Recent content by SkullbaseFoLyfe

  1. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Job Market for Rhinologists?

    This is a good question that I do not believe has been accurately answered by the previous responses. My background: Current academic rhinologist, completed fellowship 2023. I strongly believe that it is not that difficult (if not actually quite easy) to find a job as a rhinologist. The...
  2. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    M4 - Considering switching from IM to surgery

    Its a tough situation honestly. The most concerning statement that youve made is that you didnt really enjoy being in the OR. Most surgical applicants find that this is the most enjoyable part of their rotations, and despite the associated negatives (longer residency, long hours, tougher work...
  3. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Which specialty pays you well in urban area like nyc/boston/sf

    The previous ENT private practice example seems awful - but is likely the result of COVID rather than an actual representation of what a private practice ENT gets paid. I would assume most surgical subspecialties in private practice would be able to make 300k post tax after a few years at the...
  4. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Research WITHIN a broad specialty

    Research in general is good. Research in a specific field is certainly better than research in other fields, but it is leagues above having no research at all. Most programs that emphasize research are interested in recruiting individuals who are able to contribute to a project in a meaningful...
  5. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Virtual Interview Setting

    You can do your interviews anywhere. But just be prepared to be (unfairly) judged for your choices. The people with a nice placed lamp/plant/decoration always seem to look a little better than people with a blank wall behind them. (some people will use ringlights). Its certainly not fair but...
  6. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Interview Facial Hair

    My mentality has been: If you are going to fully shave for interviews and then spend the rest of residency/fellowship with a beard - then you should come with a beard for interviews. Just be yourself. The culture has become a lot more accepting nowadays and its not worth temporarily changing...
  7. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Are NYC residencies as horrific / malignant as people portray?

    Adding to what others have said - I think this is VERY much hospital and specialty dependent. I would think that specialties that have to deal more with nursing staff are much more prone to the pain that is associated with nursing unions. (I think the majority of the pain is a result of nursing...
  8. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Only one LOR uploaded so far

    If you have confirmed that an attending will write you a LOR then there little cause of concern. Unfortunately attendings are just like the rest of us (most of us?) and will push off deadlines until the very last minute. I remember stressing about letters as a med student and it came down to the...
  9. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    I chased prestige and seriously regret it.

    I went to a state school and am now an ENT resident at a top program. A good number of my coresidents are from top tier medical schools and I always think about how glad I am that I ended up at the exact same program as people who paid 2-3x more for medical school than I did. Perhaps I had to...
  10. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Medical School After Pharmacy School - AMA

    I think this statement is honestly underestimating the amount of knowledge that pharmacists have coming out of medical school. Pharmacists know a lot more about a broader range of medications than the graduating physicians across the country. My main issue with pharmacy was the fact that there...
  11. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    1 year Otology fellowship vs ACGME accredited 2year fellowship

    Seems like 1 year fellowships are a great option for people interested in getting more otology experience while not necessarily looking for academic jobs. You will certainly be a desirable hire for private practices or semi-academic programs interested in getting someone who will take care of...
  12. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Medical School After Pharmacy School - AMA

    2nd year is the worst because most of our primary call is concentrated in that time. Was probably doing 80 fairly commonly on the tougher rotations. But we have easier rotations that arent nearly as bad (50-60). As a senior resident a lot of our work is centered around the OR. If you are on a...
  13. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Medical School After Pharmacy School - AMA

    Honestly did not think that med school was significantly harder. It also had to do with now the two schools were structured. In pharm school we were routinely taking 4-5 classes at the same time which resulted in having 1.5 week periods where there would be a test every other day. And this would...
  14. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Medical School After Pharmacy School - AMA

    Worked as a per diem pharmacist in a hospital. Would basically arrange schedule around tests - was not overly burdensome. I think I averaged four 8hr shifts a month. More when I was on lighter blocks in school. Essentially took out loans to pay for tuition but paid my living expenses with my...
  15. SkullbaseFoLyfe

    Medical School After Pharmacy School - AMA

    Hello everyone. Im a fifth year ENT resident who finished pharmacy school (6 year program) and went straight to med school (decided halfway through, built up application during pharm school, and applied during last year of pharm school to start right after graduation). Currently a chief ENT...