, there's a lady in room 8 who is bleeding VERY heavily Me: is she pregnant? Nurse: no...
  2. C

    ACOG Annual Clinical Meeting in New Orleans, LA

    oh yeah! The mailings have been AWFUL!! I feel responsible for the death of 10,000 trees!
  3. C

    ACOG Annual Clinical Meeting in New Orleans, LA

    I'll be there...standing next to 3 posters. Eeek! What have I gotten myself into?!?:eek:
  4. C

    OB/Gyn Salary?

    As a Florida native, who went to undergrad & med school in Florida, I am sad to say that I probably will NOT be returning (anytime soon) to Florida to practice after residency. The malpractice is bad enough, but the "3 strikes" law that went into effect the year I graduated from med school...
  5. C

    What Career/Life did you give up for med school and do you regret it

    As a non-trad myself who has actually made it through med school and into residency, I'll be curious to see how many of you feel the same way after your internship. ;)
  6. C

    3.81 vs. 3.85

    There are a LOT of doctors AND medical students with (Heaven forbid)....C's....on their records as well. You'll be fine and no, it won't make a difference! Good Luck! :)
  7. C

    SAT and MCAT corelation

    Glad to see I'm not the only one that had to jump the tracks, so to speak! LOL! :D
  8. C

    SAT and MCAT corelation

    I have no need to pat myself on the back. I already passed the personality test just fine, now didn't I? Seriously, I didn't put that in there as any sort of gratuitous remark...I was simply trying to make a point. I had no SAT or ACT scores...I never graduated HS, and finished up with a GED...
  9. C

    SAT and MCAT corelation

    I have no idea...maybe if they have 2 IDENTICAL applicants and they have to flip a coin. I know our ADCOM doesn't care. All I do know is that I don't have SAT/ACT or anything of the sort, yet I got into 3 of the 7 schools I applied to - and withdrew from the rest without a single rejection...
  10. C

    SAT and MCAT corelation

    I hate to burst any of your overachieving, overzealous bubbles, but ADCOMs don't give a rats butt about SATs...that was high school. You're not in high school anymore. They want to see what you've done since then...and not just on tests and grades. [sorry to sound so harsh...**I** have to...
  11. C

    So where are my GATORS???~

    No, I went to 3 different undergrads (my hubby is active-duty Navy) and graduated from U of West Florida. Personally, I like Gainesville. No, I have no intention of staying here once I graduate, but that's mostly because I just want to get out of the south for a few years. I'm ready for...
  12. C

    So where are my GATORS???~

    Well, interveiwing is over & acceptances have been made! Who & where are all of the new GATORS?! :)
  13. C

    A solution to selection by race...Individualism

    I KNOW I am correct because from what I understand ALL of the black students (they are not all "African-American") in my class have received full scholarships and two of my close friends who are <1/4 Native American (actually probably less than 1/8 & 1/16 respectivelly) received substanstial aid...
  14. C

    A solution to selection by race...Individualism

    Keep it clean boys & girls....I've received a complaint or two about this thread but upon reading I think we're still in the stages of just trying to clarify points. Some of the pro vs. con arguments are compelling, so I'll be waiting on pins & needles to see if you all can continue to make...
  15. C

    Med School is Easy

    Yeah, that 74 = D sucks doesn't it Foxy?? I never could reach that 93 "A" last year. Look on the bright side, next year the grade scale drops back down to a reasonable 72 to pass... All I can say is to not stress out about EPC so much since they've changed it back to P/F (unlike our class...